Listen to chapters 12-15 and answer the questions in written form.Assignment 2
Listen to chapters 4-7 and answer the questions in written form.
Chapter 4
- Who decided to leave Monte Carlo and how did the narrator feel about the decision?
- ‘Instead of going down to the reception desk, I ran up the stairs.’
- What had the narrator been asked to do at the reception desk?
- Why did she run up the stairs?
- ‘Do you want a secretary?’ Why did the narrator ask this question and what was de Winter’s reply?
- Why did the narrator feel she could not marry de Winter?
- What did the narrator do to the book of poems?
Chapter 5
- ‘Mrs Danvers’ orders, sir,’ said Firth.
- Who was Mrs Danvers?
- What had she ordered?
- Was the narrator pleased?
- In what part of Manderley had the servants prepared rooms for the narrator and Maxim de Winter?
- What could not been seen or heard from their rooms?
- When had Mrs Danvers first come to Manderley?
- Who had made all the arrangements for the parties and visitors in the past?
- Who was to make all the arrangements now?
- What change had de Winter asked for in the choice of rooms for himself and the narrator?
- What was the narrator thinking of when she said that Mrs Danvers might not like her at first?
- What did the narrator think about as she sat in Rebecca’s chair in the library after dinner?
Chapter 6
- How did de Winter spend his time at Manderley?
- Who was coming to lunch?
- How had the narrator expected the first morning at Manderley would be spent?
- Why was the fire not lit in the library?
- Why did the narrator not know how to find the morning-room?
- Whose handwriting did the narrator recognize in the Guest Book?
- ‘I’m afraid you have made a mistake,’ the narrator said.
- Who was the narrator speaking to?
- Why was it not a mistake to ask for Mrs de Winter?
- Who did the narrator think of as she sat at the writing-desk in the morning-room?
- ‘It was like the writing of a schoolgirl.’ Whose handwriting was the narrator speaking about?
Chapter 7
- Why did the narrator run quickly out of the morning-room?
- What part of the house did she find herself in?
- ‘It’s very kind of you, Mrs Danvers,’ said the narrator. ‘I’ll let you know.’ What had Mrs Danvers offered to do?
- Who were Beatrice and Giles and who was Frank Crawley?
- The narrator asked: ‘Is it safe to swim in the bay?’ Why did everyone stop talking?
- ‘Maxim had told me nothing.’ What had the narrator learnt nothing about from Maxim?
- Why did Beatrice think that Mrs Danvers must hate the narrator being at Manderley?
- ‘You are not what we expected,’ said Beatrice. what did Beatrice mean?
- Manderley
- Mrs Danvers
- the narrator’s first morning at Manderley
- the Morning room
Describe the characters’ feelings in different situations.
“Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier
Assignment 3
Listen to chapters 8-11 and answer the questions in written form.
Chapter 8
- The raincoat was too big for the narrator. Why did she not have time to get another one?
- What was meant by ‘a modern young woman’?
- Which path did the dog, Jasper, want to take?
- What kind of scent did the flowers in the Happy Valley have?
Chapter 9
- Why did the narrator begin to climb over the rocks?
- There was a small harbour in the other bay. What was floating in the water?
- What was strange about the man on the shore?
- Why did the narrator go into the cottage?
- The strange man said: ‘She doesn’t go in there now. She’s gone into the sea.’ Who and what do you think he is speaking about?
- How was de Winter affected by the narrator going into the bay and the cottage?
- ‘The handkerchief was not mine.’
- How had the handkerchief got into the narrator’s pocket?
- Whose handkerchief was it?
- What did it smell of?
Chapter 10
- From where could the narrator hear and see the sea?
- ‘I was a fool to bring you back to Manderley.’ When had de Winter said these words?
- How did the narrator think she had upset Maxim?
- The narrator felt that the visitors were comparing her with Rebecca. What did she believe they were thinking?
- The bishop’s wife said: ‘I remember her on the night of the Ball.’
- What was the Ball?
- Who did she remember?
- How had that person looked on the night of the Ball?
- Who did the narrator ask about the Ball? Did this person seem eager to have another Ball?
- Who had used the cottage in the bay and what sometimes happened on the shore?
- What did Frank Crawley say the narrator’s job was at Manderley?
- The narrator asked Frank Crawley: ‘Was Rebecca very beautiful? What was his reply?
Chapter 11
- Who was Clarice?
- Why did the narrator sometimes feel sorry for Mrs Danvers?
- Why was it difficult for the narrator to forget the past?
- How did the narrator break the china cupid? What did she do with the pieces?
- What did Mrs Danvers think had happened to the china cupid?
- ‘But you do act strangely sometimes,’ de Winter said to the narrator. In what way did he think she acted strangely?
- What remark of the narrator’s made Maxim’s face go dark with anger?
- ‘Maxim went on staring straight in front of him.’ What did the narrator believe he was thinking about?
- the Happy Valley;
- the harbour;
- the man from the harbour;
- the cottage
Give all the information you have about Frank Crawley.
“Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier
Assignment 4
Listen to chapters 12-15 and answer the questions in written form.
Chapter 12
- The name of Rebecca’s boat was painted on the buoy. Why did the narrator think it was a strange name?
- Ben said: ‘You’re not like the other one.’
- Who was ‘the other one’?
- What did Ben think of her eyes?
- When did she come to the cottage?
- Once Ben had been watching her. What had she threatened to do to Ben?
- Who was the visitor to Manderley and who had he come to see?
- Why did the visitor not want Maxim to know about his visit?
- ‘I looked round the room, the most beautiful in Manderley.’
- Whose room had it been?
- Why was it strange that there was no dust and everything was clean?
- What could be clearly heard from this room?
- What smell did the narrator notice on the nightdress?
- Mrs Danvers said: ‘I blame myself for the accident.’ What accident was she talking about?
- What words of Mrs Danvers’ made the narrator feel terribly sick?
Chapter 13
- Who was Jack Favell?
- Why did de Winter shout in anger at Mrs Danvers?
- What did the narrator feel life in Manderley was doing to her?
Chapter 14
- Why was Maxim not going to wear any costume at the ball?
- The narrator said: ‘I shall wear a beautiful dress at the ball.’
- What did she tell Maxim about her costume?
- What did she hope her dress at the Ball would do for her?
- Which of the narrator’s words pleased Mrs Danvers?
- Who was Miss Caroline de Winter? Who suggested that a copy of Miss Caroline de Winter’s dress should be made for the Ball?
- Why should the narrator have to wear a wig at the Ball?
Chapter 15
- The narrator said: ‘You’ll both have the surprise of your lives.’
- Who was she talking to?
- What was the surprise going to be?
- Why did the narrator feel so pleased on the afternoon of the Ball?
- ‘I stood at the top of the stairs, smiling. I expected everyone to laugh and clap as I walked down the stairs.’
- How did the others react?
- What was Maxim’s reaction?
- Beatrice said: ‘You could not have known.’ What was it that the narrator had not known?
- Why did the narrator remember little of the party at Manderley?
- Jack Favell (his appearance and behaviour)
- Rebecca’s bedroom.
- The narrator’s costume.
- The Ball
“Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier
Assignment 5
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