Choose the best definition.
1. reminiscent of a market place:
(a) tending to belong to, (b) tending to recall, (c) being exactly alike, (d) in contrast to.
2. as if they were hawking wares:
(a) peddling, (b) manufacturing, (c) comparing, (d) arguing over.
3. In the sea of mendicants : Those who
(a) have imaginary symptoms of illness, (b) need medical attention, (c) need emergency medical attention, (d) beg for favours of treatment.
4. every imaginable infirmity :
(a) disability, frailty, (b) moral weakness, (c) personality trait, (d) social class.
5. try to wheedle anything:
(a) ask for special favours for, (b) persuade by using flattery, (c) believe, accept as true, (d) steal, take without permission.
6. The innocent lies next to the sage : A person who is
(a) wealthy, (b) successful, (c) wise, (d) evil.
7. the penitent patient rubs shoulders with the outraged:
(a) lacking in confidence, (b) talkative, (c) skeptical, doubting, (d) feeling remorse for one’s misdeeds.
8. not always so convivial a place:
(a) sociable, jovial, (b) gloomy, grim, (c) surprising, astonishing, (d) interesting, fascinating.
9. vexatious rapidity:
(a) constant, (b) dizzying, (c) annoying, (d) fatiguing.
10. to improve with our ministrations : Acts of
(a) serving, (b) praying, (c) kindness, (d) faith.
11. this hermetic world:
(a) completely sealed against escape or entry of air, (b) insulated, impervious to outside influence, (c) having to do with the occult, magical, (d) resembling a place where one can hide from the world.
12. the antidote to my experiences: Anything that
(a) is used contrary to popular opinion, (b) answers, responds, (c) relieves or remedies, (d) serves as a complement.
13. Disheveled and bundled in several layers:
(a) shabby, dirty, (b) disarranged, untidy, (c) disorganized, messy, (d) poverty-stricken.
14. by threatening to aggravate her asthma:
(a) irritate, annoy, (b) use, exploit, (c) make worse, (d) arouse interest in.
15. feeling empty and duped :
(a) worthless, (b) foolish, (c) resentful, (d) deceived.
16. relentlessly forward-moving:
(a) steadily, persistently, (b) remarkably, astonishingly, (c) rapidly, swiftly, (d) smoothly, fluently.
17. an almost supplicating look:
(a) earnest, (b) beseeching, (c) penetrating, (d) provocative.
18. whose face is tan but wizened :
(a) wise, (b) deeply lined, (c) shriveled, (d) unblemished.
19. he asks me nonchalantly :
(a) skeptically, (b) quizzically, (c) affectionately, (d) casually.
20. to misconstrue the evidence:
(a) misinterpret, (b) disregard, (c) misplace, (d) mismanage.
III Follow-up activities
1.Do you agree that working on the Emergency Ward of a city hospital is an exhausting, often frustrating experience?
Additional tasks
Task 1. Below are the first lines of three jokes. Match them with the other lines which have been jumbled up.
a) A man goes to see his doctor and says, ‘Doctor! Doctor! I can’t stop shaking.’
b) A man says to his doctor, ‘Doctor! Doctor! Will I be able to play the violin after the operation?’
c) A man speaks frantically into the phone, ‘Doctor! Doctor! My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart!’
1. ‘No, you idiot!’ the man shouts. ‘This is her husband.’
2. And the man replies, ‘Not really, I spill most of it!’
3. ‘Great!’ the man says. ‘I never could before!’
4. ‘Is this her first child?’ the doctor asks.
5. The doctor asks him, ‘Do you drink a lot?’
6. ‘Yes, of course,’ replies the doctor.
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