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Chap. l. Of certain Celestial observations and the practise of some


I will now shew thee the observation of Celestiall bodyes, which are required for the practise of some of

these kind of images; So to make any one fortunate, we make an image in which these are fortunate, viz. the

significator of the life thereof, the givers of life, the signs, and Planets. Moreover let the ascendent, the

middle of the heaven, and the Lords thereof be fortunate: also the place of the Sun, and place of the Moon;

part of fortune, and Lord of conjunction or prevention made before their nativity, by depressing the

Malignant Planets. But if we will make an image to procure misery, we must do contrarywise, and those

which we place here fortunate, must there be infortunate, by raising malignant Stars. In like manner must we

do to make any place, Region, City, or house fortunate. Also for destroying or prejudicing any of the

foresaid; Let there be made an image under the ascension of that man whom thou wouldst destroy, and

prejudice, and thou shall make unfortunate, the Lord of the house of his life, the Lord of the ascending, and

the Moon, the lord of the house of the Moon, and the lord of the house of the lord ascending, and the tenth

house, and the lord thereof. Now for the fitting of any place, place fortunes in the ascendent thereof; and in

the first, and tenth, and second, and eighth house, thou shall make the lord of the ascendent, and the lord of

the house of the Moon fortunate. But to chase away certain Animals from certain places, that they may not

be generated, or abide there, let there be an image made under the ascension of that Animal, which thou

wouldst chase away, and after the likeness thereof; as if thou wouldest chase away Scorpions from any place,

let an image of the Scorpion be made, the sign of Scorpio ascending with the Moon, and thou shalt make

unfortunate the ascendent, and lord thereof, and the Lord of the house of Mars; and thou shall make

unfortunate the lord of the ascendent in the eighth house, and let them be joyned with an aspect malignant,

opposite, or quadrant: and let there be writ upon the image the name of the ascendent, of the Lord thereof,

and of the Moon, and of the lord of the day, and of the Lord of the hour. And let there be a pit made in the

middle of the place, from which thou wouldst drive them; and let there be carryed into it, some of the earth

taken out of the four corners of the same place, and let the image be buryed there with the head downward,

with saying, this is the burying of the Scorpions, that they may not come into this place, and so of the rest. So

for gain let there be made an image under the ascendent of the nativity of the man, or under the ascension of

that place to which thou wouldest appoint the gain; and thou shall make the lord of the second house, which

is in the house of substance to be joyned with the Lord of the ascendent in the trine or sextil, and let there be

a reception amongst them; thou shall make fortunate the eleventh and the Lord thereof, and the eighth; and if

thou canst, put part of the fortune in the ascendent, or second; and let the image be buryed in that place, or

carryed from that place, to which thou wouldest appoint the gain. Also for concord, and love, let there be an

image made in the day of Jupiter under the ascendent of the nativity of him whom thou wouldst have be

beloved, make fortunate the ascendent, and the tenth, and hide the evil from the ascendent; and thou must

have the Lord of the tenth, and planets of the eleveneth fortune, joyned to the Lord of the ascendent, from the

trine or sextil with reception; then make an other image for him whom thou wouldest stir up to love; consider

if he be a friend, or companion of him whom thou wouldst have be beloved; and if so, let there be an image

made under the ascension of the eleventh house from the ascendent of the first image; but if the party be a

wife, or a husband, let it be made under the ascension of the seventh; if a brother, or a sister, or a cousin, let

it be made under the ascension of the third, and so of the like; and put the significator of the ascendent of the

second image, joyned to the significator of the ascendent of the first image; and let there be betwixt them a

reception, and let the rest be fortunate, as in the first image; afterwards joyn both images together into a

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (Part 4, excerpts)

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mutual embraceing or put the face of the second image to the back of the first image, and let them be wrapt

up in silk, and cast away or spoiled. Also for success of petitions, and for the obtaining of a thing denyed, or

taken, or possessed by an other, let there be an image made under the ascendent of him who petitions for the

thing; and cause that the Lord of the second be joyned with the lord of the ascendent from a trine, or sextile,

and let there be a reception betwixt them, and if it can be, let the Lord of the second be in the obeying signs,

and the Lord of the ascendent in the ruling, make fortunate the ascendent, and the Lord thereof, and take

heed that the lord of the ascendent be not retrograde or combust, or falling, or in the house of opposition i.e.

in the seventh from his own house; let him not be hindred by the malignant, let him be strong, & in an angle;

Thou shalt make fortunate the ascendent, and the Lord of the second and the Moon; and make another image

for him that petitioned to, and begin it under the ascendent belonging to him, as if he be a King or a Prince,

begin it under the ascendent of the tenth house from the ascendent of the first image; If he be a father under

the fourth; if a son under fifth, and so of the like; and put the significator of the second image, joyned with

the lord of the ascendent of the first image, from a trine,or sextile, and let him receive it, and put them both

strong, and fortunate without any let; make all evill fall from them. Thou shall make fortunate the tenth, and

the fourth if thou canst, or any of them; and when the second image shall be perfected, joy nit [knit] with the

first, face to face, and wrap them in clean linnen, and bury them in the middle of his house who is the

petitioner under a fortunate significator, the fortune being strong, and let the face of the first image be toward

the North, or rather toward the place where the thing petitioned for doth abide; or if it happen that the

petitioner goeth forward towards him with whom the thing petitioned for is, let him bring the images with

him as far as he goes. And let there be made an image of dreams, which being put under the head of him that

sleeps, makes him dream true dreams concerning any thing that he hath formerly deliberated of; and let the

figure of that be the figure of a man sleeping in the bosome of an Angel, which thou shall make in the Lyon

[Lion, i.e. Leo] ascending, the Sun keeping the nineth house in Aries; thou shalt writ upon the breast of the

man the name of the effect desired, and in the hand of the Angel the name of the intelligence of the Sun. Let

the same image be made in Virgo ascending, Mercury being fortunate in Aries in the ninth house, or Gemini

ascending in Mercury being fortunate, and keeping the ninth house in Aquarius; and let it be received from

Saturn with a fortunate aspect, and let the name of the spirit of Mercury be writ upon it. Let also the same be

made in Libra ascending, Venus being received from Mercury in Gemini in the ninth house, by writting upon

it the Angel of Venus. Besides also let the same image be made in Aquarius ascending, Saturn fortunately

possessing the ninth house in his exaltation, which is in Libra, and let there be writ upon it the Angel of

Saturn. Moreover let it be made in Cancer ascending the Moon being received by Jupiter and Venus in

Pisces, and being fortunately placed in the ninth house, and let there be writ upon it the spirit of the Moon.

There are also made rings of dreams of wonderfull efficacy; and there are rings of the Sun, and Saturn and

the constellation of them is when the Sun or Saturn ascend in their exaltations in the ninth house, and when

the Moon is joyned to Saturn in the ninth house, and in that signe, which was the ninth house of Nativity;

and let there be writ upon the rings the name of the spirit of the Sun, or Saturn. Let this which hath been

spoken suffice concerning images, for now thou mayst find out more of this nature of thy self. But know this

that such images work nothing, unless they be so vivified that either a naturall or Celestiall, or Heroicall, or

animasticall, or demoniacal, or angelicall vertue be in them, or assistant to them. But who can give a soul to

an image, or make a stone to live, or mettal [metal], or wood, or wax? and who can raise out of stones

children unto Abraham? Certanly this Arcanum doth not enter into an Artist of a stiffe neck; neither can he

give those things which hath them not. No body hath them but he who doth (the Elements being restrained,

nature being overcome, the Heavens being over-powered) transcend the progress of Angels, and comes to the

very Archetype it self, of which being then made a cooperator may do all things, as we shall speak


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Chap. xlviii. Of Geomanticall Figures, which are the middle betwixt | Chap. li. Of Characters which are made after the rule and imitation of
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