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Problems eating or sleeping

Increased boredom and great fatigue

Problems making decisions

Increased feelings of anger when small things go wrong

Frequent headaches, backaches, muscle aches, stomach problems

Frequent colds and infections

²Now listen. Place a check (/) in the box next to the stress symptoms that Nancy has. Compare answers as a class.

Listening for specific information:


1 How long has Nancy taught, and at what levels?

2 Why is teaching more stressful than other jobs, in her opinion?

3 Nancy says that she is sometimes impatient with her own child. Why?

4 What two reasons does Nancy give to explain why she is often sick?

5 What are two things that Nancy does to relieve her stress?

INTERVIEW WITH SAM: The stress of being a police officer

patrol: an assignment in which a police officer walks, bicycles, or drives around a certain neighborhood

a traffic violation: something illegal that is done by a driver

aroutine stop: regular; not special or unusual

the force: the police force; the police as a group

ulcers: holes in the lining of the stomach that are made worse by stress

It'sdocumented: shown to be true by research; proven

keep a relationshipat its peak: in very good condition; very healthy


Ž Listening for specific information:

1 How long has Sam been a police officer?

2 What does Sam consider the most stressful assignment, and why?

3 What does Sam say about illness on the police force?

4 What programs does the LAPD have to help officers cope with job stress?

5 How does Sam deal with his stress?

❹ Drawing inferences:

Read the following statements about the interviews that you heard. Write whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with each statement.

___ 1 Nancy is probably in her early thirties.

___ 2 She takes her job very seriously.

___ 3 She doesn't teach during the summer.

___ 4 She enjoys her work as a teacher.

___ 5 Sam is probably in his forties.

___ 6 Patrol officers probably experience less illness than supervisors.

___ 7 Sam likes being a police officer.

yWrite down a short summary of the situation of stress Nancy/Sam faces at job place. Follow the plan given below:

-Signs of stress Nancy/Sam experience;

-Stressful factors at job place Nancy/Sam have to handle;

-Most stressful tasks Nancy/Sam perform;

-Stress management techniques Nancy/Sam use to fight stress.


Listening and Writing

ACADEMIC LISTENING AND NOTE TAKING: Stress and the immune system

In this section you will hear and take notes on a two-part lecture given by Ellen Cash, a professor of psychology. The title of the lecture is Stress and the. Immune System. Professor Cash will present research supporting the idea that the mind can affect the body.


1> Read the following description of the lecture from Professor Cash's course syllabus.

Lecture: Stress and the immune system

• psychosomatic disorders

• animal and human research

• classical conditioning (stimulus-response)

• implications for health care


Note taking: Using telegraphic language:Lecture note taking is a complex skill, and developing it requires a great deal of practice. One of the first things you have to learn is that when you listen to a lecture, it is not possible to write down everything. And even if you could, doing so would not be a good idea! Many lecturers repeat themselves, go off the topic, and tell unrelated personal stories. Good note takers can recognize what is important and what is not. They are able to get the important information down on paper in as few words as possible, using abbreviations and symbols.

At the same time, they organize the information on the page to show what is a main point and what is a detail or example. These are all important skills to develop, and as you study this book, you will practice each of them. The first step, however, is to learn to listen to several sentences of a lecture and quickly summarize the information in your own words. You must also train yourself to leave out unnecessary words, such as articles, prepositions, relative pronouns, the verb to be, and other linking verbs. In other words, you need to learn to use what is called telegraphic language.


1'>• Read the following sentences. Each one summarizes an excerpt from the lecture on stress and the immune system, and presents an important point in the lecture.

_ a There is research to support the idea that stress hurts the immune system.

_ b More doctors (etc.) now agree that learning to relax sometimes cures better than drugs.

_ c Many common health problems may begin in the mind (psychosomatic).

_ d Research shows that when sick people feel helpless, their health gets worse.

2> Now listen to the four short excerpts and match them with the correct summaries in Step 1. Write the numbers in the blanks.

3>- Using the blank lines in Step 1, rewrite the sentences in telegraphic language, as if they were lecture notes - that is, leave out words that are not needed. Be sure to leave enough information so that you can understand your notes. Here is an example of what to do.

The immune system recognizes foreign invaders and kills them.

immune system - finds and kills invaders________________

LECTURE, Part One:

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Now read the text and check whether your suppositions were correct. | V Now read the article closely answering the margin questions to help you understand the text better and fill in the following table.
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