Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ukraine on co-operation in the fields of education, science and culture
The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ukraine, (hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting Parties”);
Desiring to strengthen and develop the friendly relations between the two countries and their peoples;
Being convinced that exchanges and co-operation in the fields of education, science and culture as well as in other fields contribute to a better mutual knowledge and understanding between the British and Ukrainian peoples;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Contracting Parties shall encourage the development of relations between the two countries in the field of education by:
(a) encouraging and facilitating direct co-operation, contacts and exchanges between people, institutions and organisations concerned with education in the two countries;
(b) encouraging and facilitating the study of and instruction in the languages and literature of the other country;
(c) encouraging and facilitating co-operation and exchanges in teaching methods and materials, curriculum development and examinations;
(d) providing scholarships and bursaries and promoting other means to facilitate study and research.
Article 2
The Contracting Parties shall encourage and facilitate the development of exchanges and research on problems of mutual interest in the fields of science and technology, including direct co-operation between scientific and research institutions in the two countries.
Article 3
The Contracting Parties shall encourage and facilitate direct contacts in the fields of literature, the visual arts, the performing arts, film, television and radio, architecture, museums and galleries, libraries and archives and in other cultural areas.
Article 4
Each Contracting Party shall encourage the establishment in its territory of cultural and information centres of the other Contracting Party to organise and carry out activities in pursuit of the purposes of this Agreement, and shall grant every facility within the limits of its legislation and capabilities to assist such centres. The expression “cultural and information centres” shall include schools, language teaching institutions, libraries, resource centres and other institutions dedicated to the purposes of the present Agreement.
Article 5
The Contracting Parties shall encourage co-operation between press and publishing organisations in the two countries.
Article 6
The Contracting Parties shall facilitate the exchange of information about measures to protect the national heritage.
Article 7
The Contracting Parties hall encourage co-operation between the authorities of their respective countries in order to ensure the mutual protection of copyright.
Article 8
The Contracting Parties shall encourage contacts between young people and direct co-operation between youth organisations of the two countries.
Article 9
The Contracting Parties shall encourage the development of tourism between the two countries.
Article 10
The Contracting Parties shall encourage co-operation between sporting organisations and participation in sporting events in each other’s countries.
Article 11
The Contracting Parties shall facilitate in appropriate ways attendance at seminars, festivals, competitions, exhibitions, conferences, symposia and meetings in fields covered by this Agreement and held in either country.
Article 12
The Contracting Parties shall encourage direct co-operation and exchanges between non-governmental organisations in all fields covered by this Agreement.
Article 13
All activities covered by this Agreement shall comply with the laws and regulations in force in the State of the Contracting Party in which they take place.
Article 14
The British Council shall act as principal agent of the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the implementation of this Agreement.
Article 15
Representatives of the Contracting Parties shall, whenever necessary or at the request of either Party, meet as a Mixed Commission to review developments relating to this agreement.
Article 16
(1) This Agreement shall enter into force on the day of signature.
(2) This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of five years and thereafter shall remain in force until the expiry of six months from the date on which either Contracting Party shall have given written notice of termination to the other through the diplomatic channel.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
Done in duplicate at London this 10th day of February 1993 in the English and Ukrainian languages, both texts being equally authoritative.
For the Government of the United Kingdom For the Government
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: of Ukraine: