The bases of social productionResources that are involved in manufacturing, called factors of production. In economic theory, are 4 factors of production: labor, land, capital, entrepreneurial ability.
1 Work is the process of spending a man his physical, intellectual and spiritual energy, aimed at achieving results. Work is characterized by intensity and performance. Intensity is the intensity of work, which is determined by the degree of labor expenditure per unit time. Performance is the impact of labor, measured by the number of products produced per unit time.
2 The term "land" includes all useful, is given by nature: earth, water and forest resources, mineral resources.
3 Capital - it is created by people the means of production and the accumulation of cash used in the production of goods and services.
4 Entrepreneurship- initiative, economic activity associated with the money income.
Production is carried out through the interaction of the three elements forming the means of production:
Human labor - purposeful activity of people to create material and spiritual goods and services.
The subject of labor - something that human labor is directed to create a product.
Instruments of labor - tools to help people affected by the object of labor.
An important indicator of the functioning of the social product is its efficiency, which is determined by the ratio of the results of production to its costs.
8. Structure of social production
Source of satisfaction of needs is good. Benefit is any utility that satisfies certain human need. Depending on the criteria, the benefits are divided into:
• tangible and intangible;
• economic and non-economic;
• public and non-public;
• present and future;
• direct and indirect;
• Long-term and short-term and others.
Material benefits - are gifts of nature (climate, soil, air), food production (buildings, machinery); Non-material benefits - is good, affecting development of human capabilities: health, arts, theater, museum, they are divided into internal data to man by nature (musical ear) and vneshnie- is what gives the outside world (business ties, protectionism).
Non-economic benefits are provided by nature without human effort (air), Economic benefits are the result of economic activity, they are limited (coal, oil). For public goods include national defense, forecasts, street lighting and more.
Date: 2014-12-21; view: 1098