Self-Evaluation TestChapter
1. Which of the following combinations of shortcut keys is used to select a menuset? (b) h+LMB
2. Which of the following shortcut keys is used to switch between the object mode and the
component mode? (b)F8
3. IPR can be used only for maya software renderer and mental ray rendering.
4. The select by name option helps you select an object by entering its name in the Name Selection
5. The current time indicator in the time slider displays the current time.
6. The Panel menuhas a set ofsixmenus.
7. When you switch between modules, all menusets on the menubar change
accordingly. (T)
8. The keys set for animation are displayed in red color. (T)
9. The MEL command is a group of text strings used for performing various actions in Maya. (T)
10. The animation time slider moves from left to right in the Graph Editor. (T)
1. Which of the following tools helps you move the selected objects in a workspace from one
place to another? (c) Move
2. Which of the following combinations of shortcut keys is used to toggle the Panelmenu
on and off ? (b) CTRL+ SHIFT+m
3. Which of the following shortcut keys is used to access menu items in a workspace? (a) SPACEBAR
4. Hotkeys are also known as commandskeys.
5. The auto keyframe toggle button helps you set keyframes in animation.
6. The user-defined shortcuts can be created by using the .
7. The origin is an arbitrary point, which is used to determine the location of
8. A collapser is used to hide a particular group on the Status Line. (T)
9.The Animation Preferencesbutton is used to modify the animation controls. (T)
10. The Absolute transformmode is used to move, rotate, and scale a selected object in the
viewport. (T)
Self-Evaluation Test
1. In which of the following animation types, can you transform objects by setting
2. Which of the following windows is used to edit animation curves?(a) Graph Editor
3. The PASTE KEYS option is used to paste keys from the virtual memory to the place where
the current time indicator is located.
4. The MOTION CAPTURE animation is used to import the motion-captured data to apply a realistic
animation to the character.
5. The SOLO LAYER button is used to make the selected layer solo.
6. The SPLINE tool is used to adjust both angles of a tangent to the same angle.
7. The technical animation type is used to set the driven keys to animate an object by
linking the attributes of one object to those of another object. T
8. The Buffer Curve Snapshottool is used to take a snapshot of the selected curve. T
9. The Unify Tangent tool is used to retain the original position of tangents. T
10. The Post-Infinity Cycletool is used to copy an animation curve and repeat it infinitely
through the graph view. T
Review Questions
1. Which of the following options is used to define the total length of an animation?(a) Range
2. The POST ANIMATION method is used to animate an object on a particular path.
3. The POST-INFINITY CYCLEtool is used to copy an animation curve and then join it after the same
curve infinite number of times.
4. The LOOK TANGENT WEIGHT tool is used to lock the tangent weight.
5. You can animate an object over a surface by using the TURN TABLE option.
6. The GO TO END of Playback rangebutton is used to move to the last frame of the active
time segment.
7. The Plateau tangent tool is similar to the Spline and Clamped tangent tools. T
8. The Pre-infinity cycle with Offset tool is not similar to the Post-infinity cycle with
Offset tool. T
9. The playback control buttons are used to control the animation in the viewport. F
10. The Swap Buffer Curve tool is used to swap between the original and the edited
curves. T
Self-Evaluation Test
1. Which of the following is a particle generation system that uses Maya® nucleus technology?(b) nParticles
2. Which of the following is the default value of the Gravity Direction attribute?(d) 0,-1,0
3. The NUCLEUS is a linked particle system that simulates wide range of dynamic entities
within a unified framework.
4. The default value of the gravity attribute is 9.8 .
5. The SURFACE TENSION attribute is used to add realism to the Liquid Simulation.
6. The COUNT attribute is used to specify total number of particles in an nParticles object.
7. The LIFESPAN area is used to define the life of the selected nParticle objects in the
8. The Wind Direction attribute is used to determine the direction of wind. T
9. There are three types of nParticle styles. F
10. The Goal Smoothness attribute is used to control the smoothness of goal forces.T
1. What is the default value of Interpolation in the Radius scale area?Linear
2. The LIFESPAN attribute is used to define the life of selected nParticle object in the
3. nParticle system was introduced in Maya 2009.
4. The STICKINESS ATTRIBUTEis used to define the adhering of nParticle objects on self-collision or on
colliding with other nParticle objects.
5. The Bounce Scale attribute is used to control THE PER-PARTICLE BOUNCE SCALE scale.
6. The default value of Drag is 0.10 .
7. The VARIOUSattributes define the properties of wind fields.
8. The Air Push Distance attribute is used to indirectly influence the nParticle system. F
9. Goal Weights and Objects attribute is used to determine properties of goal objects. T
10. The Shading attribute is used to specify the appearance of an nParticle object. T
1.Which of the following is a refraction pattern formed due to light reflecting on highly
transparent objects?
(b) Caustics
2. Which of the following options is used to produce the accurate renderings of daylight
(a) Physical sun and sky
3. The renderer generates images with outstanding quality and unsurpassed
realism as well as gives scalable performance.
Mental ray
4. In Maya, the algorithm is used to calculate the movement of light rays.
5. is a series of photons taken at different exposure levels and then combined
into a high range image format.
6. The check box is used to emit photons from a selected object or light.
Emit Photons
7. In Maya, the mental ray rendering does not support spot lights. F
8. The Mayatomr.milplug-in is used to activate the mental ray rendering. T
9. In Maya, the vector Tenderer cannot render bump maps, displacement maps, and Maya
fluid effects. (T
10. The Caustic Filter Kerneloption is used to make the caustics smooth on rendering.(T
Answer the following questions:
1. Which of the following rendering options yields extremely realistic shading effects?
(b) Final gather
2. Which of the following techniques has a greater dynamic range of values between the light
and dark areas than any other normal digital imaging techniques?
(a) Global illumination
3. The and define the final gather rays sampling region.
4. The Physical Sun and Skyattribute uses the and shaders.mia_physicalsun,mia_physicalsky
5. The is a process in which the incident-radiated energy is retained completely
by an object.Absorption
6. You need to understand , , and to learn the concept of
Color Bleeding. Reflection,refraction,absorption
7.The Reflectionoption is used to set the maximum number of times a ray can refract
through a non-opaque object. (F)
8. Reflection is a change in the direction of light at the interface between two dissimilar
media such that the light returns to the medium from where it originated. (F)
9. The Curve toleranceedit box is used to set the outline of a rendered object. (T
10. Refraction is a phenomenon in which light deviates while passing from one medium to
another medium. (T
Self-Evaluation Test
1.Which of the following mathematical equations is used to simulate the fluid effects in
Maya? Navier-Stoke equation
2.Which of the following laws is applied to simulate the dynamic fluid effect in Maya? Natural law of forces
3.The non-dynamic fluid effect does not behave according to the natural law of fluid dynamics.
4.Each fluid container is divided into three-dimensional grids, and each unit of a grid is
known as voxel.
5.The Paint Attributes Toolproperty window is similar to the Sculpt Geometry Tool
property window.
6. The pondeffect is used to create a surface using a height field and a spring mesh
7.The rendering of a scene with non-dynamic fluid effect is much faster than a scene with
dynamic fluid effect. (T)
8. You can neither resize nor set the resolution of the fluid containers. (F)
9. The dynamic fluid effect simulates the fluids based on the natural law of physics. (T)
10.You cannot paint the fluid effect into a fluid container. (F)
Review Questions
1.Which of the following is the most complex engines in Maya?Fluids
2.Which of the following effects is in-built in Maya?Ocean
3.The dynamic fiuid effect helps you create various stunning effects such as running water,
explosion, cigarette smoke, and clouds.
4.The static grid does not make changes in fluid property values.
5. Wakes are fluid containers having a spring mesh solver, which adds additional
turbulence to the ocean by generating bubbles and ripples.
6.You can use an emitter to create a fluid container that will simulate fluid in the
container. (T)
7.You can add wakes only to oceans, and not to ponds. (F)
8.Increasing the fluid resolution increases the number of voxels in the fluid container, thus
increasing the rendering time. (T)
9.The content method gradient preset is used to maintain the fluid property as constant
throughout the container. (T)
10.You cannot make the objects float on the surface of fluids in Maya. (F)
Self-Evaluation Test
1. Which of the following is used to simulate the effect of dynamics and other gravitational forces
over the hair follicles created? Hair Simulation
2. Which of the following attributes is used to define overall specularity across the whole fur
description?Specular sharpness
3. The Polar attribute is used to rotate the fur normal to the surface.
4. The Offset attribute is used to define the distance of the fur from the surface.
5. The Light Model drop-down list is used to change the render type of the fur according
to the base color and tip color of the hair in the scene.
6. The Density attribute is used to define the total number of hair on a selected surface.
7. The Global Scale attribute is used to scale the hair fur uniformly. (T)
8. The Scraggle Correlationis used to clump the fur hair together in a group, (F)
9. The Equalizecheck box is used to adjust uneven mapping between the UV space and the
world space. (T)
10. The Clump Shapeattribute is used to define the number of segments in the fur. (F)
Review Questions
1. Which of the following attributes is used to define the total number of hair fur on a surface
in the viewport?Density
2.Which of the following attributes is used to rotate the fur normal to the surface? Polar
3.The Assigned Surfaces area displays the names of the surfaces on which the fur attributes are
4.The Tip color attribute is used to define the color of the tip of the fur.
5.The length attribute is used to define the length of each hair fur.
6.The Base Ambient Colorattribute is used to define the base color of fur. (F)
7. The Clumpingattribute is used to add kinks to individual hair to give it a meshy
appearance. (F)
8. The Scraggle Frequencyattribute is used to define how the scraggling of one hair affects
the other in the fur system. (F)
9. The Attractorsin Maya fur are similar to the joint chains used to affect the movement of
hair using dynamic forces. (T)
10. The Inclinationattribute is used to determine the angle at which the fur will be inclined
to the surface. (T)
Which of the following tools govern the position transform? (a) Move Tool
Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to display the Attribute Editor? (a) CTRL + a
The Outlineris also known as scene management editor
Presst the key to invoke the Show Manipulator Tool.
The outliner displays all objects of a scene in a hierarchical manner.
The marking menu are shortcut menus that consist of almost all tools related to an object.
The manipulators or the handles of the transform tools are colored to make them look more attractive. (F)
The view axis rotates an object taking the base of the selected view as the reference for rotation. (T)
The red ring of the Rotate Toolmanipulator represents the X-axis. (T)
You can adjust the default settings of the Scale Tool by invoking the Attribute Editorwindow.(F)
When you select an object by using the Move Tool,how many manipulators are
displayed? (d) Three
If you deform a surface by using the Soft Modification Tool, the amount of deformation
will be maximum atthe center and it gradually decreases as you movw outward
The Scale tool is used to scale an object along the X, Y, or Z axis.
Choose theyellow colored scale manipulator to scale the object uniformly along all axes.
The Attribute editor is used to make changes in the attributes of a selected object.
TheInstanceredisplays the geometry being instanced.
The dark color in the Soft Modification Toolindicates that the deformation is greatest at that point. (F)
When you use the Duplicate Specialtool on an object, a new object is created in the viewport irrespective of the original object. (T)
Creating an instance of an object is similar to copying the object. (T)
You can apply deformations to the instanced objects. (F).
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 944