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Instructions for filling in the Europass CV



Replace with other relevant skills


Use only if these bring added value to your application and have not been already mentioned. Specify in what context they were acquired. Example:

▪ first aid: certified in providing first aid, as part of my scuba diving training


Just mentioning personal interests such as reading, walking, cinema, etc. does not bring any added value. On the contrary, giving examples of activities undertaken would suggest an outgoing, proactive individual who likes to help others:


▪ reading: passionate reader, I help younger pupils with reading difficulties twice a week

▪ mountaineering: experienced climber, active member of the local Hiking and Climbing club


Replace with driving licence category/-ies. Example:


▪ B



Replace with relevant publications, presentations, projects, conferences, seminars, honours and awards, memberships, references.

Remove headings not relevant in the left column. Examples: Publication


▪ How to write a successful CV, New Associated Publishers, London, 2002.


Where appropriate, provide a brief description; specify the type of document (article, report, presentation, etc.).




▪ Devon new public library. Principal architect in charge of design, production, bidding and construction supervision (2008-2012).




▪ Member of the University’s Film-Making Society




Unless the vacancy specifically requests referees, write "References are available on request."


Replace with list of documents annexed to your CV (copies of degrees and qualifications, testimonial of employment or work placement, publications or research).



▪ copy of degree in engineering

▪ Europass Language Passport

▪ testimonial of employment (Anderson and Dobbs) Attach only documents relevant to the position.

Do not attach long documents such as publications; better list them under ‘Additional information’ with a hyperlink if relevant.



Instructions for filling in the Europass CV - http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu - © European Union, 2002-2013 Page 5 / 5

Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1070

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