| Antichrist receives "deadly wound" that later heals. - Revelation 13:3, "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."
As we just saw, the "deadly wound" was given to the Papacy by Napoleon in 1798. The Vatican still continued as a church however. But she was completely stripped of her civil and political power just as the prophecy declared. Then, suddenly in 1929, we see the Italian government recognizing Vatican City once again as an independent state. This political move once again made the Pope a religio-political power! Just as prophecy said, the mortal wound that was administered in 1798 by Napoleon was supposed to be healed. Notice how the newspapers of that day actually used prophetic language without realizing it..
| Mussolini and (Cardinal) Gasspari sign historic Roman pact. "The Roman question tonight was a thing of the past, and the Vatican was at peace with Italy... In affixing the autographs to the memorable document healing the wound of many years, extreme cordiality was displayed on both sides" -The San Francisco Chronicle. Feb. 11, 1929
Pope Becomes Ruler Of A State Again
Rome, June 7.--From 11 o' clock this morning there wasanother sovereign independent State in the world. At that time Premier Mussolini, as Italian Foreign Minister representing King Victor Emmanuel--the first Italian Premier ever to cross the threshold of the Vatican--exchanged with Cardinal Gasparri, Papal Secretary of State, representing Pope Pius XI, ratifications of the treaties signed at the Lateran Palace on Feb. 11. By that simple act the sovereign independent State of Vatican City came into existence. -New York Times July 7, 1929
| FACT: Many know that the devil always seeks to mock or counterfeit the Truth in the Word of God relating to Christ and His ministry. For example.. the virgin birth was counterfeited by the birth of Tammuz the son of Nimrod on December 25. Have you ever noticed this though? Jesus walked the earth exactly 3.5 years before being killed. He then resurrected just as prophecy declared He would. The Antichrist walked about killing people for exactly 3.5 prophetic years, or 1260 days, which is actually 1260 years in reality. His "main man" the Pope is then "killed" by Napoleon when he dies in exile and the Vatican is no longer in power. But the Antichrist also resurrected in 1929! This prophetic jurisprudence is no mistake. Plus, it now leads to my favorite prophecy of all when exposing Rome and it's true Satanic fruit.
The beast is one that "was", "is not" and "yet is"
- Revelation 17:8, "... behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is."
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1030