Confusable EnglishHere is a small quiz that presents more words that are not what they seem. Beware and be wary as you choose the correct definition for each entry. Avoid taking a simplistic (there’s another one!) approach.
1. antebellum
a) against women; b) against war; c) after the war; d) before the war.
2. apiary
a) school for mimics; b)place where apes are kept; c) place where bees are kept; d) cupboard for peas.
3. aquiline
a) resembling an eagle; b) relating to water; c) relating to synchronized swimming; d) resembling a porcupine.
4. cupidity
a) strong desire for wealth; b) strong desire for love; c) strong desire for amusement parks; d) obtuseness.
5. disinterested
a) lacking a bank account; b) unbiased; c) bored; d) lacking rest.
6. enormity
a) great wickedness; b) great size; c) normal state; d) cowardice.
7. forestress
a) ancient hair style; b) female forester; c) dread anticipation; d) emphasis on first part of word.
8. friable
a) easily crumbled; b) easily fried; c) unhealthy; d) relating to holy orders.
9. herpetology
the study of a) herbs; b) herpes; c) female pets; d) reptiles.
10. hippophobia
the fear of a) hippopotami; b) horses; c) getting fat; d) hippies.
11. infinitesimal
a) very small; b) very large; c) relating to intestines; d) hesitant.
12. inflammable
a) calm; b) incredulous; c) not easily set on fire; d) easily set on fire.
13. ingenuous
a) insincere; b) innocent; c) clever; d) mentally dull.
14. meretricious
a) falsely attractive; b) worthy; c) good tasting; d) diseased.
15. presently
a) generous with gifts; b) now; c) soon; d) presidentially.
16. prosody
the study of a) drama; b) music; c) prose; d) versification.
17. restive
a) serene; b) festive; c) fidgety; d) pensive.
18. risible
a) disposed to laugh; b) easily lifted; c) fertile; d) relating to dawn.
19. toothsome
a) displaying prominent teeth; b) missing teeth; c) palatable; d) serrated.
20. votary
a) democratic country; b) enthusiast; c) electoral college; d) revolving tool.
Task 2. Read the text. How can it happen that a single word develops two polar meanings?
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 963