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Irina Vladimirovna Arnold

Functional styles

Classifications of functional styles. The functions performed by each style.

The notion of F.S. should be regarded from the view point of the norm as a concept. The norm includes the literary standard in all its varieties, dialectal peculiarities, all the F.S. and even low-colloquial L.

F.styles (sublanguages) are subsystems of the l-ge, used in different spheres of communication with different purposes.

F.S. is a system of interrelated l-ge means that serves a definite aim of communication. (Galperin)

Classification of F.S. is a very controversial issue.

There are scientific style, the style of official documents, colloquial style. But as to

the newspaper style, here scholars disagree. Galperin argues that not everything in a newspaper is written in a newspaper style (poems, stories, crossword etc.) So, he differentiate between newspaper and publicistic styles. Galperin believes belles-letters style to be a separate style. Arnold and Stepanov doubt its status as a separate style. They say that belles-letters literature makes use of all the other F.S.

Galperin’s classification (5 styles)

  1. Belles-letters

· Poetry

· Emotive prose (õóäîæ.ëèò-ðà)

· Drama

  1. Publicistic style

· Oratory and speeches

· The essay

· Articles

  1. Newspapers

· Brief news items

· Headlines

· Advertisements and Announcements

· The Editorial (ïåðåäîâèöà)

4. Scientific Prose

5. Official doc’s

Kuznets Marianna Davidovna.

Literary (bookish) style

-publicistic style

-scientific (technological) style

-official doc’s

Free (colloquial) style

-literary coll-l style

-familiar coll-l style.


Irina Vladimirovna Arnold

  1. Poetic style
  2. Scientific style
  3. Newspaper style
  4. Colloquial style


The chief functions of each style:

Oratorical Style – Oratory includes all kinds of public speeches, parliamentary debate, speeches made at the opening or closing of scientific meetings, jubilees, at weddings, funerals, in church. Although the OS possesses all 5 functions, its chief one is urging one (brain-washing). Its purpose is to inspire the audience, bring round your way of thinking, cause it to behave in a certain way.

O is characterized by elevated vocabulary, when the occasion calls for it. Yet a public speaker may resort to colloquial style or casual colloquial one to show that he is one of the crowd. This style abounds in syntactical figures of speech such as anaphora and epiphora, absolute constructions, antithesis, in order to achieve expressiveness and also to connect the speech as a unified pole in the listener’s mind. Sometimes, a public speaker might make use of the so-called precision information (ïðåöèçèîííàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ) - some dates and figures. But very often public speakers avoid precision in favour of elaborate, flowery expressions. Tropes are also abundant, especially epithets, metaphors, allusions. As a rule, you can find a number a number of repetitions, especially semantic ones, that is paraphrasing, because some of the listeners join in the middle of the speech.

“I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation”.


Colloquial Style – the peculiarities are mostly due to its oral character. They can be summed up: it is marked both by compression and by verbosity (ìíîãîñëîâèå) and redundancy. Abbreviated words (clippings) – øåô (øîôåð), doc (doctor). The use of elliptical sentences, esp questions. (Gone for a walk? Having problems with it? Tired?). This economy also manifests itself in using broad semantic structure (stuff, business, thing). Redundancy reveals itself in double subject or in pause fillers (well, you see). This style is not homogeneous, has several levels. Within the CS you find standard colloquial with minimal degradation, casual C and maximum degradation corresponds to low colloquial.

Common C – chap, kid, dad, granny, go ahead, panicky, awfully sorry. Ïàðåíü, äåâ÷àòà, ëàäíî, îïëîøàòü, íàõâàòàòüñÿ. In casual C we find slang, and in low C we find swearing\vulgarisms.


Poetic Sdoesn’t mean poetry alone. It can well refer to prose either because it has some rhythmic regularity or it resorts to elevated language. Not all poetry conforms to the standards of poetic style. Haiku are not poetic style. PS is characterized by maximally elevated vocabulary and as well as high-flown syntax and even morphology.

Publicistic style -newspaper style possess an essential element of compression whereas journalistic articles are much closer in style to essays and to oral speeches. Relying to a great extend on tropes and figures of speech. Compression manifests itself in a number of ways. Use of expressive language

Clichés are typical for all styles, except poetry.


Official Documents Style - This style is not very homogeneous either.

Business documents – claims, orders, settlement of claims, contracts.

This style is the most archaic, because in order not to make a factual mistake, compilers of such documents rely on tradition. And many vocabulary items which are obsolescent in every-day life are used in documents. The grammar of the official language is also high-flown and a bit obsolescent.


The scientific style is even poorer in functions. The function is informative. It may acquaint the readers with the survey from a certain sphere. Manuscripts, monographs, dissertations, textbooks, lectures, presentations. Abundance of terminology. The style is most objective devoid of emotive connotations and absolutely devoid of implications. It is very explicit; nothing is left between the lines. It hardly ever uses figurative language, though such a device as simile may work its way in science. Metaphors can also be found in scientific or technical language, this is typical of English. That is why when translating such cases we have to neutralize the original English expressions.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 3643

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