Curiosity Killed the CatThis proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
Names: Phil
to shuffle
to poke in smth (to poke one’s nose into smth)
Don’t you realize!
to do smb in sl
Answer the following questions:
1. What is Phil?
2. Is he a smart student?
3. Why did he poke into the teacher’s personal papers?
4. Have you ever had a temptation to shuffle through other people’s personal papers when they couldn’t see you?
Make up your own dialogues illustrating the proverb and perform them in class with your partner.
22. Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
This proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
Names: Lloyd, Sam
to be late for smth
to warn
to chew
to go down
at this rate
to cut down (on) smth
Answer the following questions:
1. Who is in a hurry?
2. Why is Sam so busy?
3. What are the results of his extreme workload?
4. What solution does Lloyd propose?
5. Do you know anyone who assumes too much responsibility all at once?
Make up your own short story illustrating the proverb and perform.
23. Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You
This proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
Names: Julie
to work one’s fingers to the bone
to run off
to approve of smth
to be about to do smth
Answer the following questions:
1. Why is dad so disappointed?
2. What are Julie’s reasons for such behavior?
3. Give examples of “hands” and those whom they can “feed”.
4. Do your parents work their fingers to the bone to give you everything?
5. Are you going to work your fingers to the bone for your children?
6. Would you like to try a job overseas?
7. Do you make any decisions your parents do not approve of?
Make up your own dialogues illustrating the proverb and perform them in class with your partner.
24. Don’t Count Your Chickens Before They’re Hatched
This proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
Names: Lydia
a publisher
a down payment
a condo
to count on smth
to despair
Answer the following questions:
1. What book has Lydia written?
2. What is she planning to spend her royalties on?
3. What shouldn’t she think about it right now?
4. Name a person who you can count on.
5. What may drive you to despair?
Learn the dialogue by heart and perform it in class with your partner.
25. Don’t Cry Over Spilt Milk
This proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
Names: Lois, Andy
to knock over
to shatter
to undo
to spill
Answer the following questions:
1. Why is the vase so dear to Lois’ heart?
2. Have you ever been in the similar situation?
3. What would you say or do in Andy’s place?
Make up your own short story illustrating the proverb and perform them in class with your partner.
26. Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover
This proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
Names: Commodore
a coach
to have nothing to do with
a genius
rough training
to base on
Answer the following questions:
1. What’s wrong with the new coach?
2. Why shouldn’t we base our opinion about anyone on the way s/he looks?
3. Is the proverb universally true? Are there any exceptions?
Make up your own dialogues with the words above and perform them in class with your partner.
27. Don’t Judge a Man Until You’ve Walked in His Boots
This proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
Names: Josh
a competition
to compete
I’ll bet!
To hold one’s balance
Answer the following questions:
1. What did the guys watch on TV?
2. What are their impressions?
3. Why did they mention one guy in particular? How did they describe his performance?
4. Compare the proverb to the previous one. What is the difference between their meanings?
Learn the dialogue by heart and perform it in class with your partner.
28. Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth
This proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
Names: Mike
to find fault with smth
to get around
Explain what is meant:
1. It doesn’t look like much.
2. Didn’t your dad just give it to you outright?
3. I’m still getting around on my bike.
4. I shouldn’t find fault with something I got for nothing.
Answer the following questions:
1. Why doesn’t Mike like his car very much?
2. How did he get it?
3. What is the car that he really wants?
4. According to his friend, what does he have to do to get the car that he wants?
Learn the dialogue by heart and perform it in class with your partner.
29. Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket
This proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
Names: Jill
real estate
government bonds
to look up
Explain what is meant:
1. to come into quite an inheritance
2. Never fear.
3. Now you are talking!
Answer the following questions:
1. How did Jill get an inheritance?
2. Why will Jill have to start thinking of ways to invest money?
3. What does Jill plan to do with the money?
4. How does her friend offer to help her?
Learn the dialogue by heart and perform it in class with your partner.
30. Don’t Put Off for Tomorrow What You Can Do Today
This proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
Names: Kathy
to overheat
to make it somewhere
to act up
to delay
to postpone
Explain what is meant:
1. I just barely made it here.
2. Your car has been acting up for some time now.
3. But I just didn’t get to it.
Answer the following questions:
1. Why is Kathy late for work?
2. Did Kathy have her car repaired last week?
3. What do you think Kathy will do?
Retell the dialog using the words above and perform it in the classroom.
31. Don’t Put the Cart Before the Horse
This proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
Names: Stanley
tower speaker
to be cramped for space
to go out
Answer the following questions:
1. What does the man want to buy?
2. What does Stanley advise the man to do?
Decide if the following statements are true or false. Prove your point:
1. If the man buys home appliances today, he will pay less.
2. Stanley thinks that his friend’s idea is good.
3. The man’s problem is that he has not found an apartment yet.
Retell the dialog using the words above and perform it in the classroom.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 703