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I. Translate the vocabulary into Russian or Ukrainian.


1. What sport society do you belong to?

2. The club has different sections.

3. A special council is elected to guide the activities of the club.

4. This stadium has a seating capacity of 1000,000.

5. There has been a record attendance at the stadium this year.

6. Where is the play (sports) ground)?

7. Now the winter sports season is in full swing.

8. The competition will be opened with the long-distance run.

9. Tournament

10. Gymnastic competition

11. International contest

12. Swimming contest

13. The World Students` Games

14. Match

15. Meeting (Am a meet)

16. An `A` league team

17. The all-Ukraine team

18. The national team

19. Contending teams

20. Visiting team

21. Home-team

22. Contestant

23. A tem-mate

24. To qualify for the finals

25. Semi-finals

26. The world high-jump record holder

27. The Russia record holder in …

28. Honourable Master of Sports

29. A medal winner

30. A medalist at the Olympic Games

31. A triple champion

32. The Ukraine, national, world, Olympic champion

33. Individual championship

34. To win the championship

35. To go in for the world championship in …

36. A title-holder

37. A contender to the title

38. To win (carry off, capture) a title

39. To lose a title

40. To defend a title

41. To retain the title

42. To compete for the first place

43. To establish (set) a new world record

44. To beat (cut, break, exceed) a record in…

45. To improve (raise, better) a record in…

46. To lower the record 0.1 of a second

47. To repeat the result

48. Close to the world record

49. An individual (team) victory

50. A third victory running

51. To press for a victory

52. To reap all the victories

53. A victory over…

54. An easy winner

55. To have a win to one`s credit

56. To win by the head

57. To mount the rostrum

58. To be garlanded with a laurel wreath

59. A surprise defeat

60. To defeat a team by 6 points to 4

61. To try to even up

62. To train

63. To be `in form`

64. To be `out of form`

65. A trainer (coach)

66. Who trains him?

67. He trains under…

68. Singlets and shorts (Am jersey and trunks)

69. Sports shoes

70. A keen sportsmen

71. An ardent sports fan

72. A favourite kind of sport

73. Basic sports©

74. To go wild over a game

75. To have (take) a keen interest in a team

76. To care for football

77. To go in for swimming

78. To be keen on cricket

79. To take a fancy for (to) archery

80. To be a soccer fan

81. To be good at tennis

82. To chuck up (drop) playing rugby

83. To join (take a hand, take part in, make one of the party)

84. To `root` for somebody (usually Am)

85. What team do you root for?


86. Football occupies an honourable place among other games.

87. The audience gave the England team a hearty welcome.

88. They showed a lack of concerted work.

89. Their attacks were weak.

90. They played a purely defensive game.

91. The forwards played far too much as individuals.

92. They were swift and aggressive.

93. They behaved very badly (they were rough).

94. The first half abounded in sharp dangerous attacks launched by the Spartaks.

95. Their goal never seemed to be out of trouble.

96. Their defence was vigilant and courageous.

97. The visitors have taken the initiative and are piling on pressure.

98. The N. Team started off in a fine style.

99. England continued to dominate the play.

100.Ten minutes from time the home defence once again took over the attacking role.

101.The N. Team had another narrow escape in the 45th minute.

102.Those tactics are not new.

103.In whose favour is the goal?

104.All cheered the tying goal with great applause.

105.With six minutes to go N. Shot from a good scoring position and scored a goal.

106.He almost ripped the opponent`s net with an unstoppable shot from close range.

107.M. Tried a long shot, but the ball went high.

108.He is poor at headwork (headworking).

109.He is a master in the art of heading.

110.N. Is equally strong in attack and defence.

111.The skill of the players was practically equal.

112.What is the score?

113.With what score did the team win?

114.The match ended in a 3:3 draw (tie).

115.The game with the N. Team was a draw.

116.The score was 2:0 (two-nil).

117.The game was a goalless draw.

118.They won the game 3:1 (three to one).

119.They managed to stick to a 3:3 draw.

120.The score could have been heavier.

121.At full-time the scores were even; extra time had to be given.

122.N. Brought the score to 3:1 in favour of the Spartak.

123.To keep score

124.To bring the score to…

125.To open the score

126.To even the score

127.Close score

128.Shut out


To serve the ball

130.To receive the ball

131.To pass (feed) the ball

132.To block

133.To fail to return the ball

134.To lose a point

135.To lose the right to serve


137.A stroke across the net



138.To shoot the ball at the basket

139.To land (sink) the ball in the basket


a) Runs

140.100 metre race (run, dash, event)

141.4x100 metre relay

142.a long distance race

143.a cross-country race

144.marathon race


146.400 m hurdle race

147.10 000 metre walk






153.fast finish

154.smart beginning

155.to race in the 100 metres

156.to finish ahead of N.

157.To clock 10.4 sec in the 100 metre race

158.To time

159.To break (breast) the tape

160.To cross the finishing line

161.To tale the lead

162.To keep the lead

163.To regain the lead

164.To make a good (bad) start

165.To be an easy winner of the marathon

166.To win the heat

167.To come out on top

168.To win by a couple of yards

169.To fail to win the heat

b) Jumps

170.a men`s (women`s) jump

171.high jump

172.long jump

173.pole vault (vaulting)

174.hop, step and jump

175.roll style

176.to clear 1 m 55 cm in the high jump

177.to clear 6 ft using the roll style

178.to master the scissors style

179.to outjump somebody

180.to fall back on one`s hands

181.to touch the bar

c) Throws

182.discus throw

183.hammer throw

184.javelin throw

185.shot put


186.An outdoor gym (gymnasium)

187.An indoor gym

188.Free calisthenics

189.Side horse

190.Long horse

191.Parallel bars

192.(flying) rings

193.horisontal bar

194.balance beam

195.rope climb

196.a complicated exercise

197.to balance


198.Were you at the boxing match?

199.Who is in the ring now?

200.He doesn`t even know the ABC of boxing.

201.He knocked out the well-known boxer N.

202.He captured the middle-weight title of the European champion.

203.He made a splendid showing in the All-Russia championship.

204.He is good in a close fight.

205.He has a powerful punch.

206.He defeated a much more experienced boxer.

207.He is a knock-out specialist.

208.He confidently won the country title.

209.He won by (on) points (by a knock-out).

210.It`s a ten round match, isn`t it?

211.How long does a round last?

212.It was a hard blow (punch).

213.He delivered a series of blows.

214.He dealt a crippling blow that sent his opponent to the floor.

215.He floored him in the second round.

216.He went into a knock-down.

217.The referee is counting.

218.The gong struck, and the battle was on.

219.It was not a fight; it was a slaughter, a massacre.

220.The first and second rounds were tame.

221.In the seventh round N., under a heavy blow, dropped.

222.The referee caught M.`s gloved hand and held in aloft.






228.Below the belt


230.Straight right (left)

231.To batter (hammer)

232.To parry

233.To attack

234.To avoid

235.To give the ropes

236.Boxing weights:




240.Light weight

241.Light welter weight

242.Welter weight

243.Light middle weight

244.Middle weight

245.Light heavy weight

246.Heavy weight


247.He floored (put him down) in five minutes.

248.He has got a good hold of him now.

249.How heavily they breathe.

250.The one in red is exhausted.

251.The other one is just like an eel.

252.He threw him down rather hard.

253.The referee is trying to break them.

254.It`s a clutch.

255.Who is the champion in free style wrestling?

256.He won by (on) points.

257.His technique is much higher than M`s.

258.Classical wrestling

259.Free-style wrestling

260.A hurl, a throw

261.A bridge


262.What`s his own weight?

263.He turns the scale at (to) 120 kgs.

264.What`s his total?

265.He lifted half a ton in three goes.

266.Did he take the weight?

267.What was his press (snatch, jerk)? (How much did he press?)

268.He couldn`t take 150 kgs in a press.

269.He is clever at two-hand press.

270.He was unable to complete the press.


a) Skating


272.speed skating

273.The speed skating national champion

274.Figure skating (cutting)

275.Figure-cutter (figure-skater)

276.A skating figure

277.The technique of figure cutting (of speed skating)

278.A pirouette

279.A dance on the ice

280.The track

281.To skate in pairs

282.To race the 5,000-metre distance in…

283.To cover the race for the 1000 metres in … min. …sec.

b) Skiing

284.a skiing race

285.a skiing relay

286.a cross-country skiing race

287.downhill skiing

288.ski jumping


290.a ski-jumping board

291.accurate (inaccurate) landing

292.to land in a fall

293.to lose a point because of a fall

294.skiing gear


c) Ice-hockey

296.To roll in the ball

297.To throw in the chuck

298.To throw a ball up

299.To hock the chuck

300.To block up

301.To score a chuck

302.To let a chuck through the goal


a) Swimming

303.Men`s 4x200 metres free-style relay


305.Breast stroke

306.Back stroke

307.Crawl stroke

308.Butterfly stroke

309.Free style stroke

310.A swimming-pool

311.A breast-stroke champion

312.The world free-style record

313.To hold the world record in the 400 metres

314.To win the butterfly event

315.To win the heat in 3 min. dead

316.To finish half a length behind the winner

317.To finish one tenth of a second behind (ahead) of N.

318.To finish second to N.

319.To finish first in the 100 metre event

320.To burst over the last 10 metres

321.A bathing suit

322.A diving cap

b) Diving

323.springboard diving event

324.high board dive

325.springboard dive

326.10-metre board dive

327.a somersault

328.to stand 6 points ahead of N.

329.To total… points in the diving event

c) Yachting

330.Do you indulge in (go in for) yachting?

331.No, sailboats don`t appeal to me.

332.Can you sail a yacht?

333.Do you like yacht-racing?

334.What class is this yacht?

335.When will the regatta begin?

336.How does one get into a yacht-club?

337.One has to pass a test in sailing simple crafts.

338.I took a course of training at the yacht-club.

339.One has to learn to handle a simple craft.

340.Speed boating is becoming a very popular sport, indeed.

341.What kind of speed boat do you like?

342.An outboard boat

343.An inboard boat

344.The six-meter class yacht

345.A racer

346.A yachtsman

347.To go for a sail

348.To sail

349.To make sail

350.To fist

351.To take in sails

352.To go under full sail

d) Boating

353.Let`s go for a ride in a boat.

354.How do you like my row-boat?

355.No, I shall sit in the stern.

356.She is a steady boat, indeed.

357.The oar has snapped.

358.But won`t the boat capsize?

359.The boat is a little bit hard to pull.

360.This is the steering oar.

361.No, I can`t steer well.

362.I can row very well.

363.How many people can she hold?

364.Does the boat leak?

365.Teach me to back the oars (to back-water), will you?

366.This boat rows (pulls) six oars.

367.A life-boat

368.A skiff

369.A kayak

370.A canoe

371.A pair oar boat

372.A six oar boat

373.A steersman

374.A coxswain



375.Is there a shooting-gallery here?

376.Can you shoot from a high-power rifle?

377.This is a small-bore.

378.I should like to learn to shoot with a pistol.

379.How far does this rifle carry?

380.The target seems rather far, doesn`t it?

381.Have you cocked the gun?

382.Pull the trigger.

383.The trigger is hard to pull.

384.Teach me how to aim.

385.You aim at the bull`s eye.

386.Have I hit the mark?

387.He scored 39 points out of 40.

388.Where is the moving target shooting taking place?

389.Which way is the shooting-range (shooting-ground)?

390.A shooting tournament

391.Target shooting

392.Trap shooting a marksman

393.A free rifle (pistol)

394.Three positions:

395.Prone, kneeling, standing

396.To fire at random

397.To fire a pistol

398.To charge (load) a rifle


I. Translate the vocabulary into Russian or Ukrainian.

Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1022

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