| What is a well-balanced diet? Do you always keep to it?
A balanced diet is the key to wellness and reduction in risk of diseases such as heart disease, cancers and osteoporosis. In addition, a balanced diet will help you to maintain a healthy weight and keep you feeling and looking your best.
A well balanced diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues, and organs, and for supporting normal growth and development. The effects of not having a balanced diet can be harmful to the body. If my body does not get one or more of the nutrients from the basic food groups it will not grow and be prone to various health problems. A well balanced diet is not something that puts a strict restriction on eating habits. Rather, it allows you to follow a healthy diet required for fitness and energy. The bad effects of crash dieting ultimately destroy the strength of your body making you weak. A well-balanced diet consists of appropriate proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals. Such a diet consists of foods that make up for all the essential nutrients required by your body. A well-balanced diet includes only healthy fats. Extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil contain fats that are good for you. It is best not to use olive oil for cooking, (lower smoke point can be toxic) but to use it as a dressing instead. A balanced diet should really stress the vegetables and fruits, which can protect you from many illnesses, such as certain kinds of cancers, eye problems like cataracts and macular degeneration, and digestive tract problems. Steamed or raw vegetables give you the most nutrition, compared to boiled or stir-fry, and are higher in fiber. You can get your protein from lean meats like chicken, turkey and fish as well as eggs. If you have to eat red meat, try to limit it as much as possible, and make sure it's lean red meat. Red meat tends to be higher in saturated fat, which raises bad cholesterol levels and increases the risk of heart disease. No-fat or low-fat dairy products can give you calcium and vitamin D, but using a supplement, as you grow older isn't a bad idea. If you're not a milk drinker, or even if you are, low-fat yogurt is a good choice, it's got calcium and more protein than milk. Water is also needed for a well-balanced diet. Drink plenty of water every day to keep your body hydrated and to help flush your body of toxins. I think my food is healthy. For example I usually use sunflower or olive oil for cooking. But if I have a choice of how to cook meat, so I grill it without adding oil, and I add there tomatoes, leek and pepper. That is why my nutrition does not have a lot of cholesterol which is bad for our health. I would like to say that we can avoid the overproduction of cholesterol by cutting down our consumption of animals fats: things like red meat, cheese, eggs, and so on. And by increasing our consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, and also by eating more potatoes, rice, pasta and bread.
For a well balanced diet menu, I combine these foods effectively at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Iprepare simple recipes and avoid fried foods garnished with sauce, marmalade, mayonnaise, etc. I eat in moderation and I stay active and fresh.
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1762