List of the main terms that should know student preparing practical training
For Third-year Students of the Medical Department
Propedeutics of the internal medicine
Module ¹
Enclosure module ¹
Percussion as an objective method of patient examination. Comparative and topographic percussion of the chest
Medical ¹ 1
Methodical recommendations are made in accordance with educationally-qualifying descriptions and educationally-professional programs of preparation of the specialists ratified by Order MES of Ukraine from 16.05 2003 years ¹ 239 and experimentally - curriculum, that is developed on principles of the European credit-transfer system (ECTS) and Ukraine ratified by the order of MPH of Ukraine from 31.01.2005 year ¹ 52.
Vinnytsya- 2007
Importance of the topic
Percussion of the chest is one of the basic, informative methods of examination of the respiratory patients. It allows revealing diagnostic signs of the respiratory diseases without modern additional investigations. Today, when doctor has a lot of additional diagnostic devices importance of percussion is less then before. But if doctor uses percussion during patient examination his diagnostic research becomes more efficient and fruitful. This method is very useful when doctor could not perform modern investigation and in an emergency situation. It is very important part of the diagnostic process.
2. Concrete aims:
─ Master principles, types and rules of percussion of the chest
─ Learn physical grounds of percussion
─ Perceive clear lung sound and it changes: dull and tympanic, their characteristics.
─ Performing and assessing comparative percussion of the chest
─ Know chest points and lines used for topographic percussion of the lung
─ Performing and assessing topographic percussion of the lung
Basic training level
Previous subject
Obtained skill
Normal anatomy
Anatomy of the airways and lungs, their blood supply and innervation
Normal physiology
Mechanics of breathing, gas exchange in the lung and tissues of system organs
Ontogenesis of the respiratory tract, histological structure of the respiratory tract and alveoli
Task for self-depending preparation to practical training
List of the main terms that should know student preparing practical training
Clear lung sound
heard on percussion of the chest areas over an unchanged lung tissue
Dull sound
heard over the solid tissue without air like dense parenchymatous organs
Tympanic sound
heard over the tissue containing a lot of air
Passive excursion of lung
Moving lower lung border when patient changes his position from stand to lying
Active excursion of lung
Moving lower lung border due to deep inhaler and exhaler
4.2. Theoretical questions:
1. What is percussion and which types of percussion do you know?
2. What are the rules of percussion? What methods of percussion do you know?
3. What are the physical grounds of percussion?
4. What percussion sounds do you know? Mechanism of their origin.
5. When may you hear dull sound over lung?
6. When may you hear tympanic sound over lung?
7. What are the main purposes of topographic percussion of the lung?
8. When may you find shifting up lower border of the lung?
9. When may you find shifting down lower border of the lung?
10. When may you find shifting down height of the lung apex?
11. When may you find shifting up height of the lung apex?
12. When may you find that active excursion of the lung is limited?