| III. Follow-up activities
1. Describe your home town or a place you know well.
Additional tasks
Task 1. Read Juliette’s e-mail to her friends and correct her mistakes. There are at least twenty mistakes.
From: Juliette <juliette@kanga.com>
Subject: Australia
Attachments: Picture of Sydney Harbour
| Dear all,
As I didn’t write for so long, I thought it was time I dropped all you a line or two from not-so-sunny Australia! The weather has got quite bad here unfortunately in sydney over the last few days. I think summer is finally over! Never mind it, it’ll give me the chance to do all the things I’ve been putting off while I’ve been lying on the beach taking it easy!
Life here is great – I’ve just found a job which is working in a cafe little and friendly near the harbour. Actually, Lena, it’s the place recommended your friend. It only is a few hours each week, but the pay is good and there are working there some great people. the most of them are also travelling round the world like me. In fact, a few days ago I met someone thinking he met you all in Vietnam. Do you remember an English guy called Kim? He says it was somewhere in the mountains – he told me the name, but I can’t remember it.
Anyway, I’m here in Australia for almost a month now. As you know, Marcella decided to for a while stay in Thailand with Yuichi. They seem totally in love! He is really nice actually. I’m sure Marcella has told you all about it by now! Anyway, I was really glad to stop moving after all the buses, trains and planes I was taking to get here from Bangkok. Well, I say ‘moving’! Often the buses would stop in some remote town or village for what was feeling like ours! Nobody dared get off in case the bus suddenly left without them. At the time I wished I flew here, but looking bak, it was an experience I suppose! Consequently, I spent when I first arrived a few days relaxing and wandering round the city and then I went on a trip along the coast for a couple of weeks before going to the Blue Mountains for few days. The mountains, which aren’t that far from Sydney actually, absolutely are incredible – very beautiful and peaceful.
So, what about you lot? You must e-mail me back and let me know all the gossip back home. Miguel and Virginia, how’s the new house? And how are you two, Lena and Stefan? By the way, are you hearing the new ‘Superhead’ CD yet? If not, you should check out it – it’s brilliant! It was where you first met at their concert, wasn’t it?
Well, I’ll finish now as I’ve got to go and work at the cafe. I miss you all lots – if only you are all here with me. Now that I’ve stopped travelling around for a while, I’ll write more often – I promise! Hope you like the picture! Write back soon.
Lots of love
Juliette xxxxx
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1190