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P.m. In the limousine

I'm with Lars. We're going back to the apartment. I've just been to see Grandmere at the Plaza Hotel for my princess lesson. I walked into the suite and I had a shock. Lots of people were there. There were people talking about food and wine and flowers. Others were writing names on cards. Vigo was running about, telling everyone what to do. Grandmere was sitting and eating chocolates. Her little dog was sitting under her chair. He was shaking with fear.

"Ah, Amelia," said Grandmere. "Sit down. You can help me. Taste these chocolates. Which chocolates are best for the wedding guests?"

"Grandmere," I said, sitting down on a chair next to her. "Mom really won't be happy about these arrangements. She doesn't want a big wedding."


"Nonsense," said Grandmere loudly, in a scary voice. "This will be a wonderful event. I'm inviting lots of famous people. Many of them are very rich. Some of them are members of royal families."

It's impossible to argue with Grandmere. She never listens to me. So after my princess class, I went to my dad's hotel suite. I knocked on the door, but he didn't answer.

I went and talked to the hotel receptionist.

"The prince left the hotel a few hours ago," she said. "Beverly Bellerieve was with him."

10:00 p.m.

When I got home, there were strangers in the apartment. A family—a mom and a dad, and a boy with long blond hair— was in the dining room. They were sitting around the table. They had suitcases with them.

"Mia, don't you remember me?" asked the woman.

I stared at her. Suddenly I recognized the woman. My mouth fell open in shock. I couldn't believe it.

"Grandmother Thermopolis?" I said.

"Mia," said the woman. "You've never called me 'Grandmother.' I'm Mamaw."

My mom's mother, Mamaw, and my mom's father, Papaw, were in our apartment! I didn't recognize the young guy. He was dressed like a farmer. He was wearing a cotton shirt and denim overalls.

My mom's parents live in the state of Indiana. Indiana is hundreds of miles away from the state of New York. My grandparents live in a small town called Versailles. They've never been to New York City before.

My mom doesn't talk to her parents very often. We haven't visited Mamaw or Papaw for four years. When I was born, they were angry. This was because my mom didn't marry my father. My grandparents didn't help my mom when I was a baby. They didn't give her advice or any money.

I went to find my mom. She was in her bedroom. She was talking to my dad on the phone.

"Philippe," she was saying angrily, "your mother has invited my parents to New York. My parents, Philippe. You know how 1 feel about my parents."

Then she saw me standing by the door.

"Are your grandparents still out there?" she whispered.

"Er.. .yes," I said. "Did you invite Mamaw and Papaw here?"

"No, I did not!" said my mom. "Grandmere Clarisse invited them. She's arranged a big wedding. It's going to be on SATURDAY!" Her voice was getting louder and louder. "Your Grandmere has invited hundreds of people—all her friends."

I felt terrible. I had forgotten to tell my mom about Grandmere's wedding plans.

You're really great! That's what most of us think. Your Friend

I wrote back immediately. FtLouie: Dear Friend,

Thank you very much. PLEASE tell me who you are. I won't tell anyone. I promise! Mia

My secret admirer hasn't written back yet.

The Boy from Indiana

Wednesday, October 29th

Some surprising things happened when Hank came to school with me today. And these things made me look at my cousin more carefully. Suddenly, 1 realized something. Hank has changed a lot in four years.

Hank wears the kind of clothes that farmers wear—boots, a cotton shirt, and denim overalls. These are not the kind of clothes that young guys wear in New York. But Hank is big and strong and he has a really nice body. His hair is blond and his eyes are dark blue. In fact, Hank is gorgeous! All the girls stared at him as he walked through the school hall.

"Who is that sexy guy?" they asked me.

When Lana Weinberger first saw Hank, her eyes opened wide with surprise.

"Who's your friend ?" she asked me.

"He's not my friend, he's my cousin," I replied.

"Well, you can be my friend," Lana said to Hank.

"Thanks," replied Hank. He looked down at Lana and smiled.

But the biggest surprise of all was Lilly. When she saw Hank, her mouth fell open and she couldn't speak. She just stared at him.


I don't believe what has happened today. Lilly and Hank have disappeared. Nobody knows where they are. Lilly's boyfriend, Boris, is really worried.

At lunch, Lilly asked Hank lots of questions about his life in Indiana.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked.

"No, I don't," said Hank, "I was dating a girl called Amber. But we broke up two weeks ago."

Then Lilly started telling Hank about New York.

"You'll be bored here in school with Mia," she said. "Go visit some places in the city. There are lots of exciting things to see."

Since lunch, nobody has seen Lilly or Hank. Lilly will be in a lot of trouble. She's run away with Hank and she's missing her classes. Now I have to tell my grandparents. Their grandson has disappeared. What will Mamaw and Papa w say?

Algebra class

I told Lars, my bodyguard, what has happened.

"Lilly and Hank have disappeared. They've run away together," I said. "I'll call the police."

"No, wait," Lars said. Then he spoke to Mr Gianini. Mr Gianini agreed with Lars.

"Lilly is quite sensible," my Algebra teacher said. "She'll look after Hank."

But I'm really worried. Have Lilly and Hank fallen in


You're really great! That's what most of us think. Your Friend

I wrote back immediately. FtLouie: Dear Friend,

Thank you very much. PLEASE tell me who you are. I won't tell anyone. I promise! Mia

My secret admirer hasn't written back yet.

8_The Boy from Indiana

Wednesday, October 29th

Some surprising things happened when Hank came to school with me today. And these things made me look at my cousin more carefully. Suddenly, I realized something. Hank has changed a lot in four years.

Hank wears the kind of clothes that farmers wear—boots, a cotton shirt, and denim overalls. These are not the kind of clothes that young guys wear in New York. But Hank is big and strong and he has a really nice body. His hair is blond and his eyes are dark blue. In fact, Hank is gorgeous! All the girls stared at him as he walked through the school hall.

"Who is that sexy guy?" they asked me.

When Lana Weinberger first saw Hank, her eyes opened wide with surprise.

"Who's your friend?" she asked me.

"He's not my friend, he's my cousin," I replied.

"Well, you can be my friend," Lana said to Hank.

"Thanks," replied Hank. He looked down at Lana and smiled.

But the biggest surprise of all was Lilly. When she saw Hank, her mouth fell open and she couldn't speak. She just stared at him.


I don't believe what has happened today. Lilly and Hank have disappeared. Nobody knows where they are. Lilly's boyfriend, Boris, is really worried.

At lunch, Lilly asked Hank lots of questions about his life in Indiana.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked.

"No, I don't," said Hank, "I was dating a girl called Amber. But we broke up two weeks ago."

Then Lilly started telling Hank about New York.

"You'll be bored here in school with Mia," she said. "Go visit some places in the city. There are lots of exciting things to see."

Since lunch, nobody has seen Lilly or Hank. Lilly will be in a lot of trouble. She's run away with Hank and she's missing her classes. Now I have to tell my grandparents. Their grandson has disappeared. What will Mamaw and Papawsay?

Algebra class

I told Lars, my bodyguard, what has happened.

"Lilly and Hank have disappeared. They've run away together," I said. "I'll call the police."

"No, wait," Lars said. Then he spoke to Mr Gianini. Mr Gianini agreed with Lars.

"Lilly is quite sensible," my Algebra teacher said. "She'll look after Hank."

But I'm really worried. Have Lilly and Hank fallen in


love with each other? Hank isn't very smart. But perhaps Lilly doesn't care about this. He is very good-looking.

7:00 p.m.

Hank and Lilly are OK. They're safe! Hank got back to the SoHo Grand hotel at about five o'clock. Lilly got back to her apartment at about the same time.

"We've been walking around the city," they said.

I don't believe them. But I have more important things to worry about. When I went to the Plaza Hotel for my princess class with Grandmere, my dad was outside her door. He was looking nervous.

"Mia," he said. "I have some bad news. Grandmere has already sent out the wedding invitations."

"What?" I said.

"Don't worry," said my dad. "I'll take care of everything."

My dad is a good man, but Grandmere is stronger than him. He won't be able to stop her.

I walked into Grandmere's suite. The royal wedding planner, Vigo, was with her.

"Lots of famous people have accepted our invitations," said Vigo proudly. "It'll be the biggest, most important wedding in New York this year."

I didn't say anything. I was thinking about Mom. She was going to be shocked when she saw hundreds of famous people at her wedding. None of them are her friends.

"Your dress for the wedding has arrived," said Vigo. And suddenly, he pulled a dress from a box. "What do you think?"

I've never seen such a beautiful dress. It was pink, with a huge skirt. As soon as I saw that dress, I wanted it. I wanted it more than anything in the world. And then I remembered. This dress was for my mom's wedding. The big

wedding that Grandmere had planned. I felt terrible. I'm a bad daughter. I can't wear the dress. My mom doesn't want a big wedding. I don't want this big wedding to happen. Only Grandmere wants this wedding.

"It is a beautiful dress," I thought. "I want Michael, or Jo-C-rox, to see me wearing it. I'll look like a real princess in this dress."

Secrets and Lies

Thursday, October 30th. English class

Hank didn't come to school with me today. He called the

apartment early in the morning.

"I'm sick," he said.

Last night, Mr Gianini took Mom, me, Mamaw, Papaw and Hank to dinner at a famous restaurant. Everybody had a very good time and they ate a lot. If Hank is sick, I'm not surprised.

When Hank didn't come to school today, all the girls were very disappointed. Only Boris was happy. He's very jealous of Hank. Does Lilly like Hank more than Boris? I don't know.



Lilly and Hank have disappeared AGAIN! Before lunch, my mom called Lars on his cellphone. Mamaw had spoken to Mom because Hank was missing from his hotel room. Mamaw was worried about her grandson.

"Lars, did Hank go to school with Mia today?" asked my mom.

"No," said Lars.

Then, at lunchtime, Lilly said, "I'm feeling sick. I'm going home."

I don't believe what Lilly said. She isn't sick. She's gone to meet Hank somewhere. That's what I think. What are Hank and Lilly doing? Do they love each other? Are they having sex?

7:00 p.m. In the limousine

I've just had another shock. Now I'm in the limousine with Lars. He's driving me to my apartment.

When I went to Grandmere's suite today, Mamaw was there. Mamaw and Grandmere were sitting on couches and drinking tea. They were talking about someone.

Vigo was speaking on the phone. He was making more arrangements for the wedding.

"She was always very stubborn," Mamaw was saying. "She never takes advice or listens to anyone."

"I am not stubborn!" I said.

"Don't enter the room in that rude way, Amelia," said Grandmere. She spoke in French. "Come here and say hello to me properly."

I went and kissed Grandmere on both of her cheeks. Then I kissed Mamaw on both of her cheeks too. Mamaw laughed and said,"We don't say hello like that in Indiana."

"Now, Shirley," Grandmere said to Mamaw in English.

"What were we talking about?"

"Helen is being difficult about this wedding and I'm not surprised," said Mamaw. "But Papaw and I are very happy. Frank Gianini is very nice."

So they weren't talking about me. They were talking about my mom! They're arranging this wedding together!

"Shirley, we both agree," said Grandmere. "This wedding will take place. It must take place."

"Oh, certainly, Your Highness," said Mamaw.

"But Grandmere," I said. "Mom doesn't want—"

"Vigo!" shouted Grandmere. "Bring those shoes for the princess! She'll wear them with her new pink dress on Saturday."

Vigo came toward me with a pair of pink shoes. They were the same color as my dress. They were the prettiest shoes that I've ever seen.

"Aren't they lovely?" said Vigo. "Put them on."

The beautiful shoes fit me perfectly.

"It's sad," said Grandmere. "Your mother doesn't want this wedding. We'll have to send the shoes back to the store."

"Can I keep them for another time?" I asked.

"Oh, no," said Grandmere quickly. "You can only wear pink shoes at a wedding."

I'm worried. My dad promised to stop this wedding. But he hasn't done anything. He won't be able to stop Grandmere. She has arranged for a limousine to come to our apartment on Saturday. The driver will pick up me, Mom and Mr Gianini. Will my mom refuse to get into the car on November 1st?

9:00 p.m.

Mr Gianini has moved into our apartment. He brought with him a table with a football game on it, and a TV. The football table is great. I've already played nine games.

"You can call me 'Frank' now, Mia," he said.

But it's very difficult for me to call Mr Gianini "Frank." He's my Algebra teacher.

I asked my mom about the wedding on Saturday. But she just smiled.

"Don't worry about that, Mia," she said.

Mom didn't say anything more. She didn't want to talk about the wedding. So I called Lilly. Her phone line was busy, so I sent her an instant message on the Internet.

When Lilly and I chat online, Lilly uses the name "WmnRule." It means "women are cool." FtLouie: Where did you and Hank go to today? WmnRule: I'm not going to tell you. It's a secret. FtLouie: Lilly, I'm worried about you. You missed classes today. And Boris was upset too.

WmnRule: Well, Boris has to trust me. And you must trust me too, Mia.

Suddenly I received a new message—from J o-C-rox!

JoCrox: Are you coming to see the ROCKY HORROR SHOW movie?

Jo-C-rox is going to the Rocky Horror movie on Saturday. Michael is going to the Rocky Horror movie too. Michael MUSTBEjo-C-rox.

I felt really happy and excited. I wanted to run around the room. I wanted to scream and laugh at the same time. I wrote back immediately. FtLouie: Yes, I want to come to the movie.

10 Hank's Dream Comes True

Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1866

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Monday, October 27th. Evening | Friday, October 31st. Halloween
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