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C)& no additional marks


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? Gas had first been used by the Germans on October 27 1914, when they fired a prototype of modern tear gas from an artillery near Ypres.

B)& after ‘27’


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? He shot himself twice, once in the chest and then in the head, in a police station in Washington D.C., with the cops looking on.

B)& after ‘Washington’


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? July 4, 1776 was the day the Declaration of Independence was signed.

B)& after ‘1776’


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? Your behavior Tom, makes me think you want to be fired.

B)& after ‘behavior’


Which of the following names requires a comma?

A)& Alice Spencer B.A.


Which of the following names requires a comma?

D)& Michael Gordon Ph.D.


Choose the INCORRECTLY punctuated number.

C)& 5;400.000


Choose the INCORRECTLY punctuated number.

E)& 7:500.000


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? Men believe that a blonde cannot drive but most blondes drive very well.

B)& after the first ‘drive’

Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? Cowards never started on the long trek west and the weak died along the way.

B)& after ‘west’


Which of the following is not a coordinating conjunction?

B)& on


Which of the following is not a coordinating conjunction?

E)& when


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? Her problem was not merely a reason for disappointment it was a matter of life or death.

B)& after ‘disappointment’


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? We will leave for Japan immediately therefore we will complete that project in the fall.

B)& after ‘therefore’


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? There are a lipstick, a mobile phone and a laptop in my brand new leather purse.

B)& after ‘phone’

Which of the following is not a coordinating conjunction?

E)& when


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? Her problem was not merely a reason for disappointment it was a matter of life or death.

B)& after ‘disappointment’


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? We will leave for Japan immediately therefore we will complete that project in the fall.

B)& after ‘therefore’


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? There are a lipstick, a mobile phone and a laptop in my brand new leather purse.

B)& after ‘phone’


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? I promised to Mom to be good and to clean my room every week and not to be rude to Jimmy.

E)& nowhere


I would hold my laugh, bite my tongue, grit my teeth, and seriously erase even the touch of a smile from my face. The comma following the ‘teeth’ in this sentence is…

C)& Oxford comma


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? Are the flowers in your granny’s garden red or purple or yellow or white?.

E)& nowhere


Where is a comma missing in the following sentence? As a student of the dear old philology department, I learned history, literature and Latin.

B)& after ‘literature’

What kind of an introductory clause/phrase is there in the following sentence: Her car windows open wide, she was driving to the south.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 819

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