Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sounds.
A. [iә] [εƏ] [ai]
here hair higher pier pare pie ear air eye fear fair fire dear dare dive steer stare style
sneer snare snipe tear tare tie cheer chair chime beer bear buy spear spare spy mere mare my
B. [ i ] [ i: ] [iә]
hit heat here fit feed fear limb lean linear
bit beat beer sit sea sear din dean dear
did deed deer ship sheep shear pit Peter pier
pit speed spear tin teen tear whim weed weird
Activity 3. Read the proverbs according to the reading rules.
Can you find Russian versions for them?

Activity 4. Read the sentences. Mind the reading rules.
I fear he is far from being sincere.
Its cashmere, my dear.
The day was clear and we went to the pier.
Have you read W. Shakespeares King Lear?
Really, dear!
All is queer here!
Can you hear clearly from here?
The theatre is somewhat near here.
All people are very sincere.
His appearance is clear.
Activity 5. Read the rhymes. Mind the sound [iә].

²Activity 1. Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sound [εƏ].
· hare-dare-fare-care-scare-rare-ware-bare-square-share-mare
· air-fair-pair-hair-chair-lair-stairs
· where-Mary-parent-variant
B. hair haircut pare compare mare nightmare
chair chairman fare farewell wear underwear
rare rarebit share shareholder where everywhere
flare flaring ware warehouse pair despair
fare fanfare bare barefaced bare barefooted
· air airport airsick aircrew
· dare daredevil daring
· fare taxi fare fare stage
· fair fare haired fairy
· hair hairdresser hairstyle
· care great care careless
· rare rare field rarebit
· mare nightmare
· pare parent parentage
· share share out shareware
· tear tear in tear way
· wear wear and tear wearer
²Activity 2. Contrasting Sound Practice
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1254