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Преподаватель Белякова А.В.

Английский для логистов 2-го курса

English for Logistics

Преподаватель Белякова А.В.

<question>To send money

<variant>To remit

<variant>To dispatch

<variant>To pick

<variant>To find out

<variant>To get back

<question>A company which specializes in arranging and handling the transport of goods






<question>Another word for send, used in connection with goods




<variant>Get on


<question>An offer stating prices and conditions






<question>How much something is worth in money






<question>A wooden base on which goods can be transported






<question>This is where goods are stored



<variant>Hand luggage



<question>A company which transports goods






<question>A company which provides goods






<question>To choose or select goods





<variant>Get back

<question>A document that gives details about the cost of something and is also a request for payment.



<variant>Credit card

<variant>Price list

<variant>List of goods

<question>Another word for freight




<variant>Bill of loading


<question>A ship used to transport goods on islands waterways


<variant>Transport ship




<question>A box made of cardboard


<variant>Waterproof box

<variant>Post box

<variant>Mini container


<question>Another word for consequence, e.g. as a ... .






<question>A secure payment method used in international trade

<variant>Letter of credit

<variant>Credit card

<variant>Mobile payments

<variant>Credit policy

<variant>Payment facilities

<question>A piece of paper providing specific information , either on the product itself or the packaging.






<question>A business that sells goods to the consumer.






<question>The weight of goods which can be loaded onto a vehicle.






<question>A motor vehicle used for transporting goods.






<question>This means that something breaks easily












<question>Another word for inform




<variant>Take care

<variant>Find out

<question>Important document used in international trade.

<variant>Bill of lading



<variant>Letter of credit


<question>A large metal box in which goods are shipped






<question>Another word for get





<variant>Get in touch

<question>The opposite export






<question>The measurement system used in most countries






<question>To put things on top of each other


<variant>Get in touch

<variant>Get on



<question>A device used for lifting heavy goods






<question>Logistics means that you manage the procurement and movement of goods and the … of inventory.






<question>Freight forwarder is a...

<variant>person or business that arranges documentation and travel facilities for companies dispatching goods to customers.

<variant>company which carries goods by road.

<variant>person or firm named in a freight contract to whom goods have been shipped or turned over for care.

<variant>company that specializes in the speedy and secure delivery of small goods and packages

<variant>company that transports or conveys goods.

<question>Consignee is a ...

<variant>person or firm named in a freight contract to whom goods have been shipped or turned over for care.

<variant>company which carries goods by road.

<variant>company that specializes in the speedy and secure delivery of small goods and packages

<variant>company that transports or conveys goods.

<variant>company that specializes in transports.

<question>........with all the necessary documentation.





<variant>Take care

<question>.......space on a ship, train, lorry or plane






<question>.......an eye on the budget.



<variant>Take care



<question>.......that health and safety standards are maintained

<variant>Take care





<question>We supply software for the car industry




<variant>Inform about


<question>I work ... .an international company



<variant>next to



<question>He usually .... a lot of time with his customers





<variant>Has spent


<variant>Full container load

<variant>Full cash liability

<variant>Free certificate of loading

<variant>Freight forwarding for customer lose

<variant>Fall of container load


<variant>Packing goods in a small, separate units

<variant>Direct flow of goods from receipt at warehouse to shipping, bypassing storage

<variant>Locating items in transit

<variant>Picking up goods at a named place

<variant>Receiving and storing goods


<variant>Loading goods from one means of carriage onto another

<variant>Direct flow of goods from receipt at warehouse to shipping, bypassing storage

<variant>Locating items in transit

<variant>Picking up goods at a named place

<variant>Receiving and storing goods


<variant>Direct flow of goods from receipt at warehouse to shipping, bypassing storage

<variant>Locating items in transit

<variant>Picking up goods at a named place

<variant>Receiving and storing goods

<variant>Loading goods from one means of carriage onto another

<question>Tracking and tracing

<variant>Locating items in transit

<variant>Picking up goods at a named place

<variant>Receiving and storing goods

<variant>Loading goods from one means of carriage onto another

<variant>Direct flow of goods from receipt at warehouse to shipping, bypassing storage


<variant>Receiving and storing goods

<variant>Loading goods from one means of carriage onto another

<variant>Direct flow of goods from receipt at warehouse to shipping, bypassing storage

<variant>Locating items in transit

<variant>Picking up goods at a named place

<question>With a modern ... , we can ensure fast, safe delivery of your consignments.

<variant>fleet of vehicles


<variant>air carries

<variant>transport companies


<question>Our service include order picking, packing, distribution, and handling of all transport.... ?



<variant>shipping lines



<question>As a ...... non-vessel operating common carrier, we can offer our customers competitive rates with all major shipping lines.






<question>We specialize ... solutions for full container loads.






<question>We can ... you with tailor-made solutions for your air transport requirements.







<variant>Contracting functions out to third-party providers

<variant>The need for particular goods or services

<variant>The grouping of small shipments into container

<variant>Companies trying to sell the same or similar products to customers

<variant>Including a wide range of services


<variant>Including a wide range of services

<variant>Contracting functions out to third-party providers

<variant>The need for particular goods or services

<variant>The grouping of small shipments into container

<variant>Companies trying to sell the same or similar products to customers



<variant>The grouping of small shipments into container

<variant>Including a wide range of services

<variant>Contracting functions out to third-party providers

<variant>The need for particular goods or services

<variant>Companies trying to sell the same or similar products to customers


<variant>Details of what is expected and needed

<variant>Contracting functions out to third-party providers

<variant>The need for particular goods or services

<variant>The grouping of small shipments into container

<variant>Companies trying to sell the same or similar products to customers


<variant>The need for particular goods or services

<variant>Including a wide range of services

<variant>Contracting functions out to third-party providers

<variant>The grouping of small shipments into container

<variant>Companies trying to sell the same or similar products to customers


<variant>Companies trying to sell the same or similar products to customers

<variant>The need for particular goods or services

<variant>Including a wide range of services

<variant>Contracting functions out to third-party providers

<variant>The grouping of small shipments into container

<question>The price request tool allows you ..... prices for shipments.

<variant>to obtain

<variant>to help

<variant>to negotiate

<variant>to expect

<variant>to set

<question>What is odd? E-shipping helps you ..... goods online.






<question> To use Quick Online Shipping, simply log on ....

<variant>by selecting your town or region from the drop-down menu on the left.

<variant>the right service to suit your shipping needs.

<variant>to plan shipments, book collections and deliveries.

<variant>track pick-ups and deliveries.

<variant>price requests, schedule transport, and obtain real-time shipment information.

<question>A retailer is a business ...

<variant>that buys products from wholesalers or manufacturers and resells them to the ultimate.

<variant>that takes to produce supply a product.

<variant>the purchasing of goods (materials, parts, suppliers, equipment) required to run an enterprise.

<variant>of reducing inventories by co-ordinating the delivery of materials just before they are needed.

<variant>customers are prepared to wait for the delivery of their order.

<question>JIT - just in time is a concept…

<variant>of reducing inventories by co-ordinating the delivery of materials just before they are needed.

<variant>that buys products from wholesalers or manufacturers and resells them to the ultimate.

<variant>that takes to produce supply a product.

<variant>the purchasing of goods (materials, parts, suppliers, equipment) required to run an enterprise.

<variant>customers are prepared to wait for the delivery of their order.

<question>The goods ... to a depot.

<variant>are delivered


<variant>have delivered

<variant>are deliver

<variant>are delivering

<question>The order ... by the computer.

<variant>is generated


<variant>has generated

<variant>is generating


<question>Sales information ... to the CRP computer system.

<variant>is transferred



<variant>is transferring

<variant>has transferred

<question>Real time demand ... by electronic cash register and the product movement ... from supplier to the retail store.

<variant>is identified, is co-ordinated.

<variant>is identifying, is co-ordinated

<variant>is identified, are co-ordinating

<variant>is identified, co-ordinates

<variant>identifies, co-ordinates

<question>The ideal candidate should have a degree in ... management or logistic management with a deep understanding and knowledge of China logistics market.

<variant>supply chain


<variant>computer system



<question>What are your .... on that?






<question>If your order .... 2,000 items, we can offer you a further 10% discount.






<question>We can offer you 10% ... the retail price.






<question>The driver does not stay with his road vehicle during transport by rail or ferry.




<variant>Grapler lift

<variant>Block train

<question>Carriage of goods by at least two different modes of transport, e.g. shipping by motor lorry and aircraft.






<question>Transport by sea is ... than transport by air.


<variant>more cheap

<variant>the cheapest

<variant>the most cheap

<variant>the cheaper

<question>Our rates are ... than theirs.






<question>A gantry crane is a piece of machinery used for ... and unloading containers from ships onto trucks or rail wagons and vice versa. It is rail-mounted and can ... at least four railway tracks.

<variant>loading, straddle

<variant>loading, attach

<variant>move, reach

<variant>pill, make

<variant>fit, handle

<question>A kind of fork lift truck used in container handling. It is equipped with a spreader beam and a lifting arm and can be ued for lifting containers and pilling them on top of the each other.

<variant>Reach stracker



<variant>Gantry crane

<variant>Grappler lift

<question>What is odd?

Perishable cargo:

<variant>steel pipes



<variant>chilled or frozen foodstuffs

<variant>dairy products

<question>I ... to ask about the train options described in your website.

<variant>would like


<variant>could you



<question>What do "oz" mean?




<variant>Cubic yard



<variant>Two hundred and thirty-five thousand

<variant>Two hundreds and thirty-five thousand

<variant>Two hundred thirty-five thousand

<variant>Two hundreds thirty-five thousands

<variant>Two hundreds and thirty-five thousands

<question> we/smaller/this/deliveries/means/partial/that/would/have several

<variant>This means that we would have several smaller partial deliveries.

<variant>We would this means have smaller several partial deliveries.

<variant>We have means this deliveries would smaller several partial that.

<variant>Would we have this smaller partial deliveries means that several.

<variant>That have several partial deliveries we means this would smaller.

<question>What does "lb" abbreviation stand for?






<question>… being well secured, the load was damaged on arrival.

<variant>In spite of



<variant>As a result


<question>What is the … for this delay?






<question>What is a bale?

<variant>Large package of presspacked goods (often raw material), which is tightly bound, wrapped, and banned.

<variant>Wooden box made of wooden slats. It can be open or closed and is used for packing good.

<variant>Sturdy box with a lid which is made of metal and often used for storage.

<variant>Cylindrical metal container for liquids.

<variant>Large cylindrical container with a flat bottom and top. It is made of wood and is used for liquids.

<question>What is a drum?

<variant>Cylindrical metal container for liquids.

<variant>Large package of presspacked goods (often raw material), which is tightly bound, wrapped, and banned.

<variant>Wooden box made of wooden slats. It can be open or closed and is used for packing good.

<variant>Sturdy box with a lid which is made of metal and often used for storage.

<variant>Large cylindrical container with a flat bottom and top. It is made of wood and is used for liquids.

<question>In the … area the goods are selected in the right quantities, that means the quantities required by the customer. Here we also break bulk. That means, for example, after receiving goods in large quantities (e.g. pallets), we need to pack them in smaller separate units for the customer.

<variant>order picking


<variant>marshaling and dispatch

<variant>collation and value-added services

<variant>back-up storage

<question>to wrap

<variant>pack in special material for protection

<variant>put into new units or formats

<variant>deal with

<variant>put goods on a pallet or vehicle

<variant>pick or choose

<question>After goods …. , they go into back-up storage.

<variant>have been checked

<variant>has been checked


<variant>is checked


<question>An automated guided vehicle is a …. truck which is controlled by computer and electrically powered.






<question>Send/and packing list/six copies/the commercial invoice/of / prior to arrival/four days

<variant>Send six copies of the commercial invoice and packing list four days prior to arrival.

<variant>Send six copies of invoice and packing list four days the commercial prior to arrival.

<variant>Send six copies of invoice and packing list the commercial four days prior to arrival.

<variant>Send six copies four days prior of the commercial invoice and packing list to arrival.

<variant>Send six copies of the four days prior to arrival commercial invoice and packing list.

<question>As discussed … the phone this morning, we enclose shipping order No 09/13087.






<question>Please send the freight invoice … our address.






<question>The logistics manager will be away … Friday.






<question>Advance payment

<variant>Customer/importer has to pay for the goods before they are shipped.

<variant>The exporter supplies the goods and the importer/customer pays for them at an agreed date in the future.

<variant>Also called cash against documents (CAD). It means that the exporter has full control over the documents until payment has been made by the importer.

<variant>The exporter supplies the goods and the importer/customer pays for them at an agreed date in the future.

<variant>Customer pays immediately on receiving the goods. This service is usually provided by the post office.


<question> We are pleased to inform you that we have arranged for a …

<variant>credit transfer through our bank for the amount of $2o,ooo.

<variant>our invoice for order No 9o8 in duplicate.

<variant>your draft for invoice No SR-56o2.

<variant>account as of 3o September.

<variant>the amount of f&,67o to your account.

<question> Our consignment is … 3 … 2 … 2.5 metres.

<variant>by, by, by

<variant>by, -, -

<variant>-, -, -

<variant>and, and, and

<variant>-, and, by

<question> This container is six … long.







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