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Top Paying Jobs That Do Not Require a High School Degree

These jobs tend to require substantial on-the-job training and work experience rather than formal education and schooling:


Industrial production managers $36,000
Bailiffs, correctional officers and jailers $36,400
Paralegals and legal assistants $36,400
Drafters $36,000
Construction manager $33,600
Electricians $31,900

5.2.3. Do Pretty People Earn More?

4064 Kate Lorenz, CareerBuilder.com Editor

Studies show attractive students get more attention and higher evaluations from their teachers, good-looking patients get more personalized care from their doctors, and handsome criminals receive lighter sentences than less attractive convicts. But how much do looks matter at work?The ugly truth, according to economics professors Daniel Hamermesh of the University of Texas and Jeff Biddle of Michigan State University, is that plain people earn 5 to 10 percent less than people of average looks, who in turn earn 3 to 8 percent less than those deemed good-looking.

These findings concur with other research that shows the penalty for being homely exceeds the premium for beauty and that, across all occupations, the effects are greater for men than women.

A London Guildhall University survey of 11,000 33-year-olds found that unattractive men earned 15 percent less than those deemed attractive, while plain women earned 11 percent less than their prettier counterparts. In their report "Beauty, Productivity and Discrimination: Lawyers', Looks and Lucre," Hamermesh and Biddle found that the probability of a male attorney attaining early partnership directly correlates with how handsome he is.

Size matters, too. A study released last year by two professors at the University of Florida and the University of North Carolina found that tall people earn considerably more money throughout their careers than their shorter coworkers, with each inch adding about $789 a year in pay.

A survey of male graduates of the University of Pittsburgh found that the tallest students' average starting salary was 12 percent higher than their shorter colleagues'. The London Guildhall study showed that overweight women are more likely to be unemployed, and that those who are working earn on average five percent less than their trimmer peers.

According to Dr. Gordon Patzer, who has spent over three decades studying and writing about physical attractiveness, human beings are hard-wired to respond more favorably to attractive people. Even studies of babies show they will look more intently and longer at prettier faces.

"Good-looking men and women are generally judged to be more talented, kind, honest and intelligent than their less attractive counterparts," says Patzer. "Controlled studies show people go out of their way to help attractive people - of the same and opposite sex - because they want to be liked and accepted by good-looking people."

This may not sound too pretty to those of us who were dealt a bad hand in the looks department. But don't rush off to try out for the next round of Extreme Makeover just yet.

Despite what the research tells us, some of the world's most successful people have been ordinary looking at best, and you would never mistake the faces in Fortune for the faces in Esquire or Entertainment Weekly. Business legends are often of average height (Bill Gates at 5'9½") or even diminutive (Jack Welch, 5'8", and Ross Perot at 5'7"). What's more, many folks who are lovely to look at complain that they lose out on jobs because people assume they are vacuous or "lightweights."

How does this reconcile with all the research? Hiring managers say it is the appearance of confidence they find attractive, not the presence of physical beauty. And they contend that attractiveness has more to do with how you carry yourself and the energy you exude – rather than having perfect features or a great physique.

According to Gordon Wainright author of Teach Yourself Body Language, anyone can increase their attractiveness to others if they maintain good eye contact, act upbeat, dress well (with a dash of color to their wardrobe), and listen well. Wainright also stresses the importance of posture and bearing and suggests that for one week you stand straight, tuck in your stomach, hold your head high, and smile at those you meet. Based on many such experiments, Wainwright predicts you will begin to be treated with more warmth and respect and start attracting more people to you.

5.2.4. Six Signs That You Should Run – Not Walk – from Your New Job

4275 Kate Lorenz, CareerBuilder Editor

So you've finally landed a new job and you're thrilled to be in the working world again. Hopefully, your new position will be one that provides you with support, great opportunities and plenty of recognition for your successes. Unfortunately, a company that seems like Cinderella during the interview process can end up looking more like an ugly stepsister once you actually join the team. Here are six real-life, sure-fire signs that it's time to run away and never look back!

1. You ask your new boss for supplies and she hands you a No. 2 pencil and legal pad -- and nothing else. While not all companies can afford to outfit employees with late-model laptops, cell phones, pagers and company credit cards, it is important that you are given the tools that you need in order to do your job. If you aren't, or if the company questions you every time you ask for a new pen, it could be an indication of financial stress.

2. You were shown to a cubicle your first day of work, given a company manual and haven't been spoken to since. Even if you have years of experience, you should always be given some kind of orientation or training during your first days on a new job. The companies that are known as the best places to work all have substantial training programs and processes in place to make sure new employees feel comfortable and supported right from the start. Be wary if you feel like you have been left to go it alone.

3. Every time you tell someone about your new job with the company they raise their eyebrows and say "Really? Wow... good luck with that." A company's reputation isn't always completely accurate, but it does usually stem from legitimate information. Good companies to work for are typically well-known and well-respected in their communities. In fact, you should ask others in your industry and the local business community what their thoughts are about the company when you are doing your initial research. If everyone you ask has a negative tale about your new employer, chances are their impressions have some validity.

4. After two weeks on the job, you are already halfway to becoming the employee with the most seniority. One of the biggest issues for human resources professionals today is employee retention. You will notice that most of the country's top companies have employees who have been around for years. Lengthy employee tenure is often a sign that the company is doing something right. "I joined a firm in St. Louis and learned that the company had seven other employees come and go in the past year," says Sarah, a public relations executive. "What's worse is that it was only a five-person operation. That should have been the first sign that the company was not a great place to work."

5. You answer the phone while the company's secretary is away from her desk and find that the voice at the other end is a collection agency calling for the third time that week. While this sounds unbelievable, this actually happened to one worker, who said other employees at the company were eventually instructed to not answer the phones. "It became a joke with all of us," she commented. "We used to run out and cash our checks as soon as we got paid and were always afraid that they were going to bounce!" If you see any signs that your company is in real financial or legal trouble, get your résumé back out on the market.

6. You notice that every day for the last five days, at least one person has run crying from your boss's office. While not everyone's boss is a bundle of joy, you should expect to be treated with respect in the workplace. If you see signs that the executives running your company make all of the other employees shake with fear, burst into tears or work on edge all the time, look for a greener pasture. There are companies out there that find success without putting employees through the ringer.

You will not know everything about your new company until you put in your time, but if you get a bad feeling right away, there is probably a good reason for it. Trust your instincts when you start a new job, and know what qualities you want to see when you walk into the office. Doing so can keep you from being stuck in a dead-end situation that leaves you frustrated and unfulfilled.

5.2.5. Four Ways to Spot a Bad Boss

4017 Kate Lorenz, CareerBuilder.com

If you are like some Americans you already have a real problem at work -- a boss who's ineffective, incompetent or downright nasty. In fact, according to a survey by CareerBuilder.com entitled "The Boss: 2004," 32 percent of respondents said they are dissatisfied with their boss's overall work performance. Having problems with management is one of the most common reasons that professionals give when they leave their jobs.

Unfortunately, it's not always easy to spot a lousy leader. Have you ever been excited to start a new job, only to have your new manager turn into a dud in your first week? Wouldn't it be better if you could spot a bad boss before you go through the effort of joining a new team? You can, if you take your time, prepare carefully, pay attention during your interviews, and ask the right questions. Here are four questions you can ask your new boss to figure out if he or she is going to be a winner or a loser:

1. How would you describe your management style?

By now, you probably know how you prefer to work. You might be more comfortable when you are given a lot of direction on projects, or you might work better when you are given an assignment and given free reign to tackle it.

Listen to your potential new boss's management style to see if it will fit with your work style. Is he or she a micromanager, wanting to be involved in every detail of a project? Does he or she delegate from an ivory tower, never getting involved with work that the "little people" do? The trick for most is finding a new boss who falls somewhere in the middle, allowing you to work with autonomy, but also being involved and accountable for the team's success.

2. What would you do in this situation?

Think back to a difficult situation you encountered in your past or at your last job, particularly if it involved the management of a big project or putting out a major fire. Then ask your potential new boss how he or she would handle the same situation. Presenting a hypothetical situation can help you better assess the supervisor's management style, how he or she handles stress, and his or her general philosophy when it comes to leading a team.

3. How do you handle conflict within the organization?

Some managers are extremely hands-off and leave the day-to-day relationship building to the team, preferring to let employees "duke it out" themselves. Other managers like to be more involved in the interpersonal team relationships. While you don't want a boss to be involved in every minute detail, he or she should care enough about the employees to help solve conflicts when they arise. After all, the success of the team – and ultimately the boss's success – depends on how well the team works together. You may also find out whether your new manager is a peacemaker or an instigator.

4. What is the retention in the department and company?

One good sign of poor management is high turnover at a company, and your new boss should be able to speak to the company's retention rate and why it is so high – or so low. If your department has seen 10 people come and go in the past year, it might not be solely the boss's fault, but it's a clear indication that there is a problem with management.

There are other things to look for when you evaluate a new supervisor. Does he or she really listen to you in the interview? An individual who is too busy to listen to your answers in this meeting will probably not pay attention to you once in the job. Observe how he or she interacts with others, particularly assistants and other support staff. Make sure you are signing on to work for someone who respects all members of the team. Finally, try to talk to others in the department or at the company. You can learn a lot about a person just by his or her reputation.

Kate Lorenz is the article and advice editor for CareerBuilder.com. She researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues. Other writers contributed to this article.

5.2.6. Seven Ways to Reduce Your Stress at Work

4393 By Tag and Catherine Goulet, co-CEOs, FabJob.com

Imagine working only four hours a day, nine months a year and earning all the money you need to do exactly what you want with all your free time. Does that sound like your life?

That's the life a futurist of the early 20th century predicted the average worker would be living by the 21st century.

Despite the introduction of many labor-saving devices, Harvard University Economist Juliet Schor found by the 1990s people were working the equivalent of one month a year more than they did at the end of World War II.

It seems that whenever a significant new "labor saving" product or service is developed we use it so much our workload actually increases. After all, wasn't our work supposed to be made easier by voice mail, faxes, cell phones and e-mail?

Instead, many of us find we are constantly on-call, frequently interrupted and overwhelmed with communications that people expect to receive immediate responses to. That's on top of the already heavy workload existing in most organizations. For some workers, the best way to deal with the overload is to take an extended stress leave.

If switching from double lattes to decaf isn't enough to reduce your stress at work, here are seven ways you can get your workload under control:

Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1852

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