Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sounds.A. [ә:] [כ:]
word ward heard hoard burn born sir sore turn torn fur four hurt hall skirt score
whirl wall learn lawn mirth more surf sort
firm form worm warm were wore stern storm
cur core fern fawn nurse nor terse tort
shirt short work walk per pour dirt door
B.[ә:] [i:] were we burn bean bird bead
burst beast heard heed burp beep
fur fee work week churn cheese
term team shirt sheet concern conceal
word weed pearl peel nurse niece
C. [ә:] [әu] fur foe turkey token firm foam
girl goal purpose postal hurt host
turn tone certain social learn loan
burn bone worker vocal earth oak
work woke burning boning perk poke
Activity 3. Read the proverbs according to the reading rules.
Can you find Russian versions for them?
Activity 4. Read the sentences. Mind the reading rules.
Thirty firms.
Thirsty earth.
His shirt is very short.
What a hurly-burly girl.
Repeat the verse word for word.
Eart will be thirteen next Thursday.
I havent heard of the girls.
In return he said it was certainly
worth it.
I heard her journey was worth the worry.
I heard he had hurt his hand.
The terms are certainly perfect!
Activity 5. Read the poem. Mind the sound [ә:].
The early bird so I have heard,
Catches the worm, and pon my word,
I know tow chaps and yet a third
Could learna lesson from that bird.
[ ei ]

²Activity 1. Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sound [ei].
· cake-bake-make-snake-take-ale-male-sale-whales
· bay-hay-may-play-pay-way-relay-day-ray-gray-tray-array-spray
· hey-obey-convey-survey-purvey-grey
· bait-fail-hail-mail-sail-tail
· waste-haste-taste
· able-table-cradle-ladle
· eight-weight-sleigh-freight
lay layer layman layout sail sailcloth sailing sailor
way subway railway roadway aim aimless aimlessness
haste hasty hastily hastiness bake baker bakery baking
waste wasteful waster wasting rail railroad railway rail card
great greatness greatly greats rain rainbow raincoat rainforest
play display player playable trade trader trade gap trading
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1266