Herbert George Ponting

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²Activity 5. Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker
Paying attention to the difference in spelling.
sick – sight mite – might bite – bright
fit – fight site – sight nine – night
brick – bright line – light five – fight
nick – night tie – tight ride – right
sit – sight hit – high fine - flight
tie – tied – tide – tight. We saw a high tide. He has a bright tie.
lie – lied – life – light. We saw a bright light. His life was bright.
| kind
| grind
| behind
| mild
| mind
| bind
| hind
| wild
| find
| blind
| rind
Sign – sine – benign – design.
He signed the design of this fine building.
· fine – fin – fir – fire – fight – find – fierce – field
· bite – bit – birth – bind – bright – blind – birch – blink
· mine – mint – mirth – mind – might – misfit – misfire – misinform
Activity 6. Read the sentences. Mind the reading rules.
The child is mild.
I admire his kind smile.
He is blind to the fault of his child.
I don’t mind the light inside.
I find him mild and kind.
She bought a bright skirt and a nice T-shirt.
I admire the design of this fine bright tie.
Childish behaviour is silly.
On the right-hand side you see a sign.
I can't find the right sight.
She sighed and signed the paper.
Activity 7. Read the words in bold type, explain the reading rules of the letter “I”. Read the rhymes observing the reading rules.
In dismay the cat sighed Little kittens, Little kittens
And decidedto find mice, Where are you mittens?
It was a thrilling sight We are silly kittens,
She tried thrice. We lost our mittens.
²Activity 8. Read the words in bold type, explain the reading rules of the letter “I”. Read the poems observing the reading rules.
I need so littleand so much,
I need the sun, it’s warning touch,
A pine, a birch tree and a song.
A little birdie in the mom,
I need the day, I need the night,
I need the sunset, thoughtful, bright.
I need the summer and the spring,
The fall, the winter, and the wind,
I need a little patch of land
That would be large enough to stand,
The azure sky over my head,
And I need some one who desires
To get my energy and fire.
I need a home, it’s light and force,
A good and loving friend, of course,
And I need energy to live,
To learn, to love and to believe.
Jane Kislovskaya
Just below my window
Stands a birch tree white
Under show in winter
Gleaming silver bright.
S. Esenin
Activity 9. Read the similes. Which one do you like most of all?
And why?
Activity 10. Read the words in bold type, explain the reading rules of the
letter “I”. Read the poem according to the reading rules.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
The rarer seen, the less in mind,
The less in mind, the lesser pain,
The lesser pain, less grief I find,
The lesser grief, the greater gain,
The greater gain, the merrier I;
Therefore I wish thy sight to fly.
The further off, the more I joy
The more I joy, the happier life,
The happier life, less hurts annoy,
The lesser hurts; pleasure most rife;
Such pleasures rife shall I obtain
When distance doth depart us twain.
Barnabe Googe
Activity 11. Complete the idea of the sentences. Use the Present Perfect.
0. I’m delighted… (I have climbed to the top of a mountain) …
1. I’ m thrilled ... 6. I’m kind…
2. I’m astonished… 7. I’m terrified ...
3. I’m surprised… 8. I’m bewildered…
4. I’m frightened… 9. I’m tired…
5. I’m silly… 10. I’m interested in …
Activity 12. Role play Liar!. Find someone who……lied!
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 797