Sum up what the Molinas learned about the Stewarts and what the Stewarts learned about the Molinas in Program 2 (Acts 1,2). Present your summary in class as if you were Maria / Ellen / Alberto / Philip.
Program 13 (1) Take Me Out To the Ball Game
Proper names: Billy Gonzales
Baseball terms:
to strike a player out
an out
an inning
a team
to pitch / a pitcher
to bat / a batter
a baseball field
a base
to touch
to score / a score
a run
to swing
to drive
to hit / a hit
to win two to nothing
to watch a game / film, etc. on TV
to order pizza from the pizza place / parlor
it’s time for smb to do smth
you can be our guest
Ask 4 questions about the conversation.
Program 13 (2) Take Me Out To the Ball Game
Proper names: Purcell
Baseball terms:
a baseball glove
to score runs
Food and drinks: soda, beer; hot dogs, peanuts
to put smth on
Watch out!
Ask 4 questions about the conversation.
Program 14 (1) New Orleans: A Mix of Cultures
Proper names: New Orleans, Louisiana; the Mississippi River; “Marie’s Cajun Cooking”; Dixieland (Dixie is the name for the southern states of the U.S.); the Mississippi Princess
Food and drinks: jambalaya, gumbo, seafood, spices, rice; iced tea
Boy! / Oh boy! – both express excitement or surprise
a mixture of smth
(Okey dokey = OK)
Ask 4 questions about the conversation.
Program 14 (2) New Orleans: A Mix of Cultures
Proper names: the Gulf of Mexico; captain Blanchet; Jean
to take after smb
to join smb
to get hurt / to hurt smb
in the way
to head
a pound (lb) = 450 gr = 16 ounces (oz )
the market is low = the demand for smth
the price(s) go up / down
to dive
a pelican
‘cause = because
Ask 4 questions about the conversation.
101 American English Proverbs
1. Birds Of a feather Flock Together
This proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
Names: Mark
to hang around infml
a rehearsal
to start a group
a buddy infml
to hear from smb
to associate
to keep in touch
Answer the following questions:
1. Why doesn’t Mark have enough time for his friends?
2. What’s his friends’ attitude towards him? Do they still want to hear from him?
3. What ‘birds’ and of what ‘feather’ usually flock together? Give a few examples.
Learn as a dialogue and perform it in class with your partner.
In Unity There Is Strength
This proverb means: ________________________________________________________________
working conditions
to get together
to make sense
to call a meeting
an employee / an employee
to pin down smth
Answer the following questions:
1. Why do the workers need to get together?
2. Where do they work?
3. Is it the first time they tried to call a meeting?
4. Recall any situation when “In unity there was strength”.
Make up dialogues illustrating the proverb and perform them in class with your partner.