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Antichrist will mock Christ so as to confuse the unlearned.

Many people the world over will be drafted into total acceptance of the Antichrist theology by sheer ignorance. This is becoming an easy task for Rome in fact. They have already gotten their church goers to refuse the bible. All throughout it's history it has shunned and even declared the Bible a dangerous book. Most Catholics that I have met before and after leaving this church have stated they never read a bible. In 1229ad the Catholic church even put the Bible on the index of forbidden books as we learned earlier.

Rome still has a problem with the Word to this day. Walk into any Catholic church and you will find what they call a "misslette" to be used for the mass. It's a small booklet filled with prayers, bits and pieces of out of context bible passages, and songs to be used in the Catholic mass. I recall as a youth how some people would get strange looks if they would enter the church with a bible.

By the way, it's not just Roman Catholicism that has this problem now. On my "Bogus Bibles" page in the warnings section of the website I share proof that the Vatican has been instrumental in re-writing the modern day bibles to fit their dogma. Start at the top of that page and work your way down. You will see a pattern as to why certain verses have been re-written or completely removed from most bibles today. I share the facts on two of the most popular bibles on that page. The NIV and the NASB. If you never heard of this before, be prepared for a shock.

If you don't have a trusted King James bible, you may miss some of the ways the Antichrist mocks the Lord to try and pull people into their camp. So.. how does Antichrist mock the Lord? There are actually hundreds of ways, but to give you a quick idea, I have a few I can share with you here.

  • Prophecy stated Antichrist will rise out of the water. Jesus arose out of water at his baptism.

· Jesus reigned on earth for 3.5 years in His ministry. The Vatican killed over 500 million people and reigned on earth for 1260 years. 1260 is actually 3.5 prophetic years as we learned earlier.

· Jesus was mortally wounded at His crucifiction. The Vatican was mortally wounded in 1798

· Jesus resurrected. The Vatican resurrected in 1929

· Both Christ and the beast have many horns. The Lamb of God has 7 horns in Revelation 5:6. The Beast has 10 in Revelation 13:1

· Both Jesus and the beast seek and receive worship

· Both Jesus and the beast have a global and universal agenda. Jesus for the good of all for eternity. The beast for the death of all for eternity.

· Jesus was born of a virgin. Antichrist of old stated Tammuz was born of a virgin.

· Both Jesus and the Vatican claim a day or rest and worship. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, the Vatican admits to inventing Sunday as their day as we will get into much more detail later.

I could actually go on and on with literally hundreds of proofs that show the Vatican will take what the Bible says, and then twist it to fit a Pagan, or Babylonian doctrine. But I feel this next set of facts should suffice. I share this because it is quite shocking and eye opening at the same time. It has to do with the Roman Catholic mixed god of Christmas. The facts I am about to share is but a very small portion of facts from my Christmas page on the website in the warnings section of the menu. There is so much evidence on that page that shows every aspect of Christianity is mixed with Paganism and then used to mock the Lord Jesus. But this set of facts I am about to share is what I consider to be the best example.


1. Has white hair like wool 1. Revelation 1:14 - Daniel 7:9

2. Beard-curly and white 2. Isaiah 50:6 - Rev. 1:14

3. Comes from North Pole 3. Ez. 1:4; Ex.26:35 Psa.48:2

4. Omniscient-knows about all 4. Revelation 19:6

5. Ageless, eternal 5. Rev. 1:8,21:6; Hebrews 13:8

6. Makes List of Judgments 6. Rev.20:12; 14:7; 21:27; 2 Cor.5:10

7. Checks list twice 7. Dan. 8:14; Matt. 10:26, 1 Cor.5:10

8. Gifts given on basis of a list 8. Matt.25:21; Rev. 21:27; 22:14

9. Christmas rewards once yearly 9. Leviticus 23:26-32

10. Confess wrongs to Santa 10. I John 2:1, I Tim. 2:5

11. Promise to be better next year 11. John 14:15,21; 15:10; I Jn. 2:3

12. Asks children to obey parents 12. Eph. 6:1; Prov. 6:20; Col. 3:20

13. Hour of his coming a mystery 13. Luke 12:40; Mark 13:33; Matt.24:36

14. Rudolph's shining nose to guide 14. Matt. 2:2,7,9-10; Numbers 24:17

15. Calls all children to his knee 15. Matt. 19:14, Luke 18:16

16. Be good for goodness sake 16. Matt. 19:17; Col 1:29; Phil. 2:13

17. Has a twinkle in his eye 17. Rev. 1:14, 2:18

18. Swift visit to whole world in 1 day. 18. 2 Peter 3:8; Rev. 18:8, Isa. 47:9

19. Omnipresent-Found in every mall 19. Psa. 139:7-10; Eph. 4:6

20. Says "Ho,ho" 20. Zecheriah 2:6

One more thing that bothers me about this is how Antichrist has convinced most parents it's ok to teach your children to lie. Like many of us, when I was a child, I was told that Santa Claus was "All Powerful" because he makes millions of toys and delivers them in one night. He defies the laws of nature by flying and jumping down narrow chimneys. With Santa all things are possible. He is by definition, Omnipotent. Which by definition means... "...having unlimited power or authority; all powerful-the Omnipotent God." (-Webster's New World Dictionary)

I was told that Good Ol' Saint Nick knows all things (At least he knows when every boy and girl is bad or good or how they behave throughout the year). He is by definition, Omniscient. Which by definition means... "having infinite knowledge; knowing all things-the Omniscient God." Webster's New World Dictionary

Think about that for a moment. Parents all over the world have been telling bold face lies to their children since birth about a fat man in a red suit that comes down a chimney to place gifts underneath the tree. Now guess what happens when the child comes of age. The child realizes that mommy and daddy have been lying to him the whole time! He now figures lying is ok, because mommy and daddy do it. And not only that, but this child realizes that IT WORKED!!! He actually realizes that his parents lied to him and HE BELIEVED THEM! So now he has concrete evidence that lying is a resourceful tool that he can use to his advantage. And his own parents taught him IT'S OK TO DO SO!

  The Library of Universal Knowledge says:-- "Nicholas Saint (St. Claus), a highly popular saint of the Roman Catholic Church, and reverenced with still greater devotion by the Russian Church, which regards him as a special patron, was one of the early bishops of Mysia, in Lysia. The precise date of his episcopate is a subject of much controversy. Of his personal history hardly anything is certainly known, and the great popularity of the devotion to him wrought through his intercession. He is regarded in Catholic countries as a special patron of the young, and particularly of scholars. On the vigil of his feast, which is held on December 6, ("St.Nicks" day) a person in the appearance and costume of a bishop assembles the children of a family or a school and distributes among them, to the good, gilt nuts, sweetmeats, and other little presents as the rewards of good conduct; to the naughty ones, the redoubtable punishment klanbauf. The supposed relics of St. Nicholas were conveyed from the East to Bari, in the kingdom of Naples, toward the close of the eleventh century." Thus the fable is a part of the old relic-worshiping traditions of a corrupt church. The nearness of his feast, in December, to the Christmas festival, led to associating the saint and the present-giving idea with the feast of December 25. We must admit, in the light of the Bible, that it is very foolish and wrong to teach little children the tales of Santa Claus. "Little children, keep yourselves from idols."  

The Lord demands more of us than of them, because we have come into existence in the age of wonderful research and discovery, "when knowledge should increase" as Daniel 12:4 said was inevitable. The Bible has been in our mothers tongue several centuries now. In the light of this situation, we would certainly deserve severe criticism for our ignorance if we should continue to honor old traditions or relic worship. Still.. most people do to this day in the name of Christianity. In essence, they MOCK the Lord just as Antichrist has taught them to do. Is this any different than the "Certain Damsel" of Acts chapter 16. No it's not. Sadly, most are completely unaware they are doing wrong. And praise the Lord we have a merciful God, for it is written that He actually winks at our times of ignorance. (See Acts 17:30)

Many upright Christians in the past have taken part in the old festival to some extent, and such we will not criticize, because they did it in ignorance. But in this enlightened age it is indeed high time to inquire: "What concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?" 2 Cor. 6:15,16. We as Christians need to take a stand and stop this open mockery of our Lord Jesus Christ. If the Vatican wants to continue on, let them. But as for me and my house, I will serve the Lord!

Still many Christians, not only Catholics, but also Protestants, continue year by year at the Christmas festival to honor the old idol relics under a Christian garb. This is indeed very unfortunate, and it is going so far that entrance fees are demanded in many Protestant churches for their Christmas plays. O, what a dishonor to our dear Saviour, who has pointed out a distinct line between the holy and the profane!


Date: 2015-12-18; view: 659

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