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C were hiding, being told, telling

B playing

C to play


7. Our English teacher told us (not/feel) shy and speak English as much as possible.

A not to feel

B not feel

C felt


8. Plants die if you (not/water) them.

A won’t water

B don’t water

C wouldn’t water


9. You look tired. If I (be) you, I (take) a holiday.

A be D will take

B were E would take

C have been F take


10. If Benjamin Franklin (not/work) so hard, he (not/become) the symbol of America.

A didn’t work D wouldn’t have become

B wouldn’t have worked E hadn’t become

C hadn’t worked F wouldn’t become


11. Would it be all right if I (come) round at about six?

A come

B came

C will come


12. If pigs (have) wings, they (fly).

A had D will fly

B have E fly

C would have F would fly


13. Is there anything in that new magazine worth … ?

A to read

B reading

C read


14. Although I was in a hurry, I stopped … to him.

A to talk

B talking

C talk


15. Would you mind … the front door?

A to close

B closing

C close


16. We wish our exams (be) over.

A were

B are

C be


17. We had a wonderful holiday in France. I wish we (go) there again next summer.

A will go

B do

C went


18. I wish I (not/spend) so much money. Now I have to borrow some from my parents.

A hadn’t spent

B didn’t spend

C haven’t spent


19. I’m hungry. I wish it (be) time for lunch.

A is

B are

C were


20. He seemed (know) all about influenza and said … was nothing (worry) about.

A to know, it, worry

B to be knowing, there, worrying

C to know, there, to worry

21. She put down her book (see) me (come in); and (welcome) me … she took her workbasket and sat into one of her old-fashioned armchair.

A on seeing, come in, having welcomed, as usual

B having seen, to come in, welcoming, usually

C after seeing, having come in, to welcome, in a usual way

22. I don’t object (live) there, But I don’t want (live) alone.

A to your living, you living

B to your living, you to live

C your living, you to live


23. I remember (descend) that hill in twilight. An age seemed (elapse) since the day that brought me first to London.

A descending, to have elapsed

B to have descended, to have elapsed

C to descend, to elapse


24. He stood invisible at the top of the stairs (watch) Irene (sort) the letters (bring) by the … post.

A to watch, to sort, bringing, latest

B watching, sorting, brought, last

C having watched, sorting, having brought, latest

25. On his way home Andrew could not help (reflect) what … charming fellow Ivory had turned out (be).

A to reflect, a, to be

B reflecting, the, be

C reflecting, a, to be


26. I wouldn’t like (drive) fast because I’m afraid (crash).

A drive fast, crashing

B to drive fast, of crashing

C to be driven faster, to be crashed

27. … paper is said (invent) by … Chinese.

A __, to have been invented, the

B the, to have invented, __

C the, to be invented, the


28. There is no point (speak) to him. He is … last man in the world (trouble) by any such circumstances.

A to speak, the, to trouble

B speaking, a, be troubled

C in speaking, the, to be troubled


29. He felt they (hide) something from him and demanded (tell) the truth. He wasn’t worth (tell) a lie.

A hide, telling, telling

B to hide, to tell, telling

C were hiding, being told, telling


30. (say) a few words about the author himself, the lecturer went on (speak).

A after saying, to speak

B having said, speaking

C saying, to speak


31. She was looking forward to (give) the leading part (play) that she was greatly (disappoint) at not even (offer) it.

A to be given, to play, disappointed, to be offered

B giving, playing, disappointing, being offered

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 2482

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