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3.1 A document of authorization shall be issued for every ship loaded in accordance with the regulations of this Code either by the Administration or an organization recognized by it or by a Contracting Government on behalf of the Administration. It shall be accepted as evidence that the ship is capable of complying with the requirements of these regulations.


3.2 The document shall accompany or be incorporated into the grain loading manual provided to enable the master to meet the requirements of A7. The manual shall meet the requirements of A6.3.


3.3 Such a document, grain loading stability data and associated plans may be drawn up in the official language of languages of the issuing country. If the language used is neither English nor French, the text shall include a translation into one of these languages.


3.4 A copy of such a document, grain loading stability data and associated plans shall be placed on board in order that master, if so required, shall produce them for the inspection of the Contracting Government of the country of the port of loading.


3.5 A ship without such a document of authorization shall not load grain until the master demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Administration, or of the Contracting Government of the port of loading acting on behalf of the Administration, that, in its loaded condition for the intended voyage, the ship complies with the requirements of this Code. See also A8.3 and A9.




Where an equivalent accepted by the Administration in accordance with regulation I/5 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, is used, particulars shall be included in the document of authorization or in the grain loading manual.




The Administration, or a Contracting Government on behalf of the Administrations, may, if it considers that the sheltered nature and conditions of the voyage are such as to render the application of any of the requirements of this Code unreasonable or unnecessary, exempt from particular requirements individual ships or classes of ships.




6.1 Information in printed booklet form shall be provided to enable the master to ensure that ship complies with this Code when carrying grain in bulk on an international voyage. This information shall include that which is listed in A6.2 and A6.3.


6.2 Information which shall be acceptable to the Administration or to a Contracting Government on behalf of the Administration shall include:


.1 ship's particulars;


.2 lightship displacement and the vertical distance from the intersection of the moulded base line and midship section to the center of gravity (KG);


.3 table of liquid free surface corrections;


.4 capacities and centers of gravity;


.5 curve or table of angle of flooding, where less than 40°, at all permissible displacements;


.6 curves or tables of hydrostatic properties suitable for the range of operating drafts; and


.7 cross curves of stability which are sufficient for the purpose of the requirements in A7 and which include curves at 12° and 40°.


6.3 Information which shall be approved by the Administration or by a Contracting Government on behalf of the Administration shall include:


.1 curves or tables of volumes, vertical centers of volumes, and assumed volumetric heeling moments for every compartment, filled or partly filled, or combination thereof, including the effects of temporary fittings;


.2 tables or curves of maximum permissible heeling moments for varying displacements and varying vertical center of gravity to allow the master to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of A7.1;


this requirement shall apply only to ships the keels of which are laid on or after the entry into force of this Code;


.3 details of the scantlings of any temporary fittings and, where applicable, the provisions necessary to meet the requirements of A7, A8 and A9;


.4 loading instructions in the form of notes summarizing the requirements of this Code;


.5 a worked example for the guidance of the master; and


.6 typical loaded service departure and arrival conditions and where necessary intermediate worst service conditions*.


*It is recommended that loading conditions be provided for three representative stowage factors, e.g. 1.25, 1.50, and 1.75 cubic metres per tonne.


Date: 2014-12-21; view: 1917

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