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Grammar: Old English


Declension of nouns of “a-stem”

Case and number Masculine Neuter Long stem neuter
N, Sg Bāt ჳesceot Folc
G, Sg Bātes ჳesceotes Folces
Dat., Sg. Bāte ჳesceote Folce
Akk., Sg. Bāt ჳesceot Folc
N, Pl. Bātas ჳesceotu Folc
G, Pl. Bāta ჳesceota Folca
Dat., Pl.. Bātum ჳesceotum Folcum
Akk., Pl.. Bātas ჳesceotu Folc


Declension of nouns of “o-stem”

Case and number Feminine
N, Sg Stōw
G, Sg Stōwe
Dat., Sg. Stōwe
Akk., Sg. Stōwe
N, Pl. Stōwa
G, Pl. Stōwum
Dat., Pl.. Stōwum
Akk., Pl.. Stōwum


Declension of nouns of “i-stem”

Case and number Masculine Neuter Feminine
N, Sg Cir/cirre Spere Dǽd
G, Sg Cires Speres Dǽde
Dat., Sg. Cir/cirre Spere Dǽde
Akk., Sg. Cir/cirre Spere Dǽde
N, Pl. Cire/ciras Speru Dǽde/Dǽda
G, Pl. Cirra Speru Dǽda
Dat., Pl.. Cirrum Sperum Dǽdum
Akk., Pl.. Cire Spera Dǽde/Dǽda


Declension of nouns of “u-stem”

Case and number Masculine
N, Sg Sunu
G, Sg Suna
Dat., Sg. Suna
Akk., Sg. Sunu
N, Pl. Suna
G, Pl. Suna
Dat., Pl.. Sunum
Akk., Pl.. Suna


Declension of nouns of “n-stem”

Case and number Masculine Neuter
N, Sg Flota Ēaჳe
G, Sg Flotan Ēaჳan
Dat., Sg. Flotan Ēaჳan
Akk., Sg. Flotan Ēaჳe
N, Pl. Flotan Ēaჳan
G, Pl. Flotena Ēaჳena
Dat., Pl.. Flotum Ēaჳum
Akk., Pl.. Flotan Ēaჳan



Strong declension

Case and number Masculine Neuter Feminine
N, Sg Lanჳ Lanჳ Lanჳ(e)
G, Sg Lanჳes Lanჳes Lanჳre
Dat., Sg. Lanჳum Lanჳum Lanჳre
Akk., Sg. Lanჳne Lanჳ Lanჳe
Instr., Sg Lanჳe Lanჳe
N, Pl. Lanჳ Lanჳ Lanჳa
G, Pl. Lanჳra Lanჳra Lanჳra
Dat., Pl. Lanჳum Lanჳum Lanჳum
Akk., Pl. Lanჳe Lanჳe Lanჳa
Instr., Pl.


Weak declension

Case and number Masculine Neuter Feminine
N, Sg Lanჳa Lanჳe Lanჳe
G, Sg Lanჳan Lanჳan Lanჳan
Dat., Sg. Lanჳan Lanჳan Lanჳan
Akk., Sg. Lanჳan Lanჳa Lanჳan
Instr., Sg
N, Pl. Lanჳan Lanჳan Lanჳan
G, Pl. Lanჳra/Lanჳena Lanჳra/Lanჳena Lanჳra/Lanჳena
Dat., Pl.. Lanჳum Lanჳum Lanჳum
Akk., Pl.. Lanჳan Lanჳan Lanჳan
Instr., Pl.



Personal pronoun, Singular

Case and number First person Second person
N, Sg Ic Þū
G, Sg Mīn Þīn
Dat., Sg. Þē
Akk., Sg. Mek/Mē Þek/ Þē


Third person

Case and number Masculine Neuter Feminine
N, Sg Hit Hēo
G, Sg His His Hire
Dat., Sg. Him Him Hire
Akk., Sg. Hine Hit Hīe/hī

Dual number

Case and number First person Second person
N, Sg Wit ჳit
G, Sg Uncer Incer
Dat., Sg. Unc Inc
Akk., Sg. Uncit Incit, inc


Plural number

Case and number First person Second person Third person
N, Sg ჳē Hīe, hēo, hī, hy
G, Sg Ūre, ūser Ēower Hīera, hīra, hyra
Dat., Sg. Ūs Ēow Him, heom
Akk., Sg. Ūsic, ūs Ēowic, ēow Hīe, hēo, hī, hy


Demonstrative pronoun “that”

Case and number Masculine Neuter Feminine Plural
N, Sg Þæt Sēo Þā
G, Sg Þǽs þǽs Þǽr Þāra, þǽre
Dat., Sg. Þǽm, þām Þām, þǽm Þǽre Þām, þǽm
Akk., Sg. Þonne Þæt þā þā
Instr, Sg, Þỳ, þon þỳ, þon


Demonstrative pronoun “this”

Case and number Masculine Neuter Feminine Plural
N, Sg Þē Þis Þēos Þās
G, Sg Þisses Þisses Þisse Þissa
Dat., Sg. Þissum Þissum Þisse Þissum
Akk., Sg. Þisne Þis Þās Þās
Instr, Sg, Þỳs Þỳs



Strong Verbs

Classes Forms
Present Past Singular Past Plural Participle II
Class 1 ჳewītan ჳewāt ჳewiton ჳewiten
Class 2 Scufan Scēaf Scufon Scofen
Class 3l Helpan Healp Hulpon Holpen
Class 3r Ceorfan Cearf Curfon Corfen
Class 3n Windan Wand Wundon Wunden
Class 4 Beran Bær Bǽron Boren
Class 5 Beჳitan Beჳæt Beჳǽt Beჳeten
Class 6 Scacan Scōc Scōcon Scacen
Class 7 Lǽtan Lēt Lēton Lætan

Date: 2015-12-18; view: 846

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