Chapter x. Of the Number Seaven, and the Scale thereof.The number seaven [seven] is of various, and manifold power, for it consists of one, and six, or of two, and five, or of three
and four, and it hath a Unity, as it were the coupling together of two threes: whence if we consider the severall parts thereof,
and the joyning together of them, without doubt we shall confess that it is as well by the joyning together of the parts thereof,
as by its fullness apart, most full of all Majesty. And the Pythagorians call it the Vehiculum of mans life, which it doth not
receive from its parts so, as it perfects by its proper right of its whole, for it contains body, and soul, for the body consists of
four Elements, and is endowed with four qualities: Also the number three respects the soul, by reason of its threefold power,
viz. rationall, irascible, and concupiscible. The number seaven therefore, because it consists of three, and four, joyns the soul
to the body, and the vertue of this number relates to the generation of men, and it causeth man to be received, formed,
brought forth, nourished, live, and indeed altogether to subsist. For when the genitall seed is received in the womb of the
woman, if it remain there seaven hours after the effusion of it, it is certain that it will abide there for good: Then the first
seaven daye it is coagulated, and is fit to receive the shape of a man: then it produceth mature infants, which are called infants
of the seaventh moneth [month], i.e. because they are born the seaventh moneth. After the birth, the seaventh hour tryes
whether it will live or no: for that which shall bear the breath of the aire after that hour is conceived will live. After seaven
dayes it casts off the reliques of the Navell.
After twice seaven dayes its sight begins to move after the light: in the third seaventh it turns its eyes, and whole face freely.
After seaven moneths it breeds teeth: After the second seaventh moneth it sits without fear of falling: After the third seaventh
moneth it begins to speak: After the fourth seaventh moneth it stands strongly, and walks: after the fifth seaventh moneth it
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begins to refrain sucking its Nurse: After seaven years its first teeth fall, and new are bred, fitter for harder meat, and its
speech is perfected: After the second seaventh year boys wax ripe, and then is a beginning of generation: At the third
seaventh year they grow to be men in stature, and begin to be hairy, and become able, and strong for generation: At the fourth
seaventh year they begin to barnish, and cease to grow taller: In the fifth seaventh year they attain to the perfection of their
strength: The sixt seaven year they keep their strength; The seaventh seaventh year they attain to their utmost discretion, and
wisdome, and the perfect age of men. But when they come to the tenth seaventh year, where the number seaven is taken for a
compleat number, then they come to the common tearm of life, the Prophet saying, Our age is seaventy years. The utmost
hight [height] of mans body is seaven feet. There are also seaven degrees in the body, which compleat the dimension of its
altitude from the bottome to the top, viz. marrow, bone, nerve, vein, artery, flesh, skin. There are seaven, which by the Greeks
are called black members, the Tongue, the Heart, the Lunges, the Liver, the Spleen, and two Kidnies [kidneys]. There are also
seaven principal parts of the body, the head, the breast, the hands, the feet, and the privy members. It is manifest concerning
breath, and meat, that without drawing of the breath the life doth not endure above seaven hours: and they that are starved
with famine, live not above seaven dayes. The Veins also, and arteries (as Physicians say) are moved by the seaventh
number. Also judgements in diseases are made with greater manifestation upon the seaventh dayes, which Physitians
[physicians] call criticall, i.e. judiciall. Also of seaven portions God Creates the soul, as divine Plato witnesseth in Timeus
[Timaeus]. The soul also receives the body by seaven degrees. All difference of voices proceeds to the seaventh degree, after
which there is the same revolution. Again, there are seaven modulations of the voyces, Ditonus, Semiditonus, Diutessaron,
Diapente with a tone [lat: semitone], Diapente with a half time [lat: semitone], and diapason. There is also in Celestials a
most potent power of the number seven. For seeing there are four corners of the Heaven Diametrically looking one towards
the other, which indeed is accounted a most full, and powerfull aspect, and consists of the number seven. For it is made from
the seventh Sign, and makes a Cross, the most powerfull figure of all, of which we shall speak in its due place. But this you
must not be ignorant of, that the number seven hath a great Communion with the Cross. By the same radiation, and number
the solstice is distant from Winter, and the Winter equinoctium from the Summer, all which are done by seven Signs. There
are also seven Circles in the Heaven, according to the longitudes of the Axel-tree. There are seven Stars about the Articke
[Arctic] Pole, greater, and lesser, called Charls-Wain, also seven Stars called the Pleiades, and seven Planets, according to
those seven dayes, constituting a week. The Moon is the seventh of the Planets & next to us observing this number more then
the rest, this number dispensing the mofion, and light thereof. For in twenty eight dayes it runs round the Compass of the
whole Zodiack, which number of dayes, the number seven, with its seven tearms, viz. from one to seven, doth make, and fill
up, as much as the several numbers, by adding to the Antecedents, and makes four times seven dayes, in which the Moon
runs through, and about all the longitude, and latitude of the Zodiack by measuring, and measuring again: with the like seven
of dayes it dispenseth its light, by changing it; For the first seven dayes unto the middle as it were of the divided world, it
increaseth; the second seven dayes it fils [fills] its whole Orb with light; the third by decreasing is again contracted into a
divided Orb; but after the fourth seven dayes, it is renewed with the last diminuafion of its light, and by the same seven of
dayes it disposeth the increase, and decrease of the Sea, for in the first seven of the increase of the Moon, it is by little
lessened; in the second by degrees increased: but the third is like the first, and the fourth doth the sure as the second. It is also
applyed to Saturn, which ascending from the lower, is the seventh Planet, which betokens rest, to which the seventh day is
ascribed, which signifies the seven thousandth, wherein (as John witnesseth) the Dragon, which is the Divell [Devil], and
Satan, being bound, men shall be quiet, and lead a peaceable life. Moreover the Phythagorians [Pythagoreans] call seven the
number of Virginity, because the first is that which is neither generated, or generates, neither can it be divided into two equall
parts, so as to be generated of another number repeated, or being doubled to bring forth any other number of it self, which is
contained within the bounds of the number ten, which is manifestly the first bound of numbers, and therefore they dedicate
the number seven to Pallas. It hath also in Religion most potent signs of its esteem, and it is called the number of an oath.
Hence amongst the Hebrews to swear is called Septenare (i.e.) to protest by seven. So Abraham, when he made a covenant
with Abimelech, appointed seven Ewe Lambs for a testimony. It is also called the number of blessedness, or of rest, whence
O thrice, and four times blessed!
viz. in soul, and body. The seventh day the Creator rested from his work, wherefore this day was by Moses called the Sabbath
(i.e.) the day of rest; hence it was that Christ rested the seventh day in the grave. Also this number hath a great communion
with the Cross, as is above shewed, as also with Christ. For in Christ is all our blessedness, rest, and felicity; besides, it is
most convenient in purifications. whence Apuleius saith, and I put myself forthwith into the bath of the Sea, to be purified,
and put my head seven times under the Waves. And the Leprous person that was to be cleansed, was sprinkled seven times
with the blood of a Sparrow; and Elisha the Prophet, as it is written in the Second Book of the Kings, saith unto the Leprous
person; Go, and wash thy self seven times in Jordan, and thy flesh shall be made whole, and thou shalt be cleansed, and it
follows a little after, And he washed himself seven times in Jordan, according to the Prophets saying, and he was cleansed.
Also it is a number of repentance, and remission: Hence was ordeined the seaventh years repentance for every sin, according
to the opinion of the wise man, saying, And upon every sinner seaven fold: Also the seaventh year there were granted
remissions, and after full seaven years there was giving a full remission, as is read in Leviticus. And Christ with seaven
petitions finished his speech of our satisfaction: hence also it is called the number of liberty, because the seaventh year the
Hebrew servant did challenge liberty for himself. It is also most sutable to divine praises. Whence the Prophet saith, Seaven
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times a day do I praise thee, because of thy righteous judgements. It is moreover called the number of revenge, as saith the
Scripture, and Cain shall be revenged seaven fold. And the Psalmist saith, Render unto our Neighbours seaven fold into their
bosome, their reproach. Hence there are seaven wickednesses, as saith Solomon, and seaven wickeder spirits taken, are read
of in the Gospel. It signifies also the time of the present circle, because it is finished in the space of seaven days. Also it is
consecrated to the Holy Ghost, which the Prophet Isaiah describes to be seaven fold, according to his gifts, viz. the spirit of
wisdom, and understanding, the spirit of counsell, and strength, the spirit of knowledge, and holiness, and the spirit of the
fear of the Lord, which we read in Zachariah to be the seaven eyes of God. There are also seaven Angells, spirits standing in
the presence of God, as is read in Tobias, and in the Revelation; seaven Kamps did burn before the Throne of God, and
seaven golden Candlesticks, and in the midle thereof was one like to the son of man, and he had in his right hand seaven
Stars. Also there were seaven spirits before the Throne of God, and seaven Angells stood before the Throne, and there were
given to them seaven Trumpets. And he saw a Lamb having seaven horns, and seaven eyes, and he saw the book sealed with
seaven Seales, and when the seaventh seal was opened, there was made silence in heaven. Now by all what hath been said, it
is apparent that the number seaven, amongst the other numbers, may deservedly be said to be most full of all efficacy.
Moreover, the number seaven hath great conformity with the number twelve; For as three, and four make seaven, so thrice
four make twelve, which are the numbers of the celestiall Planets, and signs, resulting from the same root, and by the number
four of the nature of inferiour things. There is in sacred writ a very great observance of this number, before all others, and
many, and very great are the mysteries thereof; many we have decreed to reckon up here, repeating them out of holy writ, by
which it will easily appear, that the number seaven doth signifie a certain fulness of sacred mysteries. For we read in Genesis,
that the seaventh was the day of the rest of the Lord; & Enoch, a pious, holy man, was the seaventh from Adam, and that there
was another seaventh man from Adam, a wicked man, by name Lamech, that had two wives; and that the sin of Cain should
be abolished the seaventh generation: As it is written, Cain shall be punished seaven fold: and he that shall slay Cain, shall be
revenged seaven fold, to which the Master of the History collects, that there were seaven sins of Cain. Also of all clean beasts
seaven, and seaven were brought into the Ark, as also of Fowles: And after seaven days the Lord rained upon the Earth, and
upon the seaventh day the fountains of the deep were broken up, and the waters covered the Earth. Also Abraham gave to
Abimelech seaven Ewe Lambs: and Jacob served seaven years for Leah, and seaven more for Rachael: and seaven dayes the
people of Israel bewailed the death of Jacob. Moreover, we read in the same place, of seaven Kine, and seaven Ears of Corn,
seaven years of plenty, and seaven years of scarcity. And in Exodus, the Sabboth of Sabboths, the holy rest to the Lord, is
commanded to be on the seaventh day. Also on the seaventh day Moses ceased to pray. On the seaventh day there shall be a
solemnity of the Lord, the seaventh year the servant shall go out free: seaven dayes let the Calf, and the Lamb be with its
damm; the seaventh year let the ground that hath been sown six years, be at rest: the seaventh day shall be a holy Sabboth,
and a rest: the seaventh day, because it is the Sabboth, shall be called holy. In Leviticus the seaventh day also shall be more
observed, and be more holy: and the first day of the seaventh moneth shall be a Sabboth of memoriall. Seaven dayes shall the
sacrifices be offered to the Lord, seaven dayes shall the holy dayes of the Lord be celebrated, seaven dayes in a year
everlastingly in the generations. In the seaventh moneth you shall celebrate feasts, and shall dwell in Tabernacles seaven
dayes: seaven times he shall sprinkle himself before the Lord, that hath dipped his finger in blood: he that is cleansed from
the Leprosy, shall dip seaven times in the blood of a sparrow: seaven days shall she be washed with running water, that is
menstruous: seaven times he shall dip his finger in the blood of a bullock: seaven times I will smite you for your sins: In
Deuteronomy seaven people possessed the Land of promise. There is also read of a seaventh year of remission, and seaven
Candles set up on the South side of the Candlesticks. And in Numbers it is read, that the sons of Israel offered up seaven Ewe
Lambs without spot, and that seaven dayes they did eat unleavened bread, and that sin was expiated with seaven Lambs, & a
Goat, and that the seaventh day was celebrated, and holy, and the first day of the seaventh moneth was observed, and kept
holy, and the seaventh moneth of the feast of Tabernacles, & sseven Calves were offered on the seaventh day, and Baalam
erected seaven Altars; seaven dayes Mary the sister of Aaron went forth leprous out of the Camp, seaven dayes he that
touched a dead carkass [carcass] was unclean. And in Joshua seaven priests carried the Ark of the Covenant before the Host,
and seaven dayes they went round the Cities, and seaven trumpets were carried by the seaven Priests, and on the seaventh day
the seaven Priests sounded the Trumpets. And in the book of Judges, Abessa raigned [reigned] in Israel seaven years,
Sampson kept his nuptialls seaven dayes, and the seaventh day he put forth a Riddle to his wife, he was bound with seaven
green [i.e. fresh] withs [nerviceis = sinews i.e. bowstrings, cf. Judges 16:8], seaven locks of his head were shaved off, seaven
years were the children of Israel oppressed by the King of Maden [Madian] And in the books of the Kings, Elias prayed
seaven times, and at the seaventh time, behold a little cloud! seaven dayes the children of Israel pitched over against the
Syrians, and in the seaventh day the battell [battle] was joyned: seaven years famine was threatened to David for the peoples
murmuring; and seaven times the child sneesed [sneezed], that was raised [resuscitated] by Elisha, [cf. II Kings 4:35] and
seaven men were crucified together in the dayes of the first harvest. Naaman was made clean with seaven washings by
Elisha, the seaventh moneth Golias was slain. And in Hester we read, that the King of Persia had three Eunuchs: and in
Tobias seaven men were coupled [copulati] with Sara the daughter of Raguel: And in Daniel Nebucadnezzars Furnace was
heated seaven times hotter then it was used to be, and seaven Lions were in the den, and the seaventh day came
Nebucadnezzar. In the book of Job there is made mention of seaven sons of Job, and seaven dayes and nights Jobs friends
sate with him on the Earth; and in the same place, In seaven troubles no evill shall touch thee. In Ezra we read of Artaxerxes
his seaven counsellers: and in the same place the trumpet sounded: the seaventh moneth of the feast of tabernacles were in
Ezraes time, whilest the children of Israel were in the Cities: and on the first day of the seaventh moneth Esdras read the Law
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to the people. And in the Psalmes David praised the Lord seaven times in a day: silver is tryed seaven times; and he renders
to our neighbours seaven fold into their bosomes. And Solomon saith, that wisdom hath hewen her self seaven Pillars; seaven
men that can render a reason, seaven abominations which the Lord abhors, seaven abominations in the heart of an enemy,
seaven overseers, seaven eyes beholding. Isaiah numbers up seaven gifts of the Holy Ghost, and seaven women shall take
hold on a man. And in Jeremiah, she that hath born seaven, languisheth, she hath given up the ghost. In Ezekiel, the Prophet
continued sad for seaven dayes. In Zechariah seaven lamps, and seaven pipes to those seaven lamps, and seaven eyes running
to and fro throughout the whole Earth, and seaven eyes upon one stone, and the fast of the seaventh day is turned into joy.
And in Micah, seaven shepherds are raised against the Assyrians. Also in the Gospel we read of seaven blessednesses, and
seaven vertues, to which seaven vices are opposed; seaven petitions of the Lords prayer, seaven words of Christ upon the
cross, seaven words of the blessed Virgin Mary, seaven loaves distributed by the Lord, seaven baskets of fragments, seaven
brothers having one wife, seaven disciples of the Lord that were fishers, seaven water pots in Cana of Galile [Galilee],
seaven woes which the Lord threatens to the Hypocrites, seaven divels [devils] cast out of the unclean woman, and seaven
wickeder divells [devils] taken in after that which was cast out. Also seaven years Christ was fled into Egypt; and the
seaventh hour the Fevour [fever] left the Governors son. And in the Canonicall Epistles, James describes seaven degrees of
wisdom, and Peter seaven degrees of Vertues. And in the Acts are reckoned seaven Deacons, and seaven disciples chosen by
the Apostles. Also in the Revelations there are many mysteries of this number: for there we read of seaven Candlesticks,
seaven Stars, seaven Crowns, seaven Churches, seaven Spirits before the Throne, seaven Rivers of Egypt, seaven Seales,
seaven Markes, seaven Horns, seaven Eyes, seaven Spirits of God, seaven Angels with seaven Trumpets, seaven horns of the
Dragon, seaven heads of the Dragon, who had seaven Diadems: also seaven plagues, and seaven Vials, which were given to
one of the seaven Angells, seaven heads of the scarlet Beast, seaven Mountains, and seaven Kings sitting upon them, and
seaven thunders uttered their voyces. Moreover this number hath much power, as in natural, so in sacred, Ceremoniall, and
also in other things: therefore the seaven days are related hither, also the seaven Planets, the seaven, Stars called Pleiades, the
seaven Ages of the World, the seaven changes of man, the seaven liberall Arts, and so many mechanick, and so many
forbidden, seaven Colours, seaven Metalls, seaven holes in the head of a man, seaven pair of nerves, seaven Mountains in the
City of Rome, seaven Romane Kings, seaven Civill Wars, seaven wise men in the time of Jeremiah the Prophet, and seaven
wise men of Greece. Also Rome did burn seaven days by Nero. By seaven Kings were slain ten thousand Martyrs. There
were seaven sleepers, seaven principall Churches of Rome, and so many Monasteries did Gregory build: So many sons Saint
Felicity brought forth: there were seaven Electors of the Empire appointed, and seaven solemn Acts in crowning the
Emperour; the Laws in the Testament require seaven witnesses, there are seaven civill punishments, and seaven canonicall,
and seaven canonicall hours, the priest makes seaven obeysances in the Mass; seaven Sacraments, and seaven orders of the
Clergy, and a boy of seaven years may be ordained by the lesser, and may obtein a benefice sine Cura. There are seaven
penitentiall Psalmes, and seaven commands of the second table, and seaven hours were Adam,and Eve in Paradise, and there
were seaven men foretold by an Angell before they were born, viz. Ismael, Isaack, Sampson, Jeremiah, John Baptist, James
the brother of the Lord, and Christ Jesus. Lastly, this number is most potent of all, as in good, so evill; of this Livy, the most
ancient Poet sang,
The seaventh light is come, and then all things
T'absolve the father of all light begins,
The seaventh's of all things originall,
The first seaventh, seaventh seaven we call
Perfect, with wandering Stars the heaven's volv'd,
And with as many circles is round roll'd.
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