There are many organizations and agencies that function to work on particular issues. Translate their names into Russian. - International Atomic Energy Agency
- International Civil Aviation Organization
- International Fund for Agricultural Development
- International Labour Organization
- International Maritime Organization
- International Telecommunication Union
- Food and Agriculture Organization
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization
- Universal Postal Union
- World Bank
- World Health Organization
- World Intellectual Property Organization
- World Meteorological Organization
4.4 After listening to short presentations of your groupmates be ready to answer the following questions:
- When was the U.N. founded?
- What organization did it replace and why?
- What was the original and what is the present purpose of the organization?
- How many state-members are there at present?
- What are its administrative bodies?
- Where is the headquarters located?
- Who is the current Secretary General?
- What are the U.N. official languages? What working languages does the Secretariat use?
- How is the U.N. financed?
- What is the main deliberative organ of the U.N.?
- What voting is required on important issues of the General Assembly?
- How are all other questions decided?
- What are the functions of the U.N. Secretariat?
- What does UNESCO stand for?
- Where is it located?
- What projects does it sponsor?
- What does UNICEF stand for?
- How did the idea of UNICEF originate?
- Name some unions and agencies working within the U.N.?
4.5 For more practice use the video “The Girl Who Silenced the U.N.”. To check your understanding answer the following questions:
- What is E.C.O.?
- Where did the children come from?
- What problems did Severn Suzuki mention in her speech?
- What did a poor Brazilian boy tell her one day?
- What does her father always say?
Unit 5. The Grand Canyon: One of Nature's Finest Monuments
5.1 Lecture. The Grand Canyon: One of Nature's Finest Monuments
A. Pre-listening Activities
Preview of Content
The following lecture is about the Grand Canyon National Park, located in the southwestern part of the United States, in northern Arizona.
The lecturer begins by describing the Canyon's location, dimensions, and climate variations. She then touches upon the geology of the area and the plant and animal life found in the Grand Canyon Park. After this, she mentions the discovery of the Canyon by Spanish soldiers, and then she talks about the various tribes of Native Americans who presently inhabit the area around the Canyon. The lecture ends with her citing the reason the president of the United States decided to establish the area as a national park. He wished to protect the plants and animals of the area, and to provide people with a view of one of Nature's finest monuments to be found in the United States.
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1307