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Cambodia Gives Angelina Jolie Citizenship

Associated Press

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Cambodia's prime minister on Tuesday offered Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie Cambodian citizenship in recognition for her nature conservation work in this poverty stricken country.

Jolie, who arrived Tuesday on an unannounced two-day visit, said she would accept the citizenship if given. She did not elaborate or talk about her current U.S. citizenship. Cambodia allows dual citizenship.

Jolie, who adopted her Cambodian son Maddox two years ago, said Prime Minister Hun Sen made the citizenship proposal during their talks Tuesday.

"He did mention giving me Cambodian citizenship, and I would be honoured, I think. I would certainly be thrilled. So I'm sure I'll be moving forward to actually receiving that," she told reporters after the meeting.

Jolie, 29, is giving a Cambodian community development organization $1.5 million US for its environmental protection efforts in remote parts of the country's northwest.

The project aims to protect about 60,000 hectares of forest in the Samlaut and Pailin areas, both former strongholds of the murderous Khmer Rouge regime that ruled Cambodia in 1975-79.

Jolie, travelling with Maddox, said she took him to visit the home she built for themselves in Samlaut.

"He's wonderful. I always want to bring Maddox back to Cambodia as often as possible because I want him to know he's Cambodian and be proud of that," she said, adding that she is also looking for a Cambodian-language teacher to teach her son.

During their meeting, Hun Sen offered his "high appreciation and praise" for Jolie's conservation efforts, said Ieng Sophalleth, a spokesman of the meeting.

In recognition of her works, the prime minister "welcomed her to become a Cambodian citizen," the spokesman said.

Jolie said she and Hun Sen discussed "common interests" in protecting Cambodian forests and job alternatives to substitute villagers' dependence on forest resources.

Jolie's adventure movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider was partly shot at Cambodia's famed Angkor Wat temple.

5.3.2. Vaughan Jones

3377 A short autobiography of a co-author of Inside Out texbook

I suppose I've been involved in TEFL in one way or another for all of my working life. I stumbled into it early on in Grenoble, France where I had gone straight after university to seek glory on the rugby field. Sadly, in the early eighties, rugby was still very much an amateur sport so I needed a job to pay for the beer. Through various rugby contacts I got a teaching post at the local Chambre de Commerce and spent two very stimulating years relearning my native tongue through the eyes of my French students.

Attracted by the idea of "TEFLing" round the world but worried that I still didn't know much about teaching, I decided to hang up my rugby boots, do the 4-week preparatory certificate at International House, London and try and find a job outside Europe. In 1984-85, I spent a very bizarre year teaching for a door-to-door sales company called HOLP in Yamagata, deepest Japan. It was like having my own cram school. My "classroom" was the lobby of the Hotel Green Tohoku and I taught students ranging from three-year-old children to a group of local neuro-surgeons. Character-forming stuff...

I then returned to work for the International House organisation and spent three fabulous years in Northern Spain where I completed my Diploma in TEFLA. After six years in the classroom and pondering that tricky question: "Now what?", I spotted an advert for a Sales Rep. / Teacher Trainer with Heinemann ELT in Madrid. It was a great move and I spent the next couple of years careering round Spain in my Fiat Uno, talking to teachers, giving workshops and trying to explain to my publishing colleagues what sort of materials I thought were really needed in the classroom.

Heinemann was expanding fast, and in 1990 I swapped the Fiat Uno for a Tokyo train pass and spent four very exciting years establishing Heinemann ELT in Japan and later on, setting up marketing operations in Korea and Taiwan. After coming from Spain where Heinemann was one of the established market leaders it was weird being the new kid on the block. No office, no database and, at the beginning, no books to promote! However, our small team worked very hard and as the new publishing came through we enjoyed some success - particularly with David Paul's children's course Finding Out which I believe is still doing well. It was an intense time but a really enjoyable one and I stay in touch with a lot of friends and colleagues from that era.

After twelve years abroad, and with a baby recently arrived, we decided it was time to move closer to home. So we returned to Heinemann HQ in Oxford and I took up a regional manager role in Western Europe. The late nineties were a period of great change in the ELT publishing industry with lots of mergers and take-overs. A year before Heinemann was bought by Macmillan I had already decided to get back into the classroom and try my hand at writing materials. My move was born out of frustration really. My job had seemingly become a series of interminable meetings about sales forecasts and balance sheets - very little to do with teachers or teaching. I returned to the chalk face as a teacher and trainer at the Lake School in Oxford and since 1998 I have been co-teaching and co-writing Inside Out with Sue Kay. It has been extremely hard work but very rewarding. We hope you like the result.


1) Read and translate using the following glossary:

TEFL - Teaching of English as a Foreign Language

Chambre de Commerce (French) - òîðãîâàÿ ïàëàòà

cram - çóáðåæêà

to spot - çàìåòèòü

new kid on the block - ÷óæàê

come through - ïîÿâëÿòüñÿ, ïðîáèâàòüñÿ

HQ = headquarters - øòàá-êâàðòèðà

take up - áðàòüñÿ (çà ÷òî-ë.), çàíèìàòü äîëæíîñòü

ELT - English Language Teaching

returned to the chalk face ≈ âçÿë â ðóêè ìåë

2) Note the tense usage. What tense is the most common in this text? Why? Note the forms marked in bold italics and try to explain why these tenses are used.

3) Retell the text (about 10 sentences) using the tenses that you have noted.


5.3.3. Got a broken heart? Read this

2212 By Judy Dutton

Can people really die due to a broken heart? Sounds melodramatic, but a new study from Johns Hopkins University suggests that this situation can indeed be fatal. In their study of hospital patients, researchers found that emotionally traumatic incidents—like losing someone you love—can cause a surge in the body’s levels of stress hormones called catecholamines, which, when broken down, can produce chemicals that are toxic to the heart. The result: A health problem called broken-heart syndrome, which, in severe cases, can lead to heart failure.

“At least five of the patients we studied would have died had they not sought treatment,” says researcher Ilan Wittstein, M.D., a cardiologist at Johns Hopkins. But relax: Not everyone who’s been dealt a bad blow by Cupid needs to rush to the emergency room. Heartache that’s truly hospital-worthy will bring on symptoms typical to a classic heart attack: You may have difficulty breathing, and feel pain in your chest or radiating down your left arm, says Wittstein. In other words, if you’re sitting there bawling on the phone to a friend or mowing through a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, your ticker’s probably in top form.

Still, if you’re in a tailspin over lost love (even if it’s not of potentially lethal proportions), there are things you can do to protect your health. Typical anxiety-reducing activities like exercise can help; you could also consider what we like to call “interval grieving,” where you give yourself 30 minutes once or twice a day to dwell on your breakup, vowing to move on to fun distractions (even if that’s just a Friends rerun) after the allotted time is up, suggests Holly Pedersen, Ph.D, a licensed marriage and family therapist and president of Talk Works. Finally, even if you’ve been dumped dramatically, it never hurts to remind yourself that there are upsides to being single, so write down three or more things you’re glad you can do, like “finally I can walk through an art museum at my own pace” or “now I can sleep on the whole bed rather than half of it, and hog the covers.”

Judy Dutton is the project editor for Happen magazine. In the past, she’s found Chunky Monkey is the best way to get over a bad breakup.

5.3.4. Check, please!

4872 By Steve Friedman

She ordered the pasta with truffle oil. Of course she ordered the pasta with truffle oil. First date, fancy restaurant. And, of course, I am paying. I'm the guy. Which leads me to a few questions. Questions like: Why? What's wrong with my date springing for her own pasta with truffle oil every once in a while?

A female lawyer I know—who earns close to a quarter million dollars a year and still insists men she sees pay for meals—explained it to me. "I want to know they value me," she says. "It makes me feel like he's a man, and I'm a woman."

Which seems exceedingly odd, considering that some of the men she dates are out-of-work actors, struggling artists, and a filmmaker who lives with his parents.

I remind her of that. I tell her that to me, picking up (or not picking up) the tab does not determine one's womanliness or manliness. Maybe I use the phrase, "You're killing these poor bastards."

"You don't understand," she tells me. "A woman wants to feel like she's appreciated. And if she has to pay, she doesn't feel that way."

She's right. I don't understand. I mean, aren't kindness and solicitousness and missing the Knicks/Hornets to see the ballet with her evidence of my appreciation? Shouldn't we try to be a little equal here?

No, say a shocking number of my peers, women and men. Even in a day and age where men and women often earn equal salaries, many still adhere to the "he pays" model of dating.

"It might seem like a brave new world," a male friend tells me. "But in fact, we are controlled by impulses and cravings as old as sex itself. Way back when, only the alpha caveman who brought back some brontosaurus ribs could expect any action that evening. The cave women roasted the ribs and raised the cave babies; the cave guys spent their days chasing the mighty beasts."

Well, yes, but isn't this the 21st century?

"To you, maybe," he says. "But to women, they're still looking for the guy who brings home the stegosaurus chops."

I have to admit, even ignoring the more insane points of my friend's dinosaur-centric theory of courting, there is something simple and comforting to the Money-Man style of dating. It's particularly comforting to the woman who wants a husband who'll buy the multi-million-dollar home and take care of Trey and Muffy's private-school tuition. And it's comforting to the guy who wants to do that, too. But what about the population that isn't so certain about what they want in a mate, or even a date, beyond fun and romance and some laughs and maybe, just maybe, a soul connection and life partner? What about me?

I'll tell you about me: I pay. I pay for the first date, and the second, and even the third. It's an archaic and senseless custom, especially if she makes more in a month than I do in a good year. But that's okay. As archaic and senseless customs go, it's not as bad as stoning adulterers to death, or tip jars at Starbucks.

Besides, it's not like I pay forever. For the men and women comfortable with that—and there are many—I salute you. For me and truffle girl, if we're still seeing each other after three or four dates, we're usually comfortable enough to talk about things. About our goals, our hopes and dreams, our families and our jobs and what we want from life. Also, about money. And after that, unless one of us is making infinitely more than the other, we take turns treating. I spring for dinner, she buys tickets to the opera. She cooks lamb, I make cookies. Neither one of us is keeping score, but we're both doing our best to be generous. There doesn't need to be a tense summit conference or a comparison of tax returns; most of the time, the situation arises naturally.

And when it doesn't? There have been times when I have convened the summit conference. I mention my deep affection, my enormous respect, my hopes for a continued flowering of the nice thing we share. (I don't say, "Hey, Honey, let's go Dutch on this." That's just tacky). Then I tell her I can't afford to pay for both of us all the time, and might we consider a way to keep our wonderful romance going without my having to move to flea-bag hotel?

One or two women have balked, and they're buying their own noodles now. But the vast majority have been happy to discuss things. Afterwards, we might dine out at less pricey places, spend more time renting movies and ordering takeout. A couple times, women have admitted that they've been wanting to pay, but felt weird about offering. In all cases, the result has been more communication, a greater comfort level, a deeper connection. And those are things that money can't buy.

Steve Friedman is the author of The Gentleman's Guide to Life and, with former NBA star Jayson Williams, Loose Balls. He lives in New York City and is willing to occasionally drop a couple of hundred dollars on a dinner date.

Article courtesy of Happen magazine, www.happenmag.com.

5.3.5. The secret lives of happy couples

3117 By Analise Pendergast

We all know a couple like this: after years together they still hold hands, make each other laugh and blush, get along famously, and seem to enjoy a dynamite groove the rest of us only dream of. But what really goes on behind the scenes? Have these two soulmates actually found their perfect match in this big wide world, or are there secrets and strategies to making sure that romantic spirit continues to flourish over time?

In order to maintain the magic and sustain the spark, happy couples know they must:

Start solid. Remember that best friend you had when you were a kid? Whether blissfully playing side-by-side in the sandbox, or building an awesome fort together, you two just grooved on being in each other’s presence. Happy couples share that same serendipitous groove, if in the all-grown-up world. Romantic chemistry aside, they genuinely like each other as people, and truly enjoy walking down the path of life hand-in-hand.

Keep it fresh. Routines and traditions can give a couple a comforting sense of predictability that’s both grounding and reassuring. But surprises and adventures are also essential to really keeping that spark alive. Happy couples make a habit of shaking things up a bit by planning weekend getaways to undiscovered destinations, saving their pennies for a dream vacation, or launching fun and ambitious projects together. Having exciting things on the calendar to look forward to and sharing new adventures together reaffirms their connectedness and refuels the romance.

Clear the air. It’s perfectly natural for any couple to encounter frustrations, disappointments, and miscommunications from time to time. But if grievances go unaired, they can pile up to a mountain of resentment and put the relationship at risk. Happy couples make sure they keep the communication open, and navigate those inevitable rough spots with honesty and mutual respect. If any issues should arise that seem too big or too complex to resolve between the two of them, they’ll schedule some sessions with a couples therapist to help them safely weather the storm.

Have a life. A healthy relationship consists of two individuals who each maintain a strong sense of themselves, and who each take a genuine interest in the other. One may decide to go back to school to pursue a higher degree, while the other may get involved in a volunteer project or a photography workshop. Maintaining individual identities and pursuing individual interests insures that there’ll always be new things to share and to learn about one another.

Tune it up. Whether it be once a month or once a year, a regularly scheduled sit-down can allow for some essential upkeep and maintenance of a healthy relationship. Happy couples may agree to a periodic summit meeting to check in with one another about the overall well-being of their partnership. They may discuss what they’ve been appreciating about one another, what dynamics could use some tweaking, and what is on the horizon for their future as a couple. A little preventative TLC from time to time helps keep those relationship engines running smoothly.

6. Êîíôåðåíöèÿ


(background music )

All Conference members must register at the Conference room.

Registration of participants and guests starts at 12.45.

Registration desk

Registration officers (3-4 students)


Secretary of the Organizing Committee: Ladies and Gentlemen! May I have your attention, please? Shall we start? Right. Let me introduce myself. I am Olga Ivanova, the secretary of the Organizing Committee. I would like to thank you for your profound interest in the problems that will be discussed and sincere eagerness to participate and to support our participants – your friends. There are certain general rules governing the conference procedure. Now we are going to elect the Chairman. Our small working group proposes that Denis Komarov (should) be elected Chairman and the positions of Co-Chairman and Deputy Chairman would be filled by Tatiana Makarova and Valery Konkin pro tanto (respectively). A motion has been made to put the matter to the vote. Voting is carried out by a show of hands. Decisions will be made by a majority vote. If you support the nomination of Denis Komarov as a Chairman and Tatiana Makarova and Valery Konkin as Co-Chairman and Deputy Chairman, please indicate by a show of hands. The motion is (unanimously) supported. (The motion is carried by 40 votes to 8 with 3 abstentions.)


The duties of a Chairman are mainly administrative, where as those of a secretary are executive. The Chairman will sit in the centre, with the speaker on his right and the secretary on his left. When presiding at a meeting, the Chairman is responsible for its conduct, and it is for him to see that the business is properly carried out and that order is kept. The Chairman should always stand to address the meeting. The Chairman will call for questions. The Chairman should give a short summing up of the work of the conference and thank the delegates and all who have helped to make it a success.

Chairing a conference is not easy and not to be lightly undertaken by the inexperienced. Chairmanship is an art and, like other arts, is developed and improved by training and practice. The personality of the Chairman and his ability to create the correct atmosphere must have a considerable influence on the whole structure of the meeting. Chairing requires tact, patience and a sound knowledge of business. If a Chairman is to carry out his function effectively, he must know the correct procedure for the type of meeting over which he is to preside. It is often only the efficiency of the Chairman which prevents the complete breakdown of a meeting.

Secretary: Dear Chairman, dear Co-Chairman and dear Deputy Chairman, on behalf of all participants I wish to congratulate you on your election. I will ask you to proceed to business.



Co-Chairman: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to introduce you to the structure of the Conference and give you some information about. I will start with a few figures. At present there are ________ students at the faculty studying English in ____ groups. Under the guidance of their English teachers all students studied the problem of Communication in science, and then they were trained in preparing reports which were presented at the group meetings. Finally, _________students will present their papers. The working group developed the Program for the Conference. You are given the approved agenda for today's session. You can see, there are _______ papers on the agenda. I think there is no point in reading it out. Everyone can get acquainted with it and think of some questions to be asked. I should unfortunately add that the Program will not be subject to any amendments due to the lack of time.


Chairman: Excuse me, Mr. Co-Chairman. I think it is necessary to limit the time of presentation.


Co-Chairman 1: Oh, yes. I propose that each speaker (should) be allowed 3 minutes for the presentation of the paper. I certainly realize that this time is insufficient to cover the subject fully. Dear speakers, therefore, you are allowed two extra minutes to answer some questions. So everyone has at least 5 minutes in total to make clear presentation of his or her scientific research. A motion has been made to put the matter to the vote. If you support the offered time limits, please indicate by a show of hands. (The motion is unanimously supported./ The motion is carried by 40 votes to 8 with 3 abstentions.) Well,…We need someone to take the minutes… Mr. Chairman, dear participants and guests, if you don't mind I would ask our Deputy Chairman to take on this task.


Deputy Chairman: Yes, certainly, Mr. Co-Chairman. I hope I will manage.


Co-Chairman: Thank you. And now I have a pleasure to give the floor to Mr. Chairman.


Chairman: (starts the meeting with an opening address)

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues! It is a great honour for me as a Chairman to welcome you to the Fourth Annual Conference on Students Research in Mathematics: its progress and challenges. The conference is organized by the Department of Foreign Languages for Mathematicians.

(If he is present…) I would like to give a special welcome to the Head of the Department Èáðàãèìîâ Èëüäàð Èëüáåêîâè÷ who has found the time to attend our meeting.

I express our warmest welcome to the English teachers present at the Conference who significantly contributed to speech preparation. I would like to add my cordial words of welcome to our speakers. Let the atmosphere of the meeting, your attention and a keen interest encourage them to present their papers in their best way. I am sure you will join me in extending a particular welcome to the students from all groups who have come to support their friends. We are pleased that so many young researchers and their fellow-students showed a strong interest in this particular event. We would like to convey our best wishes to all the participants and guests.

It is only a year since our last meeting. It is certainly a very short period of time, but the work that has been done is impressive. There has been remarkable progress in our understanding of skills needed to effectively communicate in science. Particularly noteworthy is intense training in making a report and its presentation. You know, all students of the third and fourth years are engaged in research at different departments. So our main goal in holding the meeting is to discuss the research results obtained in the previous year, with simulating a scientific conference in actual practice. The papers to be presented cover a wide range of theoretical and experimental problems. It is our hope that the Conference will show the current state of things in this rapidly developing area and stimulate new ideas. Because the meeting has brought together students with different points of view, with different background of training and experience, we have included plenty of time for discussions and expect to hear original contributions of the participants.

I wish you every success. I hope that the meeting will be a success. Let me declare the Conference open. Thank you very much.

Co-Chairman: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Ladies and gentlemen! There is a good tradition to open the conference with Student's Anthem "GADEAMUS". You are given the original Latin text and its Russian literal translation. Please, listen to the song, enjoy lovely piece of music...


Chairman: Thank you. Let's get down to business. And now I would like to give the floor to our first speaker, Olga Butenko from the Department of Mathematical Theory of Economic Decisions. She will speak about the role played by utility function in making decisions which involve risk….Welcome, Olga.


Chairman: Thank you, Miss Butenko for your interesting presentation. Does anyone have a question to the speaker. Please feel free to ask a question and make comments………Yes, the gentleman (miss/lady) in the (second) row (at the third desk).

(a person with a raised hand) – I have a question.

Chairman: Please identify yourself before asking your questions.


(The person with a raised hand is repeating his question.)


SPEAKER 1. (answers the question)


Chairman:Any other questions?......Yes, welcome.


(a person with a raised hand) – I have a question.


Chairman: I am sorry, I again invite the speakers to identify themselves.


(The person with a raised hand is repeating his question.)


SPEAKER 1. (answers the question)

Chairman: Does that answer your question, Miss Butenko? Are there any more questions?...I see there are no questions to the speaker. Thank you, Miss Butenko.

I now give the floor to our second speaker Suria Kumacheva the Department of Mathematical Statistics, Theory of Reliability and Mass Services. who will introduce you to the problem of auditing. Welcome Miss Kumacheva.



Chairman: Thank you, Suria (for your interesting presentation). Are there any questions on Miss Kumacheva 's paper? ………Yes, the gentleman (Miss/lady) in the (second) row (at the third desk).


(a person with a raised hand) – I have a question.


Chairman: I am afraid I can't hear you. Could you speak louder please?


Chairman: Does that answer your question, Suria? Are there any more questions?...I see there are no questions for Miss Kumacheva. Thank you Suria. (There may be some more questions).

Now I am giving the floor to Tatiana Makarova from the Department of Control Systems of Electrophysical Devices who will speak on the problem of beam Dynamics optimization.



Chairman: Thank you, Tatiana for your interesting presentation and excellent English. I think everyone has really enjoyed it. Are you ready to answer the possible questions? … OK. Well, are there any questions on Miss Makarova's paper? ………Yes, the gentleman (Miss/lady) in the (second) row (at the third desk).


(a person with a raised hand) – I have a question.



Chairman: Are there any more questions?...I see there are no questions to the speaker. Thank you Miss Makarova.

And now I would like to give the floor to our next speaker, Yulia Kononova from the Department of Diagnostic of Functional System. The theme of her scientific paper is " A Mathematical Analysis of Cardiovascular Response to Postural Stresses.….Welcome, Yulia.


Chairman: Thank you, Miss Kononova for your interesting presentation. Does anyone have a question to the speaker? ………Yes, the gentleman (miss/lady) in the (second) row (at the third desk).

(a person with a raised hand) – I have a question.

Chairman: Please identify yourself before asking your questions.

(The person with a raised hand is repeating his question.)


SPEAKER 4. (answers the question)

Chairman:Any other questions?......Yes, welcome.

(a person with a raised hand) – I have a question.

Chairman: I am sorry, I again invite the speakers to identify themselves.


(The person with a raised hand is repeating his question.)

SPEAKER 4. (answers the question)


Chairman: Does that answer your question, Miss Kononova? Are there any more questions? … I see there are no questions to Miss Kononova. Thank you Yulia… We continue our session.

Ladies and gentlemen! Let me hang over the chairmanship to the Co-Chairman.

Co-Chairman: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am happy to have this opportunity to govern the procedure at the meeting. Now, I am giving the floor to Sergei Strogov from the Department of Mathematical Modeling of Power Systems, who will introduce you to two person zero-sum Poker Models. You are most welcome, Mr. Strogov.


Co-Chairman: Thank you, Sergei. …Any questions to the speaker? …Yes, welcome.

Any other questions? ……… Welcome.



Co-Chairman: (Follow the same procedure with speakers 6, 7 and the others.)

Deputy Chairman: (some useful remarks to be made)

· Time is rather short so I would invite you (everyone) to be brief and keep to the point.

· The question time is over.

· Please keep strict timing of 5 minutes and do not wander away from the subject.

· The question time is over.

· Could you keep to the time-limit?

· Mr. __________ I would ask you not to break the time-limit.

· Dear speaker, ……


Co-Chairman: (There may be a situation when you will have to stop the discussing.)

A person from the audience: Dear Chairmen, May I make a suggestion?

Co-Chairman/ Chairman: Yes, certainly.

A person from the audience: Well,…I suggest that we should stop the discussion because it has exceeded the schedule time frame. And I have a special offer to the Organizing Committee.

Co-Chairman/ Chairman: Yes, Welcome.

A person from the audience: Well, … It will be a good idea to organize a panel discussion where everyone who is particularly interested in a problem will have an opportunity to learn more. That's all.


(Chairmen are discussing the offer and then make a decision.)

Co-Chairman: (after the last speaker. We have been discussed the proposal. If you don't mind we decided to adopt it. So on behalf of the Presidium I must apologize to our speakers for finishing the discussion. I will ask you to hand in your papers to the Presidium…. Well, … I think that's all there is to say on the subject for the time being. We have concluded the adopted agenda. I declare the discussion closed. Now I am giving the floor to Mr. Chairman who will sum up our intensive work.


Chairman: Thank you. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues! I would like to thank you again everyone for contributing to the conference no matter whether you have presented papers and have taken part in discussion or have just been grateful listeners. I think we have done a good job on making the problems clearer to us all. The conference will no doubt help us make further progress in our professional activities.

Let me declare the conference closed.

Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1115

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