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Kazakhstan under the power of the Russian empire and struggle of Kazakhs against it.


The objective of the lecture: to show the Russian policy in Kazakhstan, liquidation of the Khan’s power and resistance of the Kazakhs to this policy. Uprisings of Srym Datov, Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov, Kenesary Kassymov.

Outline of the lectures:

1. Srym Datov’s uprising (1783-1797)

2. Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov’s uprising (1836-1838)

3. Kenessary Kassymov’s uprising (1837-1847).


Srym Datov’s uprising (1783-1797).Reasons: usurpation of rich pastures by Russian Empire.

The main forces of uprising: kazakh sharua. All clans of Junior juz participated in uprising: Shekty, Tortkara, Shomekey, Kete, Alash, Serkesh, Baibakty, Bersh, Tabyn and others.

The main aim: return lands, which were captured by Russian government.

Uprising was leaded by Syrym Datov – chief of Baibakty clan. The struggle against Russia began in 1783. Syrym Datov was prisoned and was released in 1784. The first great battle was on june 1784 in upper Jaik near the Orsk. More than 1000 rebels had S.Datov in 1784.

In spring of 1785 Syrym began new attacks. Russian government sent kossak detachments of Kolpakov and Ponamarev. At that time Syrym had 2700 rebels. S.Datov attacked Sakharnaya fortress and Antonovskaya forpost. At that time the main battles were along Ural line. In summer of 1785 the counsil of elders disclaimed Nur Ali as their khan. He was exiled in Ufa and died in 1790.

90-s of XVIIIc. – second stage of uprising. On august of 1790 ataman Donskov plundered the great number of auls. The situation aggravated in 1971, when Sultan Yeraly was elected as a khan of Junior juz. On September 1792 S.Datov launched an unsuccessful attack against the town Iletsk, after which his resistance became more partisan-like. In 1794 khan Yeraly died and Esim son of Nuraly declared himself the rightful khan.

On March 1797 S.Datov counted wiht an attack on Esim’s aul and this time killed the khan. After death of Esim, Igelstrom (general-governor of Orenburg) arrived to kazakh steppe for electing counsil of elders. Sultan Aishuak son of Abulkhair was elected a chief of this counsil, and the same year he was elected a khan of Junior juz. Khan Aishuak was never an effective ruler. He had been chosen by the Russians and had no real support among the Kazakhs themselves. The favored candidate of the sultans was Karatai Nurali uly, an illegitimate son of Nur Ali whom the Russians rejected because of his illegitimacy and, more important, his close association with Syrym.

The threat of Syrym Batyr, soon faded. He fled to Khiva at the end of 1797, where he continued for the next year or two to launch raids against the cossaks and the Bashkirs of the Inner Side. He was killed in 1802.


Inner (Bukey) Horde sharua’s uprising (1836-1838)

In 1801 according Ukaz of Russian tzar Paul I was founded Bukey Horde, which existed till 1845. In 1827 was formed “Khan council”, which consist of 12 biis. 12 elders controlled taxes and taxation.

Reasons of uprising:

1. Increasing taxes for roaming.

2. Building Rusian fortresses near the Bukey Horde and cessation of roaming to traditional pastures.

3. Declaration of Babadja-uly (son in law of Jangir khan) a ruler of Kazakh clans, lived in Caspian region.


The main aim of uprising:

1. Limiting khan’s power.

2. Changing Russian government colonial policy.

3. Improving the position of sharua.


Uprising was divided into three stages:

1. 1833-1836 – forming the main reasons of uprising.

2. 1837 – developing of uprising, battles with Russian and khan’s troops.

3. December 1837 – July 1838 – weaking and defeat of uprising.


The main moving forces of uprising – Kazakh sharua, some elders and biis.

The leaders of uprising were Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov. Isata Taimanov an elder of Bersh clan and a member of the black bone. Isatai had long struggled against the khan of the Inner Horde, for which he had been arrested in 1817 and 1823. He and his aide and chronicler, akyn Makhambet Utemisov organized opposition among their own Bersh clan and then picked up support from the other clans of the Horde.

In October 1836 20 auls joined to Isatai. In Oct.24 1837 Isatai surrounded the Khan’s Headquarter. In November 9 1837 khan’s troops and troops of colonelGeke met near the Tastobe, where Isatai’s army was defeated. Finally in July 12 1838 was battle in Akbulak. Strengthened detachment of Russian soldiers and Ural cossaks was sent in that broke up the resistance (at this time about 2000 fighters). Isatai was killed.

Although the uprising was crushed, Russian authorities were reluctant to continue their support of the khan in the Inner Horde. In 1840-1841 a temporary commission considered abolishing the dignity of Khan in the Inner Horde, but resolved to continue it only until the end of Jangir’s rule. Upon his death in 1845 the dignity of Khan was replaced by provisional council.


Kenesary Qasymov’s uprising (1837-1847)

The greatest challenge to Russian authority was the revolt of Kenesary Qasymov in the Middle Horde. Kenesary was born in 1802 in Kokchetav region (grandson of Ablay). He believed that only he could unite the Kazakh people to withstand the twofold threat they faced:

1) The struggle against absorption by the Russians.

2) Defeat at the hand of the Kokand and Khiva.


The main aim: to restore the khanate of the Middle Horde.

The uprising was spreaded all over the Kazakhstan. More than 80 sultans, biis and elders supported Kenesary. On November 1837 Kenesary attackted Aktau and Akmolinsk fortresses. In summer and autumn of 1838 all Middle Horde and part of Junior Horde was occupied by Kenesary. He had over 20,000 fighters under his command.

In august 1841 Kenesary launched campaign to Tashkent. Rebells besieged Sozak, Zhanakorgan, Zhulek and Akmeshet – the Kokand fortresses.

In 1838 Kenesary sent five lieutenants with a letter of protest to Prince Gorchakov, Governor-General of West Siberia:

1) Rule of Kazakhs shoud be return to the Kazakhs themselves.

2) The institutino of the khan should be restored.

He maintained that the new political administration was corrupt. The Russians turned down Kenesary’s request and redoubled their efforts to defeat him. Since he destroyed Russian trade not only in Middle Horde but all territory of Kazakhstan. It has been estimated that Kenesary’s revolt cost Russians 8 mln. Rubles in lost trade for 1838 alone.

Furthermore, as the grandson of Ablai, Kenesary had stature throughout the steppe, not just within the Middle Horde. The situation within the Small Horde remained tenuous. Orenburg feared that the continued succes of Kenesary’s movement could impril the stability of Russian rule there. These fears were strengthened when Kenesary sought and received sanctuary from Small the Small Horde in 1838. He remained in the territory of the Orenburg for nearly two years and was granted amnesty by the Russians on the condition that he leave the territoty of the Small Horde.

Soon after returning to the Middle Horde the next four years (1840-1844) were directed against Russian settlements in Irgiz and Turgai regions on lands that were traditionally used to graze the Kazakh livestock. But the goal of his movement remained the same: to restore the Khanate of the Middle Horde.


Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1045

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