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The Technology Programme

This was another first-rate programme in an excellent series. Kate Farara of the JWT Advertising Agency and Roger Partington, Marketing Director at Rowntree, gave viewers a clear, informative account of the purposes of advertising.

Kate Farara pointed out that advertising can have different aims and work in different ways. Some advertising invites the consumer to make an immediate response, for example by filling in a coupon.

Another type, however, aims to 1.................. especially about high-priced goods. Here, you're obviously not expected to respond immediately. You won't, for example, rush to a showroom to buy that new Renault you've just seen advertised in a TV commercial.

A third type of advertising addresses your needs, wants or desires. Such advertising is either designed to 2........................... or 3.......................... . Because there is no 'new news' about established brands, the aim of the advertiser in this case is to 4........................ . This is vital with products such as cereal, chocolate and washing powder.

Roger Partington explained that his company spent a lot on advertising to ensure that Rowntree's brands 5....................... . In the case of Smarties, Rowntree was trying to create 6................. , as he called it — children would feel proud to be seen with a tube of Smarties in their hand.

Although advertising is important, Roger Partington reminded viewers that it was just one part of the 7........................, which also includes elements such as 8....................... .

He explained the importance of market research, which provided Rowntree with a 9................................ of consumer reactions to the products. Rowntree was, he said, above all a 10....................... company: the design of products and brands was largely determined by consumer opinions.

After talking about the advertising of new products, Kate Farara mentioned target audiences. Advertisers had to keep a careful watch on their 11........................... While it was true that the target audience for smarties had stayed the same since the 1950s, 12................. and advertisers had to take account of such changes.

One can only hope that other programmes in this series will be as good as this one. Verdict: Well worth watching!


I. Speak out:

a) Explain the two meanings in the following slogans and tell why the companies use the slogans with double meaning.

1. "We'll give you sound advice." (hi-fi store)

2. "We offer you a good deal." (bank)

3. "Make a snap decision." (camera shop)

4. "Sea for yourself." (Royal Navy recruitment advertisement)


b) Comment on how effective spending a lot of money for developing slogans to promote products can be for a company success on the market?


II. Role-play: Meeting

Work in groups of four as two pairs, one pair playing Pierrer and Silvana, the other pair playing the account executives from the advertising agency. Read your role-cards and prepare for the meeting. When you have held your meeting, meet back as one group and compare your ideas.

Pierre and Silvana

Prepare for the meeting by thinking about your objectives (stronger brand image, increased consumer awareness, quicker growth in the UK, expansion into Europe). Try to come up with ideas for new packing (people say it's dull), an attractive logo, and some catchy slogans for any advertising you decide to do — you will then be able to get the agency's reactions to them. Find out if agency has other suggestions for marketing your products too.


Account executives You know that Pierre and Silvana want Silvana Chocolates to grow faster and expand into Europe as soon as possible; they know they need a more clearly defined brand image and a proper campaign to increase consumer awareness. They will expect you to have ideas on new packaging (the present packaging is very dull). They will also need a logo, and some suggestions for slogans, since you feel advertising will be an important part of their marketing plan. Other proposals for marketing their chocolates, such as special promotions, would also be well received.



Write your answers to the following questions in the form of discussion. (About 350 words).

1. In your opinion, what should be the main objectives of a company?

2. What is a "cultural barrier"? Have you ever been in a situation in which a difference in culture created a problem? Explain.





Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1955

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