TASK 5. Match the verbs with the expressions they go with.Part 1
1. to be struck
2. to clench
3. to get off
4. to lose
5. to drag
a) wanly
b) trim and spruce
c) courage
d) ones sleeves
e) face down
6. to smile
7. to keep ones house
8. to summon up
9. to roll down
10. to commit
11. to put the past
12. to fall
f) dumb
g) ones hands/fists
h) with a fright
i) all power of will
j) ones feet
k) behind smb
l) a crime
Part 2
13. to do ones soul
14. to soften
15. to suspect
16. to look
17. to bite
18. to leave smb
19. to blun
20. to gratify
21. to cause
22. to mince
23. to snatch smb
24. to go out
25. to incur
m) the sensibility
n) ones words
o) a tragedy
p) instincts
q) of ones way
r) resentment
s) a great good
t) sideways
u) from the jaws of death
v) smbs grief
w) vaguely
x) ones lip
y) the last word
Part 3
Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences using the expressions from Task 5
1. On hearing the terrible news Dirk seemed to have lost the power of speech.
2. Dirks home was always spotless thanks to his mother.
3. Before entering his house Dirk tried to pull himself together.
4. Stroeve hoped that his returning home would help him forget everything that had happened before.
5. In his conversation with Strickland the narrator didnt try to soften his words.
6. Strickland felt no gratitude to Stroeve in spite of the fact that the latter saved his life.
7. Strickland was never afraid of bringing on himself the feelings of bitterness and indignation from women.
8. At first the doctors thought that Blanche would recover soon without any serious complications.
9. The narrator couldnt understand why Strickland had taken trouble to start an affair with Blanche.
10. Strickland brought a great misfortune into the lives of the Stroeves.
TASK 6. Fill in the missing elements from the box into the of-phrases.
1. the _______ of the disaster
2. a hint of ________
3. vision of a ________ without sin
4. a sudden wrench of the _______ strings
5. an ________ of cruelty
6. the ___________ of ones mothers love
7. the final ________ of treachery
8. a speck of _______
9. the __________ of life
10. a look of ____________
11. a _______ of time
12. _______________ of human nature
13. mysterious __________ of the subconscious
14. a ____________ of remorse
15. a __________ of the ineffable
TASK 7. Fill in preposition from the box into the phrases given below.
1. appreciation ___ the romantic atmosphere
2. a stab ___ ones heart
3. to be seized ____ awe
4. to be absorbed ___ thought
5. to make a claim ____ smb/smth
6. to treat smb/smth ______ firmness
7. to put each thing ___ its appointed place
8. to get off ____ something
9. to rebel _________ smth
10. to get the better ___ someone
11. to get smth ____ ___ mind
12. to be ___ charge ___ the case
TASK 8. Which of the characters did the following?
1. In whose tone was therea frigid contempt?
2. Whose kitchen was a miracle of clean brightness?
3. Who had a flaxen pigtail?
4. Who had a knack for drawing?
5. Who was an outcast and why?
6. Who was laughing up his sleeve?
7. Who wanted to hide a shameful secret?
8. Who walked up and down the room like a caged beast?
9. Who didnt want to mince his words?
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1069