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Political System of the USA

I enjoy listening to music, as music helps me relax and relieve stress. When I listen to music, classical, jazz, rap or any other type of music I enjoy, I forget about the troubles of everyday life; music provides an escape from everyday problems. Stress melts away as I am taken in by the beauty of the music. It can help me feel calm and deeply relaxed. Secondly, music affects my emotions. Each type of music sets distinct mood and changes mine. Whether I am feeling sad, frustrated or confused, I listen to merry or tender music, and my mood shifts. I can't say I prefer to listen to some definite kind of music all the time. The choice of music I listen to depends on my state of mind and mood. I can tell you what kind of music I prefer to listen to when I feel depressed, and it is jazz. The first reason why I do it is that jazz music usually has a powerful rhythm, so it is a kind of music that fills you with energy and strength. Secondly, it provides a brilliant combination of instrumental tunes and voice, which creates unforgettable harmony. Jazz immediately carries me away from my troubles, fills me with hope and joy, even though its tunes are often sad. I enjoy listening to classical music, too, Firstly, I like it for the complexity of the musical harmony it offers. Modern popular music, such as pop or rock is much more primitive in melody. Secondly, the emotions classical music evokes are much stronger and deeper; they carry me away to the time when the piece of music I am listening to was composed.

A thing we do in our free time for recreation and pleasure is called a hobby. Hobbies are practiced for interest and enjoyment, rather than for money. What are hobbies for some people are professions for others: a game tester may enjoy cooking as a hobby, while a professional chef might enjoy playing computer games. Generally speaking, the person who does something for fun, not remuneration, is called an amateur (or hobbyist), as distinct from a professional. Engaging in a hobby can lead to acquiring substantial skill, knowledge, and experience. A lot of celestial bodies and events have been discovered by amateur astronomers. However, the aim of a hobby is pleasure and personal fulfillment.

Ukraine is a republic.

Legislative power belongs to the parliament that is called "Verkhovna Rada." The deputies are elected by secret ballot all over the country. They have meetings when they discuss the problems of the country and new laws.

Ukrainian radio and television broadcast the meetings of Verkhovna Rada and everybody can learn what problems the deputies solve. Our people usually listen to the meetings of Verkhovna Rada. You can see and listen to radio sets, that are switched on, in many offices, in buses, in kitchens and many other places. They do not speak loudly and the people do their work and listen to the meetings. The leader of the Verkhovna Rada is called "Holova". He is elected by the deputies. Now the Holova is Alexander Alexandrovich Moroz.

Besides, there is a President too. He governs the country with the help of his administration and the Cabinet of Ministers headed by the Prime-Minister. The first president of Ukraine was Leonid Makarovych Kravchuke. Now Leonid Danylovych Kuchma is the president of Ukraine. He is from Dniepropetrovsk and we are proud the fact. In each region there is regional Rada. It governs the region. In Dniepropetrovsk it is headed by Pavlo Ivanovych Lazarenko.

Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it. It is a good opportunity to spend time with friends, parents, relatives.I was born on the 10th of January. In the morning on my birthday my parents lay the presents near my bed. So the first thing I see when I open my eyes is my presents. My Mam and Daddy and my little brother come to my room to congratulate me and to sing “Happy Birthday”.Usually we hold my birthday party in the evening. Once we went to a cafe to celebrate my birthday, but usually we celebrate it at home.We clean the house the day before birthday. In the morning of birthday party day my father goes shopping and buyes everything we need. My mother bakes a cake or pie.By the evening food is cooked, the table is layed. We put on evening suits and dresses and wait for the guests. The flat looks nice and cosy.I am always very glad to meet my guests. I like to get flowers and presents. Mam gives me the telegram from my aunt. We have an abundant dinner on this day. Mam brings in the birthday cake. I blow the candles out.We dance and sing songs, play games and augh, joke, tell funny stories.I think that my birthday is one of the best days in a year.


The American system of school education differs from the systems in other countries. There are state public schools, private elementary schools and private secondary schools. Public schools are free and private schools are fee-paying. Each state has its own system of public schools. Elementary education begins at the age of six or seven, when a child goes to the first grade (form). At the age of sixteen schoolchildren leave the elementary school and may continue their education at one of the secondary schools or high schools, as they call them. The programme of studies in the elementary school includes English, Arithmetic, Geography, History of the USA, Natural sciences and, besides, Physical Training, Singing, Drawing, wood or metal work, etc. Sometimes they learn a foreign language and general history. Besides giving general education some high schools teach subjects useful to those who hope to find jobs in industry and agriculture or who wants to enter colleges or universities. After graduating from secondary schools a growing number of Americans go on to higher education. The students do not take the same courses. During the first two years they follow a basic programme. It means that every student must select at least one course from each of the basic fields of study: English, Natural sciences, Modern languages, History or Physical education. After the first two years every student can select subjects according to his professional interest. The National Government gives no direct financial aid to the institutions of higher education. Students must pay a tuition fee. This creates a finantial hardship for some people. Many of the students have to work to pay their expenses. Americans place a high value on education. That's why Kennedy said, "Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education". The system of education provides good quality and is well developed. One of the most important tasks for central and local authorities is to give equal possibilities in getting top quality education for all citizens of Ukraine. When independence was declared, education acquires a distinctly national character and became more adapted to the new approved for primary and secondary schools, while new private educational institutes and schools were established. In the area of education and upbringing are involved 7% of Ukrainian professionals who teach 11 mln students (22% of the population). There are 18400 institutions for pre-school preparation. According to the Constitution secondary takes the central part in the system and is free and quite accessible. 7 mln students attend 21900 schools. Private sector in secondary education is insignificant. Totally, there are 200 private schools (1% of all the amount of students).



Political System of the USA

The United States of America is a federal republic consisting of 50 states. Each state has its own government («state government*). In some ways the United States is like 50 small countries.

The government of the USA act according to the Constitution which was signed by the first thirteen representatives of thirteen original American states in 1787. The document was written in 1787 and since that time twenty six Amendments have been added. The first ten Amendments were simply rights or the Bill of rights. According to the Constitution the USA is a republic. So, the officials of any rank are elected by US citizens. Every citizen has rights which can not be violated.

The Constitution proclaims a federal system of government which keeps both the states and the federal power from getting too much power. It means that the federal government is given certain powers, for example, to make peace or war, to issue money and to regulate the trade and so on.

The federal power is located in Washington, D.C. It is based on legislative, executive and juridical branches of power.

The legislative power is vested in Congress, which consists of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives, There are 435 members in the House of Representatives and 100 senators in Congress. Each state elects two members for the Senate.

The executive branch is headed by the President who is assisted by the Vice President. The President enforces federal laws, serves as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. The President can veto a bill unless Congress by a two-thirds vote shall overrule him. The Vice President, elected from the same political party as the President, acts as chairman of the Senate, and in the event of the death of the President, assumes the Presidency. The President of the USA is chosen in nationwide elections every 4 years together with the Vice.-President. The President can not be elected for more than two terms. The Cabinet is made up of Department Secretaries. The most important of them is the Secretary of State, who deals with foreign affairs.

The judicial branch is made up of Federal District Courts, 11 Federal Courts and the Supreme Court. Federal judges are appointed by the President for life.

Federal courts decide cases involving federal law, conflicts between citizens of different states.

Constitution has been amended twenty six times. The Bill of Rights guarantees individual liberties: freedom of word,» religion and so on. Later amendments abolished slavery, granted the vote to women and colour people and allowed citizens to vote at the age of 18.

Sports in our life

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning, train them self’s in clubs and different sections. Other people like sport too; they only watch sports game on TV and listen the sports news. Whey prefers reading interesting stores about sports men but they do not go in for sports.
Physical training is an important subject in school. Pupils have physical training twice a week. Boys and girls play volleyball and basketball at the lessons. There is a sport ground near our school and school children go in for sports in the open air. A lot of different competitions are held at school. A great number of pupils take part in them. All participants try to get good results and become winner.
Sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go in for sports you don’t catch cold. Children and grown-ups must take care of they health and do morning exercises regularly. There are some popular kinds of sport in our country: football, volleyball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing and other. Athletic is one of the most popular kinds of sport. It includes running, jamming and others.
My favorite sport is swimming. I go to the swimming pool twice a week. I prefer to rest by the lake or river and swim there. My friend goes in for boxing. He is a good boxer. His hobby helps him in his every day life.


Books have been around for centuries but for much of that time they were not available to the common person. Only the upper classes or monks and scholars were able to read. Books were very expensive and had to be copied by hand. It was not until the invention of the printing press that books and especially the Bible, became cheaper and more widely available. In this day and age reading instruction is available to virtually everyone. We have only to take advantage of it. The importance of books and reading cannot be underestimated. I have always loved to read. I loved to spend time at the library browsing books and I loved it when the bookmobile would come around in the summer.
Books are not only a way of passing time but of immersing yourself in a story. Getting to know characters and guessing about the plot are part of the experience. Reading can transport you to different countries and cultures, or it can take you on a great adventure. When I was growing up in the 50s and 60s we didn't have so many distractions. There was no internet and no video games. There wasn't much TV either so I think maybe more people in that generation were readers. Books and reading have been a part of my life ever since I learned to read.



Why Do We Learn the English Language (2)

I am sure every well-educated person should speak English, because it is the language of communication, business, science and culture.
English is now the most important and widespread language in the world. It is the state language in five countries: Great Britain, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. In many Asian and African countries people speak English besides their native one. People also speak English in Europe. English is spoken practically all over the world.

Russia has relations with many countries. Hundreds of joint enterprises have appeared in each city and small town in Russia. A lot of foreign delegations come to our country. Our businessmen, tourists go abroad. That is why it is very important to learn English.

Nowadays, a lot of people study foreign languages in every possible way. I think English is worth studying. There is a proverb "A new language — a new world"

Year by year the globe is getting smaller with the development of communication means and increase in transportation velocities. People of different countries and nations have to get along well with the progress in world trade and technology as well as with each other. "Knowledge is power" one of the great men said. Speaking a foreign language one can not only read the papers, magazines and original books by outstanding writers, but as well watch satellite TV programs, travel easily in the different parts of the world. Besides, understanding and speaking a foreign language or two became necessary while applying for a good and well-paid job.

Fortunately, I began learning English even before I could understand it. Now I know that it is a must for a XXI century professional no matter what job to choose. The world is getting smaller and international connections tighter. One can not do well without one of the common European languages.

I learn English because I want to read Kingsley Amis and James Joyce in their native language. I like Hemingway and Lewis Carroll, Besides, I like to travel. Speaking English, I shall have no troubles looking for a room or a meal. I like to talk and make friends with people from different countries.

Last autumn I became a member of the Student Ðåï-Pal Club and now I have much fun writing letters to my Swiss and American pen friends. I hope, some day we shall meet each other and have a good time.

There are also international friendship camps both in Russia and abroad where you can meet boys and girls from around the globe. They rarely can speak Russian, which is much more difficult to learn than English.

In a word, I understand that I have to learn English hard and in a proper way.


When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It’s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. I have known for a long time that leaving school is the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of a far more serious examination of my abilities and character.

I have asked myself a lot of times: “What do I want to be when I leave school?” A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about which science or field of industry to specialize in. It was difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds jobs to which I might be better studied.

I asked a lot of questions myself to make the right choice: what sort of life do I want to lead? For example, do I want to live in the country or in town? Is leisure time of great importance to me? Is the size of my salary important? Do I want to put down roots or travel widely? What sort of work do I want to do? For example, do I like working alone or with others? Does teaching people appeal to me? Do I want to be an organizer of other people’s activities?

As for me, I have made up my mind to be a manager. My choice of this occupation didn’t come as a sudden flash. I think that nowadays this profession is of great need and importance to our country. It is my aim to be a qualified specialist and to serve the interests of my country. To be a well-prepared manager I should have some important qualities: great persistence, sociability, considerable knowledge, and, of course, knowledge of foreign languages.

That is why I want to enter Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University. I think that there I can get good knowledge to become a good specialist. And of course I want to learn languages better, because to my mind every educated person should know a foreign language. I always remember these famous words: “He, who doesn’t know a foreign language, doesn’t know his own language.

Londonis my favorite city in the world and it's a place that draw me back to it again and again. My first trip to London at the age of 19 was my first solo trip anywhere. I found a homestay program in one of my guidebooks and so I spent my first several days staying on the outskirts of London near Ealing Broadway. Each morning the older lady I was staying with would come into my room and place a cup of tea by my bedside and then wake me up so I could have breakfast and start my day of sight-seeing. It was like having my own British grandmother.On that first trip to the UK, which was three weeks long, I was supposed to spend a week in London and then the rest of the time in Liverpool with a pen pal of mine. Well, after traveling up to Liverpool and spending two days with him, I determined we really weren't such great friends after all, so I spontaneously decided to take the ferry from Liverpool to Dublin and make my way to County Galway to see some of my family. Partly, I wanted to go to Ireland. And partly, I just wanted to get away from my penpal and couldn't afford a whole week on my own in England, so family to the rescue!After a great week in Galway with my relatives who lived out in the middle of nowhere I went back to London for a few more days and ended up staying with some relatives there I didn't even know I had.One of the funny things about that entire trip was that every single day I was in London it rained.The only time it didn't rain was the week I spent in Ireland.



The climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical location. Ukraine’s territory lies in the temperate belt and its climate is temperately continental, only the southern coast of the Crimea is subtropical. The climate of Ukraine is characterized by considerable variations due to the great range from north to south and from west to east, stretching from the areas under the influence of the north-western Atlantic to the interior of the continent. This means that the air temperature decreases not only from north to south but also from west to east. The characteristic features of the climate are higher summer temperatures, lower winter temperatures, and rare rainfalls.The Ukrainian climate has considerable fluctuation in weather conditions from year to year. Alongside very wet years there can be droughts, and alongside cold years there are warm years.The Black and the Azov seas have small influence on the climate and it’s felt only in coastal areas. The warmest region is nearby the Black Sea, the coldest — in the north-east and in the mountains. The southern coast of Crimea is subtropical. Crimean mountains obstruct the movement of cold Arctic air to the coast and create conditions for one of the best resort areas in Ukraine.The average yearly temperature in Ukraine varies between +5..+7 C in the north and +11..+13 C in the south. January is the coldest month and July is the hottest one.In general Ukraine can be divided into four different climatic regions: cool snow forest climate, steppe climate, Mediterranean climate and mountain tundra climate.

The Ukrainians, like any other people, have their own customs and traditions: many of these are very old, some appear nowadays.Most of the customs are connected with the religious festivals or with Ukrainian dwelling.The most popular of the holidays is the New Year Day; it is celebrated on the 1st of January.On the eve of the holiday children and their parents decorate a New Year’s Tree with shining balls and other Christmas ornaments.The mothers of the families prepare holiday dinners.On that day people exchange presents with their relatives and friends: they often go to see them or invite them to their place to see in the New Year together.They lay festive tables and at 12 o’clock raise their glasses with champagne and say to each other “Happy New Year”.But the Orthodox Church in Ukraine celebrates New Year on the 14th of January to the old-style Calendar.In the evening on the 13th of January children go from house to house and sing Christmas carols: they wish all the best to the people who live in these houses.Of course, the carol-singers are given some reward — sweets, cakes or a little money.The Orthodox Ukrainian people celebrate Christmas on January, 6: the evening before Christmas is called the Holy Evening.On the Holy Evening all the family get together to have the Christmas Supper.According to the religious tradition, it is necessary to prepare 12 different dishes because of 12 apostles; no one at the table can eat till the first star appears in the sky.But, unlike in the English-speaking countries, in Ukraine people do not exchange presents on that day. There are a lot of holidays in the USA.Many of them are associated with the history of the nation.There are also some holidays that have come from the old colonial days.The main holidays of the USA are New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas.The New Year’s Eve is a time for merriment.Most Americans spend this night with friends at home or in restaurants.Thousands of people gather in New York in Times Square to see the New Year in.The Tournament of Roses takes place in Pasadena, California, on January 1 each year.Prizes are given to the cities with the most unusual floral compositions.At Easter there is a tradition for people to buy new clothes.After church services many people take walks along the streets of their towns, wearing their new Easter hats and suits.This is usually called the “Easter Parade”.Memorial Day comes on May 30.It is dedicated to the memory of those who died for America in different wars.The national flags are put on the graves of soldiers on this day.The fourth of July, an Independence Day, is the biggest national holiday of the USA.On this day in 1776 a document, known as the Declaration of Independence, was adopted.During this holiday American cities have parades, people shoot off fire-works in parks and fields.Thanksgiving Day comes on the fourth Thursday of November.When the first settlers landed in America, their first year was very hard and 50 of 100 people died.But the Indians taught people how to plant corn and wild vegetables and in autumn they got a large harvest.Thanksgiving Day was their holiday, the day of giving thanks to God.It is a family holiday and Americans try to gather all family at home on this day.There are also some holidays which are not celebrated nation-wide, but only by each state separately.


My favorite Ukrainian poet is Taras Shevchenko.Taras Shevchenko is a great Ukrainian poet. He is a founder of the modern Ukrainian Literary Language.Shevchenko was born in the family of a serf in the village of Moryntsy, in 1614. When he was fourteen his master took him to work in his house as a boy-servant – “kozachok”.In his early childhood Shevchenko was very fond of make a serf painter of him. For this purpose he sent Taras to study painting. The boy was so talented that several Russean artists decided to free him from slavery. They bought out Shevchenko from his master.Later on young painter continued his study at the Petersburg Academy of Arts. Karl Brulov influenced Shevchenko greatly. In 1838 Shevchenko wrote his first poems in Ukrainian. In 1840 he published his first book of poems “Kobzar”. This first poetical works are mainly examples of romantiesm.The subject of many poets was unhappy love the also wrote of Ukraine.In 1861 Shevchenko died.Most famous his works are: “Dream”, “The Caucasus”, and “Jastament”. _____________________________________________________________________________ Television Television, also called TV, is one of our most important means of communication. It brings moving pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes.The name "Television" comes from Greek word meaning "far", and a Latin word meaning "to see", so the word "tele-vision" means "to see far".About three-fourths of the 1 500 TV stations in the US are commercial stations. They sell advertising time to pay for their operating costs and to make profit. The rest are public stations, which are nonprofit organizations.Commercial TV stations broadcast mostly entertainment programs because they must attract larger numbers of view­ers in order to sell advertising time at high prices. These programs include light dramas called situation comedies; action-packed dramas about life of detectives, police officers, lawyers and doctors; shows featuring comedians, dancers and singers; movies; quiz shows; soap operas; cartoons. Commercial TV broadcasts also documentaries and talk shows. Documentary is dramatic, but nonfictional presentation of information. It can be programs about people, animals in faraway places or programs on such issues as alcoholism, drug abuse, racial prejudice. On talk shows a host interviews. politicians, TV and movie stars, athletes, authors. There are also sport programs and brief summaries of local, national and international news. Advertising is an important part of commercial TV. Commercials appear between and during most programs. They urge viewers to buy different kinds of products - from dog food to hair spray, and from cars to insurance policies.Public television focuses mainly on education and culture. There are programs on wide range of subjects - from physics and literature to cooking and yoga. Public TV also broadcasts plays, ballets, symphonies as well as programs about art and history. Public TV attracts less viewer than commercial TV. __________________________________________________________________________________ MY FAVOURITE WRITER: JACK LONDON (1876-1916) To begin with I have to admit that I'm fond of reading. I have been doing regular reading since my childhood. I liked to read books about the history of our country, about famous people and adventures.Literature means much in my life. It helps to form the character and the world outlook, to understand life better. Books teach us to be honest, modest, and courageous. They help us to feelcompassion for weak people.Jack London became my favourite writer from his first books I'd read. It was his novel "Martin Iden". First of all I got interested in Jack London as a personality. His life story struck me not less than his works. What a man! He was strong and talented. He lived a life of adventures and hardships. So he knew what he was writing about. In his novel "Martin Iden" he describes his biography. What a hard life he lived!Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876. From his childhood he suffered greatly. He changed a lot of jobs: selling out newspapers, working at the factory. He hated that kind of job, which exhaustedpeople and made them suffer physically and morally.Young Jack had no opportunity to go to school. So he studied privately reading much at night.When gold was found in Alaska, Jack London joined the gold rush. He returned home without gold but with rich impressions about people with whom he met and made friends. They became the prototypes of his heroes.That is why it is so interesting to read his novels "The Call of the Wild" and "White Fang". His heroes are bright personalities. They are physically strong and enduring people. They try to find a way out from the most difficult situations. They fight and survive.The very first story "The Love of Life" caught my fancy. I was struck by the will of a sick man who found himself alone, side by side with a wolf. Both the man and the wolf were sick and weak. And each of them was waiting for the other to grow still weaker and faint. The man won. While reading the story I admired the courage and human spirit of the hero.The story "Brown Wolf' is not less interesting. It's about a dog and his devotion to people.Later I read more novels and stories by Jack London. My fondness of Jack London, the greatest American writer, will stay with me all my life.



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