The Pen is Mightier Than the SwordThis proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
steering column
to trade smth in
to claim
Explain what is meant:
1. I almost came to blows with the guy.
2. I decided against force.
3. A brand new car.
Decide if the following statements are true or false. Prove your point:
1. The owner of the car wrote to the president of the automobile corporation and the president replied.
2. The man is satisfied with his current car.
3. When the man took his car back to the dealer, the dealer was very helpful.
4. The president apologized.
5. The man will get a new car instead of his old one and won’t pay anything.
Make up your own dialogs with the words above and perform it with your partner.
Practice Makes Perfect
This proverb means: ___________________________________________________________
Answer the following questions:
1. What is one of the speaker’s achievements? What is her problem?
2. How will she probably change the way she practices?
3. What will she be able to increase?
Learn the dialog by heart and perform it in class with your partner.
44. Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day
This proverb means: ___________________________________________________________
Names: Judy
word processing
to master
Decide if the following statements are true or false. Prove your point:
1. Judy has achieved quite a success in her word processing class.
2. She gets really impatient because she wants to learn more and faster.
3. Using computer software for writing documents is just a piece of cake.
4. Judy will be able to do as well as other students in her class if she practices as often as she can.
Learn the dialog by heart and perform it in class with your partner.
The Squeaking Wheel Gets the Oil
This proverb means: ___________________________________________________________
Names: Ian
to chip
to renovate
Answer the following questions:
1. Why has Ian decide to move? What is his problem?
2. What is the most annoying to him?
3. What has he tried to do to solve this problem?
4. According to Ian’s friend, what should he have done to get attention?
Retell the dialog using the words above and perform it in the classroom.
46. You’re Never Too Old to Learn
This proverb means: ___________________________________________________________
From the dialogue write down phrases that mean the same:
1. I never really had time to learn Chinese before.
2. I would try to do it.
3. I’m growing older.
4. Just continue doing it.
5. I am very thankful for your encouraging words.
Make up your own dialogs with the words above and perform it with your partner.
47. Beggars Can’t Be Choosers
This proverb means: _____________________________________________________________
Names: Jennifer
to bump into
body shop
Explain what is meant:
1. What’s up?
2. Well, enough that I had to leave it at a body shop for several days.
3. The shop gave me a “loaner”.
Answer the following questions:
1. What happened to Jennifer?
2. When did the accident happen?
3. Was the damage bad?
4. How did Jennifer get around while her car was at the shop?
5. Why did Jennifer accept the car that the shop offered?
Learn the dialog by heart and perform it in class with your partner.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 781