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Output Devices

Monitors. Monitors, which look like television sets, quickly display and redisplay the computer's output. They are often called CRTs (cathode ray tubes), VDTs (video display terminals), or simply screens.

The image displayed on the screen is composed of many rows of tiny dots, called pixels (short for picture element). The number and size of pixels determine the resolution (sharpness and clarity) of the display. The more pixels, the higher the resolution.

Each type of monitor, such as monochrome or colour graphics, requires a matching type of display adapter in the system unit.

· Desktop Monitors. CRTs, are the desktop monitors that are built in the same as television sets. They can be monochrome or colour:

· Monochrome monitors show one colour, generally white, green, or amber, on a dark background.

· Colour monitors (often called graphics monitors) display text characters and graphic images in colour. They have advanced through various stages: CGA (colour graphics adapter), EGA (enhanced graphics adapter), and VGA (video graphics array).

· Printers. Printers create paper copies, called hardcopies, of information sent from the computer. Four types of printers are in common use:

· Dot matrix printers use a series of dots to form a character. They are fast and inexpensive, but the output quality can be relatively low.

· Daisy-wheel, or letter-quality, printers create print of the same quality as a typewriter. Letter-quality printers are slower but they produce a higher-quality print.

Ink jet printers spray small droplets of ink to create characters. These printers produce a fine-quality print at an extremely high speed; some print in colour.

Laser printers are quickly taking the place of other printers for most uses. Laser printers produce an exceptionally high-quality print at a very high speed.



Post-reading activity


Task 1. Answer the following questions.

1. What various output and input peripheral devices attached to the till do you know? 2. What electronic devices inside of digital cameras are there? 3. Can you name the merits of digital cameras? 4. What two important features are necessary to know when buying a digital camera? 5. What is the main function of storage devices? 6. What do storage devices consist of? 7. What are the types of storage devices? 8. What do read only media enable the user to do? 9. What is the difference between removable storage and fixed storage? 10. What are the functions of input devices such as a keyboard, a scanner, a mouse and a light pen? 11. What do you know about such output devices as monitors? 12. What kind of printers do you know?


Task 2. Find the English equivalents for the following Russian word combinations.


1. точка; 2. запоминающее устройство; 3. электронные весы; 4. перифе­рийное устройство; 5. цифровая клавиатура; 6. штриховой код; 7. носи­тель данных; 8. жесткие диски; 9. световое перо; 10. струйный принтер; 11. память на полупроводниках; 12. хранение данных; 13. единицы измерения; 14. съемное запоминающее устройство; 15. матричное печатающее устройство.


a) storage; b) electronic scale; c) pixel; d) hard disks; e) peripheral; f) light pen; g) ink-jet printer; h) data storage; i) units of measurement; j) removable storage; k) solid state memory; l) data media; m) numeric keypad; n) barcode; o) dot matrix printer.


Task 3. Match the terms in Table A with the statements in Table B.


Table A Table B
1. barcode reader a) a piece of equipment that is connected to the central processing unit of a computer system.
2. peripheral b) a measure of the quality of a display screen in terms of the amount of graphical information that can be shown on the screen
3. swipe card c) a material used for storing programs and data
4. resolution d) a symbol on the monitor screen that indicates the point on the screen that is being used
5. cursor e) a plastic card with a magnetic strip running across it containing confidential data
6. storage medium f) an optical input device that uses the reflection of a light beam to read barcode labels
7. keyboard g) a common cursor control input device used with a graphical user interface. It commonly has 2 or 3 button switches on top and a ball underneath that is rolled on a flat surface
8. mouse h) the main electronic input device that has keys arranged in a similar layout to a typewriter


Task 4. Mark the following as True or False.


1. Digital cameras are gradually being developed that are as good as conventional cameras. 2. There is a delay in getting pictures from digital cameras because there is no film requiring chemical processing. 3. The higher the resolution of a digital camera the less memory is required to store the pictures. 4. Storage devices are used to process data and programs that are being used by the processor. 5. Read only media enable the user only to read data. 6. Fixed storage allows the media to be changed or transferred to another computer. 7. Keyboards have a series of special keys to control sending the information to the CPU. 8. A mouse is an output device that operates by controlling the position of the cursor.


Task 5. Complete the gaps.


1. The image displayed on the screen is composed of many rows of tiny dots, called … . 2. Printers create paper copies, called … , of information sent from the computer. 3. Monitors are often called CRTs (cathode ray tubes), DVTs (video display terminals), or simply … . 4. Peripheral devices can be classified generally as … . 5. Storage devices are used to … . 6. EPOS tills used in supermarkets form … . 7. Types of storage devices include … . 8. There is no delay in getting pictures from digital cameras because there is ...


Task 6. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.


printers, software, capacity, drive, pixels, scanner, peripherals, barcode, removable


1. Digital cameras can be attached to a computer to directly transfer pictures for editing using special … and unwanted pictures can be deleted. 2. The resolution of a camera is measured in … and given as two numbers. 3. Other factors that vary between storage devices include: the speed at which the … moves the media past the read/write head and reads or writes data to the storage media and the … of the media. 4. There are various types of … for out-putting text and graphics to paper. 5. Data can take many forms and there is a wide variety of input, output, storage and communication … . 6. … is an input device that acts like a miniature photocopy machine connected to a computer, copying graphic images into the computer and allowing type- written pages to be entered without retyping. 7. … reader is used for looking up prices. 8. … storage enables the user to change the media and transfer it to another computer.


Task 7. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs, need to, have to and must, to make sensible statements. More than one answer is possible in some examples.


1. Technical qualifications … to be renewed at intervals to ensure they do not go out of date. 2. You … become an expert in too narrow a field. 3. You … to have good communication skills to become an IT Manager. 4. You … be an expert in hardware to become a programmer. 5. You … have worked with IBM mainframes for at least two years. 6. You … be able to show leadership. 7. You … have a degree but it … be in computing science. 8. You … to have experience in JavaScript. 9. You … be able to use C++. 10. These days you … study BASIC.


Task 8. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the modal verbs and the equivalents.


1. Laser light can travel faster than an electric current. 2. Imagine being able to access the Internet from a kitchen appliance. 3. You must be able to provide leadership to junior team members.4. Some operations for this computer have to be changed and new instructions have to be added. 5. The main task of the barcode reader is to read barcode labels using the reflection of a light beam. 6. You have to be able to manage a team. 7. In future, domestic appliances will be able to report any breakdowns for repair. 8. Marconi was able to send a radio signal across the Atlantic. 9. Every student of our speciality has to know the difference between read only media and read and write media. 10. IT managers have to take responsibility for budgets. 11. You mustn’t make unauthorised copies of software. 12. You need to be able to break down a problem into a number of smaller tasks.


Task 9. Problem solving. Study this list of needs. Which type of peripheral would you advise in each case? See the box for help.


a. barcode reader, b. digital videocamera, c. scanner, d. tape drive, e. joystick, f. robot, g. microphone, h. graphics digitiser, i. keyboard, j. hard disk, k. touchscreen, l. headphones, m. plotter, n. laser printer


1. inputting printed graphics

2. building cars

3. controlling the screen cursor in a fast action game

4. making choices on a screen in a public information terminal

5. recording moving images

6. recording a book loan in a library

7. printing very high quality text and graphics

8. creating drawings

9. printing building plan drawings

10. recording sound

11. listening to music without disturbing others

12. storing programs and data

13. inputting a lot of text

14. backing up large quantities of data


Task 10. Translate into English.


1. Часть компьютера, которая принимает информацию, называется устройством ввода. 2. Устройство ввода обеспечивает связь между компьютером и человеком, который интересуется его режимом работы. 3. Блок ввода или устройство ввода позволяет установить связь от другого оборудования по управлению данными и человеком с компьютером. 4. Устройство ввода – это функциональная часть компью­тера, которая принимает данные, с которыми будут работать, а также программы для работы.

5. Часть компьютера, которая выдает информацию, называется блоком вывода. 6. Известно, что устройства вывода варьируются в зависимости от емкости вспомогательного оборудования, получающего информацию. 7. Например, на магнитную ленту компьютер может записывать со скоростью 1 000 000 единиц в секунду.

8. Устройства ввода и вывода обычно называют периферией или вспомогательным блоком. 9. Все периферийное оборудование работает медленнее по сравнению с самим компьютером. 10. Соответственно для эффективного использования невероятно высокой вычислительной скорости компьютера может использоваться устройство, называемое буфером. 11. Известно, что буфер является устройством памяти, который в состоянии принимать информацию с очень большой скоростью от компьютера и передавать ее с нужной скоростью периферийному устройству.


Task 11. Writing. Describe the EPOS till using the terms in the box.


barcode reader, swipe card reader, for cash cards and loyalty cards, LCD screen, printer for receipts, electronic scales


Task 12. Topics for discussion:

1. Speak on peripherals in EPOS tills used in supermarkets.

2. The characteristics of digital cameras as input devices.

3. Speak on the types of storage devices.

4. Classification of input and output devices or both.

Task 13. Now study the text below to get this information:


1. How do input devices range? 2. What other input devices can you name? 3. What flat-panel display do you know? Give their characteristics. 4. Name three examples of output devices. 5. What devices serve both as input and output devices? 6. What are the functions of the modem? How does it work? 7. What opportunities has the availability of modems opened?


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