Now take out a piece of paper for notes or use the blank space on this page and listen to the lecture again. As you listen, take your own notes on the lecture. You should try to take notes similar to those found in the model. Be brief. Use outline form. Use symbols and abbreviations. Write down only the main points of the lecture and only the essential details.
To help you with the note-taking, some of the important information will be repeated for you, but before you begin, look at the Word Guide. These are examples of words that the lecturer might write on the blackboard before or during the lecture.
Word Guide:
The Grand Canyon / Colorado River / geologic change / Spaniards / Coronado / Hopi / Navajo / Havasupai / President Woodrow Wilson
C. Post-listening Activity
Multiple-choice Questions
Now you are going to hear ten questions about the information you heard in the lecture. Each question will be spoken two times, but it will not be written out for you. You must listen very carefully to each question. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers which are printed in your book. You should then check your notes and decide which of the four choices best answers the question you have heard. Mark your answer by putting an X next to the letter (a), (b), (c), or (d) – whichever is the correct choice.
Listen to the following example:
You will hear: "In what part of Arizona is the Grand Canyon located?"
You will read in your book: in ____________________ Arizona.
X (a) northern
(b) southern
(c) eastern
(d) western
You should have looked at the notes you took on the lecture and found an abbreviation or other indication that the Grand Canyon is located in northern Arizona; therefore, choice (a) is the correct answer.