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| I and III only - TrueI, II, and III - False
I and II only - False
III only - False
- Which of the following is (are) true regarding computer viruses?
- A computer virus is a set of program instructions that attaches itself to a file, reproduces itself, and spreads to other files.
- A computer virus contains self-executing program code to spread itself from one computer to another.
I only - True
I and II - False
II only - False
None - False
- Which of the following is (are) true regarding computer viruses?
- Then a computer executes a program that is infected with a computer virus, it also executes the attached virus instructions.
- In a computer infected with a virus, the virus instructions that are executed generally remain in RAM and are capable of infecting the next program that runs on that computer.
I and II - True
I only - False
II only - False
None - False
- Capabilities of computer viruses include which of the following?
- The ability to remain in a computer for long periods without showing any external symptoms and quietly replicating themselves during this period
- The ability to perform trigger events that are keyed to a specific date
- The ability to spread from one computer to another by itself
I and II only - True
I only - False
II and III only - False
I, II, and III - False
- Which of the following is (are) true regarding file viruses?
- A virus that attaches to an application program is known as a file virus.
- The Melissa virus is a well-known file virus.
I only - True
I and II - False
II only - False
None - False
- Which of the following is (are) true regarding boot sector viruses?
- Boot sector viruses are capable of infecting the system files used by a computer every time the computer is turned on.
- Boot sector viruses are capable of causing widespread damage and problems that reoccur.
I and II - True
I only - False
II only - False
None - False
- A miniature program that contains legitimate instructions to automate document and spreadsheet production is known as a (n)
Macro - True
Automator - False
Instruction set - False
Dynamic program - False
- Which of the following is (are) true regarding Trojan horses?
- A Trojan horse is a computer program that seems to be performing one function while actually doing something else.
- Trojan horses are designed to make copies of themselves.
I only - True
I and II - False
II only - False
None - False
- Which of the following is (are) true regarding worms in the context of computer attacks?
- Worms are designed to spread from computer to computer, taking advantage of communications networks.
- Worms can deliver malicious payloads that cause damage to data stored on a computer.
I and II - True
I only - False
II only - False
None - False
- Symptoms that indicate virus infection in a computer include which of the following?
- Unusual visual or sound effects emanating from the computer
- An unaccountable increase in the size of executable files
- The computer sending out e-mail messages on its own
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 844