to restrict access, to refuse access, ant. to certify access, to permit access
2. to assemble
to put together, ant. to take apart, to disassemble
3. available data
accessible data, ant. unavailable data
4. alias
nick, pseudonym, ant. real name
5. background
ant. foreground
II. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
adaptation/ adapter
to adapt
adaptable/ adaptive
to alternate
to authenticate
to avail
III. Make up phrases by matching the words in the left column with those in the right:
1. to certify B
A. code
2. alternate C
B. access
3. auxiliary E
C. route
4. bar A
D. name
5. account D
E. memory
IV. Fill the web diagram with the words that can be used with the given word:
ACCESS - to certify, to restrict, to deny, to permit, to obtain, authorized, channel, data, direct, fast, information, network, one-touch, random access.
VI. Do a mini-research and classify the types of memory:
AROM, auxiliary memory, available memory, buffer memory, RAM, ROM, etc.
VII. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. bar code C
A. a function to level/straighten the text
2. available data E
B. an alternative name, nick
3. alignment A
C. a line coding given to products to encrypt information about them
4. alias B
D. a program which adds additional features to the main program
5. accessory D
E. information which a user can access
VIII. State the type of logical relations between the following words:
Type of logical relations
1. to deny access - to permit access C
A. general and specific
2. device - auxiliary device A
B. cause and effect
3. backup copy - available data B
C. contrast
4. account account name E
D. method and purpose
5. identification bar code D
E. part and whole
IX. Say what can be:
1. adapted
program, any equipment, bus, channels, colors, communication line, disk
2. amplified
memory, signal, sound, buffer, electric current (power), driver
3. allocated
memory, disk capacity, channels, recourses, processor, space, storage, time
4. assembled
computer, any equipment, packets
5. authenticated
data, password, response, message, signature
X. Say what the following is used for:
1. account name
to identify the user
2. alignment
to level, straighten the text/picture
3. auxiliary memory
to store auxiliary programs/data
4. backup copy
not to lose the file/data
5. alias
to enter programs, to use data
TM FIT 21-40
I. Give synonyms and/or antonyms:
1. binary
2 digit, ant. decimal
2. blank
empty, erased, unformatted, space, ant. full, recorded
Hard-/soft copy forms of data representation
Backup-/master copy forms of keeping information
Hard copy information printed out on paper from a computer.
Soft copy electronic form of keeping information in computer, CD etc.
Master copy an original sample from which copies are made.
Backup copy reserve copy made to restore deleted/unkept data/information
2. input - output
Input- information that is put into a system (or machine) so it can operate
Output information produced by a computer
3. laptop notebook - palmtop
Laptop large portable, can be rested on users lap.
Notebooks size is one of a sheet of notebook paper.
Palmtop a small computer that can be held in the palm of one hand.
4. to reload unload download - upload
To reload to put data or a program into a memory of a computer again.
To unload to take smth. (disk or a tape) off or out a computer.
To download to copy or move (data or program) into a computer memory, esp. from a larger computer; to copy information from Internet.
To upload to copy or move (program or information) into a main system (or a larger computer)
5. log in - log off
To log in to perform the actions that allow you to start using a computer.
To perform actions that allow you to finish using a computer.
VIII. State the type of logical relations between the following words:
Type of logical relations
1. input processing C
A. part and whole
2. monitor computer A
B. general and specific
3. computer- notebook B
C. cause and effect
4. junk mail spam E
D. contrast
4. input output D
E. equivalence
IX. Say what the following is used for:
1. hard copy
to have information printed out on paper so that to read it
to write computer programs
3. log in
to perform the actions that allow you to start using a computer system (to gain access to a computer system requiring user identification prior to access).
4. master copy
the original sample to make copies from
5. ROM
for reading data only (content can not be changed)
X. Say what can be:
1. input
data, error, channel, alphabet, block, box, equipment, data processor, area
2. uploaded
program, information, data, files, games, system
3. downloaded
data, program, free software, files, music
4. maintained
command, program, contact-switch, contact type button, wave, user
5. monitored
program, storage, scheme, performance
TM FIT 101-120
I. Give synonyms and/or antonyms:
1. offline mode
online mode
2. to paste
to insert, ant. to cut
3. real memory
ant. virtual memory, RAM
4. recoverable error
ant. irrecoverable error
5. print out
hard copy, ant. soft copy
II. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
printer/ print
to print
program/ programmer
to program
programmable/ programming/ programmed
to recover
to pattern
to empower
powered/ powerful/powerless
III. Make up phrases by matching the words in the left column with those in the right:
1. password C
A. mode
2. network E
B. database
3. offline A
C. identification
4. programmable B
D. memory
5. real D
E. access
IV. Fill the web diagram with the words that can be used with the given word:
POWER - cable, line, supply, point, connector, cut, consumption, failure.
VI. Do a mini-research and explain the difference between:
1. online mode offline mode
Online is working in real time; under the control of the main equipment; in the Internet.
Offline is working independently from the main equipment.
2. impact printer
non-impact printer
Non-impact is a printer that prints without striking the paper; for example, a laser printer, thermal or an inkjet printer. Non-impact printers are quieter than impact printers, such as dot matrix printer.
3. print out hard copy
Print out material produced in printed form
Hard copy printed material produced by a computer
4. real memory - ROM
Real memory may include RAM or ROM or their combination
VII. Give the definitions suiting the terms below:
1. netiquette
A. The rules of behaviour in network.
2. peripheral device
B. Device located not on the motherboard
3. programmable database
C. Software-controlled database
4. queue
D. List of the programs expecting their execution
5. recoverable error
E. Error which can be corrected.
VIII. State the type of logical relations between the following words:
VI. Do a mini-research and explain the difference between:
1. hard copy soft copy master copy
Soft copy is a digital version of information and hard copy is a printed version. Master copy is a template or original copy.
2. shareware freeware pirate software
Shareware is software which is free but you are expected to pay a shareware fee. Freeware is gratis software. Pirate software is software which is used with defiance of the copyright.
3. target language programming language
Target language is the language that is output when a source(programming) language is translated; also called object language.
4. settings - setup
Settings are the parameters set. Setup is the way in which something is arranged or organized.
VII. Match the given terms with their definitions:
1. settings B
A. a combination of keys for quick work
2. shareware F
B. parameters
3. shortcut A
C. a program which is distributed without the compliance with the copyright law
4. shut down G
D. an image on the screen
5. soft copy D
E. interval
6. bootleg software C
F. programs that are distributed free for users to try them
7. space E
G. completion of the computer work
IX. Say what can be:
1. switched
switchgear, computer, device, equipment
2. specified
account, period, information
3. shifted
4. shared
source, printer, information
X. Say what the following is used for:
1. session log
for identifying network users
2. silicon chip
for making CPU
3. serviceability
for making smth. comfortable for the user; user-friendly
4. settings
to customizing environment
5. signature
for certifying access
TM FIT 161-180
I. Give synonyms and/or antonyms:
1. template
copy, sample
2. to terminate
to shut down, ant. to start
3. tool bar
tool box
4. to tune
to adjust
5. tracking
II. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root:
terminal/ terminator/ termination
to terminate
trail/ trailer
to trail
to update
updated/ updatable
transmission/ transmitter
to transmit
transmittable/ transmission
to transact
III. Make up phrases by matching the words in the left column with those in the right:
1. throughout B
A. period
2. tool D
B. capacity
3. trial A
C. face
4. turnkey E
D. bar
5. type C
E. system
IV. Fill the web diagram with the words that can be used with the given word:
TRANSFER -error, unit, time, rate.
VI. Give the terms suiting the definitions below:
1. to telecommute
A. to work at home with the help of computer connection with the office
2. terminate
B. to end, stop
3. to transmit
C. to convey from one place to another
4. to upgrade
D. to adapt to the prevailing conditions
5. to tune
E. to fit into current systems
VIII. State the type of logical relations between the following words:
Type of logical relations
1. to work to telecommute A
A. general and specific
2. to terminate to start D
B. equivalence
3. tracking monitoring B
C. part and whole
4. transceiver transmitter C
D. contrast
IX. Say what can be:
1. terminated
process, program, access
2. tracked
information, object
3. transferred
file, information, data, image
4. updated
information, web page, system, software
5. turned off
computer, printer, device
X. Say when and why people do the following:
1. telecommute
to communicate fast, to work at home
2. transaction processing
to send and retrieve information
3. troubleshooting
to prevent runtime errors
4. turn off
to finish the work
5. tune
to customize developers environment according to their requirements
TM FIT 181-200
I. Give synonyms and/or antonyms:
1. usable
fit, suitable, ant. unsuitable
2. to verify
to validate
3. virtual
unreal, ant. real
4. to zoom
to scale
5. valid
actual, effective, right, ant. invalid, wrong
II. Decode the acronyms:
1. WWW
World Wide Web
As Soon As Possible
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
4. CUL8R
see you later
5. VR
Virtual Reality
III. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:
user/ usage
to use
usable/ used
validation/ validity
to validate
to verify
verified/ verifiable
vision/ visibility/ visualization
to visualize
visible/ visual
visibly/ visually
IV. Fill the web diagram with the words that can be used with the given word:
USER -default, power account, base, id, login, interface, manual, guide, policy, profile, wizards, mode.
VI. Do a mini-research and explain the difference between:
1. end-user power user
Power user is an experienced, skilled user. End user is a user for whom smth. is worked out.
2. to verify to validate
to verify is to check or confirm; to validate is to show that something is reasonable or logistic.
3. to upgrade to update
Hardware is upgraded, software updated.
4. workstation supercomputer
Workstation is a one-person computer that is more powerful and faster than most personal computers, and is typically used for graphics, scientific computing, but its capacity is less than supercomputers capacity, which is used for computing a big number of information.
VII. Give the definitions suiting the given terms:
1. power user experienced, skilled user
2. volatility
B. dependency from power supply
3. wait mode
C. the Condition, in which computer at idle time consumes electric powers less, but keeps open for immediate using.
4. workstation
D. A one-person computer that is more powerful and faster than most personal computers, and is typically used for graphics, scientific computing, CAD, CAE, and other applications requiring high performance and memory