EPITHET – attributive characterization of the thing, phenomenon, person.Morphologically & syntactically it can be classified into simple epithet, holophrases, inverted epithets.
Simple ep. consists of simple word, which may be expressed by an adjective in pre- or post- position of a noun, adverb & noun in the off-phrase. E.g. An angry sunshine. Carrying himself strange & soldiery. Sleep of death.
Holophrases. In the Eng. literature there exist epithets expressed by the phrase or whole sentence. The words of these sentences are high-phonated. E.g. My best understanding-grown-up-sister-but-still-pretty-cool. She gave her a you–know–what–men–are look.
Inverted ep. is based on the illogical syntactical relations between the modifier & the modified word. It’s typical of colloquial speech & widely used in literature. E.g. “Sleep of death” => inverted - “his claw of a hand”. I know what that fool of a doctor said.
Semantical epithets can be classified into: 1) associated with a noun, 2) unassociated with a noun.
Associated ep. point to a feature which is typical of the object they describe. E.g. Dark forest. Fantastic terrors. Careful attention.
Unassociated ep. characterize the feature which is unusual & unexpected for the reader & listener. E.g. Voiceless sands. Heart-burning smiles.
Epithets may be also transferred & metaphorical.
Transferred ep. are based upon metonymy. E.g. A sleepless pillow. A disapproving finger.
Metaphorical ep. is based upon metaphor, upon analogy between what is said & what is implied. E.g. Laughing valleys. Angry sky.
Epithets, on the whole, show an individual vision of the speaker. They do not characterize objects of phenomena objectively, but present them as they appear to the speaker.
(13) HYPERBOLE – the expression of the idea in a very exaggerated language. E.g. I’d cross the world to find you a pin(áóëàâêà). Function of it is either to create an elevated mood or convey irony.
The opposite device is Understatement – expression of the idea in a very restrained(ñäåðæàííûé) language. The function of und. is mostly to render irony & satire, though sometimes it may be a characteristic feature of the author’s general restrained tone.
(14) OXYMORON is a device which present a combination of contrasting ideas. The usual structure is: EPITHET + NOUN it modifies. E.g. Glad terror. Selfishly unselfish. Sweet sorrow.
The other type is presented by VERB + NOUN / NOUN + VERB. E.g. He had lived a very long time with death & was a little detached.
In Ox. one of the components expresses some objectively existing feature while the other conveys the speaker’s subjective attitude towards it. E.g. Parting for lovers is always a sweet sorrow.
In the coarse of time some frequently used Ox. become dead & lexicalized. It functions as intensifier. E.g. pretty bad, mighty small, frightfully happy.
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1267