Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sounds.
A. [ u: ] [ u ]tool took suit soot goop - good
brood brook pool pull loop look
wound wool coon cook boost bush
food foot who whom fool full
boot put wooed wood fruit could
B. [ u: ] [uә]moo moor cue cure few fury
boo boor flue fluent sue sewer
too tour Jew jury fool fuel
do doer due duel crew cruel
shoe sure pew pure groom gruel
Activity 3. Read the proverbs according to the reading rules.
Can you find Russian versions for them?
Activity 4. Read the sentences. Mind the reading rules.
Wholl do the rooms?
Do as I do.
Lets have news of you soon.
You knew, its true, didnt you?
I knew it was flu.
He was through with the task.
He was accused of abuse.
Are you used to using a computer?
Can you prove it?
The news is too gloomy.
Choose blue for the new room.
Humour is very useful.
I knew about that review.
Do you know the reading rules?
I value this true answer.
Where is avenue Ή2?
You are absolutely beautiful.
Do you like to go to the movies?
Activity 5. Read the rhyme. Mind the sounds [u] [u:].
I have two legs with which I walk,
I have a tongue, with which I talk,
And with it, too, I eat my food
And tell if its bad or good.
²Activity 6. Listen to the speaker and imitate the tongue twister.
Learn it by heart.
A Tudor who tooted a flute
Tried to tutor two tooters to toot.
Said the two to their tutor,
Is it harder to toot
or to tutor two tooters to toot?
[ Λ ]


BUT! [כ] BUT! [u:]
²Activity 1. Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sound [Λ].
· BUT:
[כ] donkey
[u:] move, prove,
[כ] broth, froth,
[u:] pull, full, bull
| | up-cub-cup-cud-cut-bug-bud-hut-mud-nut-puff
· come-overcome-some-son-none-done
· won-monk-money-monkey-monkery-monkhood
· above-dove-glove-love
· other-brother-another-mother-nothing
· dull-lull-hull-mull-sully-bulk-hulk-sulk-cult-pulse
· double-trouble-couple-enough
· cousin-country-young-courage-touch
B. bun bundle luck luckily number numberless
cup cupboard duck - duckweed plug plughole
funk function fun funny glum glumly
one wonder fuss fussy bump bumper
bulk bulkhead cut cutting edge crush crush barrier
lump lumpy gum chewing gum gun gunfight
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1348