Speak on the functions of Post - Cold War Peacekeeping. Take into consideration the following points:
- Military function;
- Political function;
- Humanitarian function.
Give your offer to improve the Humanitarian function of the UN peacekeeping missions. What should we do to make them more effective?
The Head of the Chair AshinovaK.A
Monologue 10
Speak on the Afghan War.Take into consideration the following points:
- The roots of the conflict;
- The conflict in full progress;
- The consequences of the War.
Suggest your own resolution to the already finished war. Make a new scenario of the last stage of the conflict.
The Head of the Chair Ashinova K.A
Monologue 11
Speak on the Public Diplomacy. Take into consideration the following points:
- Goal of the Public Diplomacy;
- Standard Diplomacy;
- European integration as a sign of effective Public Diplomacy.
What other examples of Public Diplomacy do you know? What are their drawbacks and advantages?
The Head of the Chair Ashinova K.A
Monologue 12
Comment on: 'The Characteristics of modern peacekeeping operations'. Take into consideration the following points:
- Multidimensionalism;
- Multilateralism in peacekeeping.
Suggest your proposal to eliminate the existing gap between the deployment of unarmed UN police and military units. Today in situations of serious threats to peace or public order, the unarmed UN Police is ineffective while the heavily armed military units are not appropriately trained or equipped.
The Head of the Chair Ashinova K.A
Monologue 13
Speak on the evolution of international legal theory. Take into consideration the following points:
- Natural school (its representatives and principles);
- Eclectic school (its representatives and principles);
- Legal positivism (its representatives and principles)
Compare the principles of the given schools and talk about the importance of each school's contribution to the development of International Law.
The Head of the Chair Ashinova K.A
Monologue 14
Speak on ’Three power diplomacy over Germany'. Take into consideration the following points:
- Morgenthau Plan, its main objective and the reaction of super powers towards this programme.
- 'The economic corpse' in Europe economic conditions of states in post WW II period.
- Three powers' joint efforts towards denazification.
Make a short analysis on the current economic situation in Europe and in certain economic countries such as Greece, speak about the roots of this crisis and suggest the ways of coping with this downturn.
The Head of the Chair Ashinova K.A
Monologue 15
Speak on the difference between Public and Standard (Traditional) Diplomacy. Take into consideration the following points:
- Interpretation of Standard Diplomacy;
- The Notion of Public Diplomacy;
- Current debates on Public Diplomacy (PD as a dialogue, PD vs. Propaganda)
Give examples of successful initiatives which embody the principles of public diplomacy.
The Head of the Chair Ashinova K.A.
Monologue 16
Speak on the contemporary peacekeeping. Take into consideration the following points:
- Multilateral peacekeeping;
- Multidimensional peacekeeping;
- Multinational peacekeeping.
Which one do you think is the most effective? Why?