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W H O ( W o r l d H e a l t h O r g a n i z a t i o n )


Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:


Sign [sain], strengthening ['streŋθ(ə)niŋ], raise [reiz], warning [wɔ:niŋ], plague [pleig], quarantine ['kwɔr(ə)nti:n], vaccine ['væksi:n], headquarter ['hed'kwɔ:tə],

Geneva [dʒi'ni:və], eradicate [i'rædikeit]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:


Exercise 3. Form new words adding the suffixes -er, -or:


Model: to work — worker — ðàáî÷èé

to operate — operator — îïåðàòîð

to conduct, to research, to investigate, to do, to perform, to organise, to dream, to play, to produce.


Exercise 4. Read and translate the following words with the suffix -al:


national, regional, tropical, special, viral, technical, international.


Exercise 5. Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:


epidemic diseases, international standardization, health protection, health service, outbreak of the disease, infectious diseases, epidemic warning, medical and administrative staff, international quarantine measures, health workers, water supply


Exercise 6. Find substitutes for the following word combinations:


1. the establishment of conditions favourable to 1. health


2. liable to be communicated by infections 2. epidemic

3. normal conditions of body and mind 3. infectious

4. attacking many patients in the same region at 4. plague the same time

5. a highly contagious and fatal fever 5. sanitation


Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:





WHO was founded in 1948. In 1946 the United Nations held an International Health Conference in New York. There the Constitution of WHO was signed by 61 countries. Now- there are 150 member-states. Membership is open to all countries.

WHO activities take many forms:

— strengthening national health services,

— preparing more and better health workers,

— controlling or eradicating epidemic diseases,

— protecting mother's and child health,

— improving sanitation and water supply,

— and making all other efforts to raise health levels.

One of the main services carried out by WHO is the service of epidemic warnings. The five main world epidemics of history — plague, cholera, smallpox, typhus and yellow fever—are still a great danger in our time of fast sea and air travel.

WHO gathers information and broadcasts it daily by radio to health authorities, ports, airports and ships at sea. WHO also informs national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases such as influenza and poliomyelitis.

Besides an epidemic information WHO also provides services which are needed by all the countries, such as an international quarantine mea­sures, world health statistics, international standardization of medicines and vaccines, development of medical research and technical publication programme.

The daily work of the World Health Organization is carried out by a medical and administrative staff of about 2,400 international officers from 70 different countries. These officers are stationed at headquarters in Geneva, in Regional Offices, or with special centers working on every continent.


Post-text assignments


Exercise 8. Skim through the text and answer the questions:


1. When was WHO founded?

2. How many member-states are there in WHO?

3. What are the most active forms of WHO activities?

4. How are national health services informed about outbreaks of viral diseases?

5. Do all countries need services provided by WHO?

6. Who performs the daily work of the World Health Organization?

7. Where are headquarters of WHO stationed?


Exercise 10. State wheather the following is correct:


1. There are nearly 100 member –states in WHO.

2. One of the main services of WHO is the service of epidemic warning.

3. WHO gathers information and broadcasts it by radio.

4. The daily work of the World Health Organization is carried out by 2.400 international officers from 80 different countries.

5. There are special centres working on every continent.


Exercise 11.Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the words with -ing forms:


1. Training of medical personnel is one of the most important problems of WHO.

2. Great stress is laid on eradicating of the most dangerous and wide-spreading diseases.

3. WHO is called upon to act as a navigator in coordinating the efforts of international scientists showing ways of setting these tasks.

4. Our country ascribes great importance to the broadening and strengthening of international cooperation, including the field of health protection.


Exercise 12. Find and translate 5 words being noun and verb at the same time (formed by conversion).


E. g. work - ðàáîòà to work - ðàáîòàòü


Exercise 13. Put questions to the underlined words:


1. WHO was founded in 1948.

2. There are 150 member-states in WHO.

3. One of the main services of WHO is the service of epidemic warning.

4. The daily work of WHO is carried out by a medical and administrative staff.

5. WHO also provides information about international quarantine measures.


Exercise 14. Insert prepositions:


1. The Constitution of WHO was signed … 61 countries.

2. membership in WHO is open … all countries.

3. WHO also informs national health services … outbreaks of viral diseases.

4. The five world epidemics of history are still a great danger … our time.

5. WHO broadcasts information … health authorities.

6. International officers working in WHO are stationed … headquarters … Geneva… Regional offices.


Exercise 15. Tell what you mean by






Exercise 16. SPECIALISTS. Where can you find these patients? Match the patients with the correct wards or departments.


1. Intensive Care Unit

2. Casualty and Emergency Department

3. Paediatiic Ward

4. Maternity Unit

5. Orthopaedic Ward

6. Surgical Ward

7. Geriatric Ward

8. Ophthalmic Ward

9. Gynaecological Ward


a. Mary who has just had a baby

b. John who has broken his leg

c. My grandmother who is suffering from pneumonia complications

d. Peter who will have his appendix removed

e. Betty's mother who is suffering from women's disease

f. My mother who will be operated on for an eye cataract

g. Samuel who is unconscious

h. Paul who has just been in a car crash

i. Your son who has measles




1. WHO was founded in … .


a) 1938

b) 1940

c) 1944

d) 1948

e) 1950


2. There are … member-states in WHO now.


a) 80

b) 100

c) 150

d) 180

e) 200


3. The constitution of WHO was signed in … .


a) London

b) New York

c) Helsinki

d) Washington

e) Paris


4. A medical and administrative staff consists of international officers from … countries.


a) 30

b) 40

c) 50

d) 60

e) 70


5. The main headquarter of WHO is in … .


a) Brussel

b) Paris

c) Geneva

d) Delhi

e) Prague



6. WHO gathers information and broadcasts it by …


a) TV

b) Conference

c) Songs

d) Radio

e) Symposium


7. The daily work of the World Health Organisation is carried … by a medical and administrative staff.


a) in

b) out

c) into

d) at

e) onto


8. Membership is open … all countries.


a) at

b) in

c) to

d) for

e) among


9. WHO informs national health services … outbreaks of viral diseases.


a) of

b) with

c) for

d) about

e) in


10. Regional offices or special centres are working … every continent.


a) at

b) on

c) in

d) of

e) inside


Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1359

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