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This time you have to make sentences using the words given.

Present Perfect or Past Simple

1 Jill……………………….(buy) a new cat two weeks ago

2 His hair is very short. He…………………… (have) a haircut

3 Last night I……...(arrive) home at half past twelve. I ….….. (have) a bath and then I ……..(go) to bed

4 ……………….….(you/visit) many museums when you were in Paris

5 My bicycle isn't here any more. Somebody …………. ...................... (take) it

6 When …………………………..… (you/give) up smoking this year?

7 I ....................... (not/eat) anything yesterday because I ……………………….. (not/(feel) hungry

8 Why………….…………… (Jim/not/want) to play tennis last Friday?

9 The car looks very clean………………………… (you/wash) it?

2. This time you have to make sentences using the words given. 1 I/be/ill twice so far this year __________________________________________ 2 How many times/be/you/ill last year? How many times ____________________ 3 I/not/drink/any coffee so far today______________________________________ 4 He/be/late three times this week________________________________________ 5 How many games/the team/win/last season______________________________



1) Jill bought a new cat two weeks ago 2) His hair is very short. He has had a haircut 3) Last night I arrived home at half past twelve. I had a bath and then I went to bed 4) Did you visit many museums when you were in Paris 5) My bicycle isn't here any more. Somebody has taken it

6) When did you give up smoking this year? 7) I didn’t eat anything yesterday because I didn’t feel hungry 8 )Why didn’t Jim want to play tennis last Friday? 9 The car looks very clean. Have you washedit?

This time you have to make sentences using the words given.

5 I/be/ill twice so far this year - I have been ill

6 How many times/be/you/ill last year? How many times were you ill..........

7 I/not/drink/any coffee so far today …… I haven’t drunk ….

8 He/be/late three times this week He has been late……

5.How many games/the team/win/last season did the team win …..



A New Tense!!!

Present Perfect Continuous

result + process

Have/has been Ving



Name Present Perfect Continuous
*Rule 1. We use PPC when we talk about the action which began in the Past and has just stopped #we have been cleaning up the room for 15 minutes. 2. We use PPC w w t a t a which began in the past and is still happening now. # I have been colouring my nails since yesterday.
Structure Have/has been Ving
Special Features We don't use some verbs in PPC (âñïîìíèòü èñêëþ÷åíèÿ Pr. Cont)
Markers FOR a few days, SINCE she left, HOW LONG
MJ + I have been studying English for 2 years - I haven't been studying English for 2 years ? Have I been studying English for 2 years? s? How long have I been studying English


Draw pictures to these sentences:

1) Äîæäü øåë äîëãî (òîëüêî ÷òî çàêîí÷èëñÿ ) It has been raining.

2) Äîæäü èäåò óæå äîëãî (øåë è èäåò)

It has been raining.

3) Äîæäü ïðîøåë (óæå) It has rained.



Past Story (first part)

Past Simple

We use PS when we talk about completed

action in the past in general.

# I liked reading when I was 3.

Used to

We use used to when we talk about habits and long- lasting situations which now are different or finished.

# I used dance like a ballerina [ˌbælə'riːnə].

Present Perfect

1) Result (when the past is connected with the present).

# I’ve broken my finger. I can’t write now!

2) News (when we announce a happening or news).

# He has bought a car!

3) With markers already, just, yet, never, ever, always, all my life(for a long time), so far, recently/lately

# I haven’t asked him so far.

4) With present markers. In my life, today….

# I have done many useful things today.

NB1 When we give many details we use Past Simple.

# Today I met Tom, phoned Jim, lost my memory.

NB2 When, What time - Past Simple.

#What time did you wake up today?

NB3When we ask additional questions - Past Simple

# A: Oh! I’ve burnt myself!

B: How did you do that?

A: I touched a hot dish.

Grammar Homework for the 28th of February

Irregular Verbs

2) Past Story – learn the rules

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