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Unit 1 Getting into University school


school primary school BrE / elementary school AmE secondary school BrE / junior high school and high school AmE atschool BrE / inschool AmE to start school to go toschool form BrE / grade AmE to take (private) lessons compare: to finish school/ to leave school, to finish college/to graduate fromcollege, to graduate fromuniversity – antonym: to be expelled from, to drop out of compare: to finish school, to leave school early compare: a school-leaver BrE, a graduate ofHarvard University to graduate withhonours a school-leaving certificate / a high-school diploma entering a university to apply touniversity an applicant an application form: to fill inBrE / to fill outAmE an application form to hand inan application admission requirements to take exams touniversity entrance examinations/ exams – antonym: finals to enter university/ to be admitted touniversity/ to get intouniversity to go touniversity
making a decision advice:a piece of advice, two pieces of advice on/ aboutsmth to ask smb’s advice to follow / to take smb’s advice – antonym: to refuse smb’s advice to advise smb to do smth – antonym: to advise smb againstdoing smth to do smth onsmb’s advice *to follow insomeone’s footsteps to decide/ to make a decision / *to make up one’s mind *to be intwo minds *to change one’s mind  

Unit 2 A: I am a Student Now

education compulsory education higher education free education – antonym: private education to get an education to educate / to give an education an educational institution correspondence department to take a correspondence course insmth to study bycorrespondence compare: to study / to learn to teach / to instruct / to train / to educate people:a pupil – a student ofhistory, a student atMSLU to be a first-year student/ to be inone’s first year/ to do the first year/ to do one’s first year dean, rector, vice rector a teacher, a (senior) lecturer, a professor a supply teacher BrE/ a substitute teacher AmE compare: School of English, faculty, chair, department
degree: a bachelor’s degree, a Master’s degree, a PhD p.399 to have / to get a degree in (history) from (Harvard) to have / to hold / to get / to be awarded a diploma in smth compare: undergraduate studies – postgraduate studies BrE/ graduate AmE to do research for one’s thesis to write one’s Master’s thesis on smth subjects: a main subject – a secondary subject BrE a major subject – a minor subject AmE to major in smth – antonym: to minor in smth to specialize in smth an optional subject – antonym: a compulsory subject
payment: to get a grant to go to college to win a scholarship to receive a scholarship for smth *to put smb through (college) p.397 *to work one’s way through college   classes: compare: a class, a lesson, a seminar, a lecture, a workshop, a tutorial in class, at the lesson to conduct / to hold / to teach a class to hold a seminar on (topic) in (subject) to give a lecture on (topic) in (subject) to conduct a workshop on (topic) in (subject) a course in /on smth BrE/ a class in smth AmE to take / to do a course to give / to conduct / to teach a course to join a course/ to sign up for a course/ to enroll on BrE / to enroll in AmE a course a test / a quiz AmE in mathematics a test on new material
academic year / school year term BrE / semester AmE holidays BrE / vacation AmE / break timetable BrE / schedule AmE compare: curriculum, syllabus to be onthe curriculum BrE / to be inthe curriculum AmE
equipment: to have access tosmth to have atone’s disposal to be fully equipped / well equipped – antonym: to be poorly equipped checking and assessment: Student to check smth to double-check smth *to go throughsmth to get/ to receive/ to gain a credit fora course Teacher to assess smb / smth continuous assessment mark BrE / grade AmE to mark smth BrE / to grade smth AmE to praise smb forsmth

Unit 2 B: Learning a Foreign Language

aspects of Englishp.354 speech practice grammar phonetics listening comprehension reading comprehension activities in a classroom pronunciation in your own words vocabulary:compare: dictionary, vocabulary to consult a dictionary / *to look upa word in a dictionary to build up/ to develop/ to enlarge/ to increase/ to enrich / to extend one’s vocabulary to make a (careful) study of smth compare: study, studies


        to do a lot of revision to translate:to do a translation to translate smth fromsmth intosmth to write:to write smth down / to get smth down / to copy smth down / to note smth down / to take smth down compare: to take notes, to make notes to copy:to copy smth from/ out ofsmth to copy fromsmb / to crib to photocopy smth
classroom English: p.361 to pronounce aftersmb to read smth aloud – antonym: to read smth to yourself / yourselves *to read smth through to do smth inwritten form / inwriting – to do smth orally *to hand smth in *to hand smth out a handout Raise your hand. coursebook / textbook compare: Open your books atpage 5. Text 3 is onpage 5.  

Unit 2 C: Classroom Englishp.361

Unit 2 D: Success and Problems with Studies

abilities to be good / clever / bright / brainy at(doing) smth to be bad / awful / hopeless at(doing) smth to be a capable student to be a quick / fast learner – antonym: to be a slow learner *to have an ear formusic (languages) – antonym: to have no ear forsmth to have a good memory forsmth – antonym: to have a bad / poor memory forsmth/ to have a memory like a sieve to have good communication skills discipline to attend smth – antonym: to be absent from (class) / to skip / to miss / to cut classes to make an excuse / to have an excuse a poor / lame excuse forsmth there is no excuse forsmth to miss classes withouta good excuse to play truant a truant
success in studies to have a good knowledge ofsmth – antonym: to have a poor knowledge ofsmth to have a good command of English to be fluent inEnglish – antonym: to lack fluency inspeech to achieve a good level of smth to master a language great / remarkable / tremendous achievement insmth to get a sense of achievement problems with studies: to be behind / *to fall behind / to lag behind smb in(Grammar), with(a project) *to catch up withsmb / onthe material to miss a deadline – antonym: to meet a deadline to postpone doing smth / to put smth off effort:it takes a lot of effort, to make an effort (to do smth) to have difficulty in(doing) smth to have problems with(doing) smth


to make progress inmaths / withstudies to do well instudies to improve insmth to get rid ofmistakes *to keep up withsmb *to brush upone’s knowledge (of a subject) to complain ofhardships attention:to attract / to catch / to get smb’s attention to draw attention tosmth – antonym: to distract attention fromsmth to stimulate smb to do smth *to get down towork / todoing smth to do one’s homework to concentrate onsmth to cope withsmth / to manage to do smth *to learn parrot fashion to learn fromyour mistakes


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