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Exercise 1. Practice the pronounciation:


Tonsillitis [,tonsi'laitis], pharyngitis [,færin'dʒaitis], laryngitis [,lærin'dʒitis], ailment [eilment], serious ['siərəs], even ['i:vən], laden [leidn], palatine ['pælətain], lacunar [ləkju:nə], catarrhal [kə'ta:rel], threatening ['Өretniŋ], emaciation [i,meisi'e∫ən], hazardeous ['hæzədəs], submaxillary [sΛb'mæksiləri], coarse [kɔ:s], hoarseness [hɔ:snis], scratchy ['skræt∫i], uvula ['ju:vjulə], honey ['hΛni], larynx [læriŋks], pharynx ['færiŋks], disphagia [dis'feidʒiə], aphonia [ə'founiə], sudorific [sjudə'rific], antipyretic ['æntipairetic], dyspnea [dis'pni:ə]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:


Exercise 4. Find substitutes for the following.


aspect of physical or mental condition as 1 widespread disease sign of illness

or injury;

either of two small organs on each side of 2 swelling root of the tongue;

protuberance, especially abnormal bulge on 3 pain the body;

widely distributed illness 4 symptom

suffering or distress of body or mind 5 tonsil

Exercise 5. Translate the following word combinations:


Nature of the lesion, acute or true tonsillitis, definite systemic infection, a drastic effect, vital organs of the body, to give rise to something, sore throat, a dry scratchy and burning sensation, subglottic type of laryngitis, to follow salt-free diet, tea infused with raspberries.


Exercise 6. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Passive Voice:


1. Acute pharyngitis is frequently accompanied by acute tonsillitis.

2. Mucous membrane is covered with mucopurulent secretion.

3. The patient is allowered to follow home treatment.

4. He is also recommended to take antipyretics, expectorants, sulfonamides and sudorifics.

5. Gagling is most helpful when it is done every hour.


Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:


Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis).


Tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis are clinically similar acute infectious diseases. They are the most common ailments among both children and adults.

Most of the time, especially if treated, we recover from these infections without permanent harm. But occasionally an infection will be more serious, even life-threatening. Anything that blocks the airways may be hazardous. Sometimes chronic infections cause permanent tissue damage. Factors predisposing to upper respiratory infections are smoking, breathing particle - laden air - coal dust, air pollution, climate and seasons (in the autumn or early spring), i.e. they depend on chilling.

Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils, especially the palatine tonsillitis, depending on the nature of the lesion: acute or true, catarrhal, follicular and lacunar tonsillitis.

The most widespread is acute tonsillitis which is a definite systemic infection characterized by an acute inflammatory process, primarily in the area of the tonsils. These are at least 200 viruses that can give rise to acute tonsillitis. The bacteria may be inhaled into respiratory passages during contact with patients or they may be acquired through the patient's things (cups, plates, spoons, etc.). When these viruses penetrate into the body of the person with decreased immunity, he develops acute tonsillitis. The most vivid and constant symptom of tonsillitis is pain in the throat. However, this illness may have a drastic effect on many vital organs of the body. There may be enlargement and tenderness of the cervical and submaxillary lymph glands. Catarrhal condition of the throat and larynx are manifested by a coarse, barking cough and hoarseness. The patient feels discomfort on swallowing and earache. The discharges from the throat become purulent causing unpleasant odour from the patient's mouth. This disease is characterized by general weakness, headache and an increase of body temperature to a suffebrile level-37.1—37.5 °C. It decreases the patient's work capacity.

The most frequent complications of acute tonsillitis are rheumatic fever and kidney trouble.

Pharyngitis is inflammation of the pharynx or sore throat. There are various forms of pharyngitis: acute or catarrhal pharyngitis, atrophic, chronic and hypertrophic.

The patient with acute pharyngitis usually complains of slight tenderness or tention in the throat, especially on swallowing. He feels a dry scratchy and burning sensation in the throat and has fever. On examination the physician usually notes redness, swelling and edema of the uvula. Mucous membrane is red and covered with mucopurulent secretion. Acute pharyngitis often preceeds acute tonsillitis or is accompanied by it.

Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx, a condition attended with dryness and soreness of the throat, hoarseness, cough and dysphagia.

There are different types of laryngitis: acute, catarrhal, croupous, diphtheric, membranous, necrotic, phlegmonous, subglottic, syphilitic, tuberculous and vestibular one.

Acute catarrhal laryngitis is a form characterized by aphonia or hoarseness, pain and dryness of the throat, dyspnea, a wheezy cough and more or less fever.

Treatment of the respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The patient is allowered to follow home treatment. He is recommended to take antipyretics, sulfonamides and expectorants, not to speak for 5-7 days and to gargle his throat with a warm solution of sodium bicarbonate, to use inhalations several times a day. The patient must follow salt-free diet, avoid cold food. It must be warm (but never hot). Pungent, coarse, spicy or acid food is not allowered. When the patient suffers from high fever he needs more liquids than usually and is recommended to take sudorific (sweatinducing drinks), such as tea with honey and warm milk with honey.




Exercise 8. Answer the questions:


1. In what forms does tonsillitis occur?

2. What are the causative agent of tonsillitis?

3. How do acute respiratory disorders of the upper respiratory system spread?

4. Who spreads the disease?

5. What are complications of acute tonsillitis?

6. What is pharyngitis?

7. What common symptoms of acute catarrhal pharyngitis can you name?

8. What forms of pharyngitis do you know?

9. What is laryngitis?

10. What are the doctor's recommendations for the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis?


Exercise 10. Make up questions to the underlined words:


1. Mucous membrane is red and covered with mucopurulent suretion.

2. Bad teeth and chronic inflammation of the tonsils should receive timely treatment.

3. Acute tonsillitis may have a drastic effect on many vital organs of the body.

4. The germs may be inhaled into the respiratory passages during contact with patients.

5. Catarrhal condition of the troat decreases the patient's work capacity.

Exercise 11. Explain the process taking place in the organism of the patient suffering from acute tonsillitis.


Exercise 12. Make up a summary of the text.


Exercise 13. Speak on the following items:


The cardinal symptoms of acute tonsillitis.

The main symptoms of acute pharyngitis.

The course of acute laryngitis treatment.




1. Tonsillitis, pharingytis and laryngitis are clinically similar acute ... disease.


a) nervous

b) psychic

c) allergic

d) infectious

e) mental


2. They ... the most common ailments among both children and adults.


a) are

b) am

c) have

d) has

e) were


3. Especially if treated, we ... from these infections diseases without permanent harm.


a) recovered

b) was recovering

c) had been recovering

d) recover

e) were recovering


4. Tonsillitis is inflammation of the ...


a) larynx

b) toes

c) tonsils

d) head

e) pharynx


5. This disease is characterized by an increase ... body temperature to a subfebrile level.


a) at

b) of

c) under

d) for

e) on


6. Pharyngitis is inflammation of the pharynx or ... thoat.


a) wide

b) almost

c) normal

d) regular

e) sore


6) Most surgical procedures... at this level.

a) may carry out

b) may be carried out

c) is allowed to carry out

d) might carry out

e) must carry out


7. The roving movements of eyeballs gradually diminish until they are
lost... the end of this plane.


a) at

b) in

c) by

d) from

e) of


8. Loss of consciousness results... the reversible reduction of the activity in the reticular activating system.


a) of

b) in

c) from

d) at

e) by


9. When... the second stage of anesthesia...

a) do... begin

b) does... begin

c) begins

d) were... beginning

e) have... begun


10. How many stages of anesthesia are known for us?

a) 1

b) 2
c) 4

d) 5

e) many stages


Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1040

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