Children of the world, we'll do it We'll meet on endless shores Making sandcastles and floating our boats While people fight and defend their point of view Forever putting on masks that are new We'll swing the tide of time and do it.
Children of the world, we'll do it With song and dance and innocent bliss And the soft caress of a loving kiss We'll do it.
While traders trade and haggle their price And politicians try so hard to be nice We'll meet on endless shores and floating our boats We'll do it.
While lawyers argue and doctors treat Stockbrokers quote the price on meat While preachers preach and ring the bell Carpetbaggers with something to sell We'll sing and dance in innocent bliss With the soft caress of a loving kiss We'll do it Meeting on endless shores Making sandcastles and floating our boats We'll do it.
We'll ride a rainbow, a cloud, a storm Flying in the wind, we'll change our form We'll touch the stars, embrace the moon We'll break the barrier and be there soon
While architects plan their buildings high And trade unions raise their hue and cry While boardroom squabbles generate heat And in secret places dealers meet We'll sing and dance in innocent bliss With the soft caress of a loving kiss We'll do it.
While philosophers grapple and continue to tackle Endless dilemmas of body and mind Physicists wander, continue to ponder Perennial questions of space and time Archaeologists survey, continue to dig Bygone treasures small and big Psychologists probe, analyze the tears Of hysterical notions, phobias, fears
While priests take confession In a serious session And people struggle In the hustle and bustle In the noise and din On the meaning of sin We'll touch the stars, embrace the moon Break the barrier, arrive there soon Ride the rainbow, the cloud, the storm Flying in the wind, changing our form
Children of the world, we'll do it With song and dance and innocent bliss The soft caress of a loving kiss We'll do it.
My idea of magic doesn't have much to do with stage tricks and illusions. The whole world abounds in magic. When a whale plunges out of the sea like a newborn mountain, you gasp in unexpected delight. What magic! But a toddler who sees his first tadpole flashing in a mud puddle feels the same thrill. Wonder fills his heart, because he has glimpsed for an instant the playfulness of life.
When I see the clouds whisked away from a snow-capped peak, I feel like shouting, "Bravo!" Nature, the best of all magicians, has delivered another thrill. She has exposed the real illusion, our inability to be amazed by her wonders. Every time the sun rises, Nature is repeating one command: "Behold!" Her magic is infinitely lavish, and in return all we have to do is appreciate it.
What delight Nature must feel when she makes stars out of swirling gas and empty space. She flings them like spangles from a velvet cape, a billion reasons for us to awaken in pure joy. When we open our hearts and appreciate all she has given us, Nature finds her reward. The sound of applause rolls across the universe, and she bows.
I You We
I said you had to do it. You said you didn't want to. We talked about it, and we agreed that maybe I could help. I said you were wrong. You insisted you were right. We held each other's hand, and right and wrong disappeared. I began crying. You began crying, too. We embraced, and between us grew a flower of peace. How I love this mystery called We! Where does it come from, out of thin air? I thought about this mystery, and I realized something : We must be love's favorite child, because until I reach out for you, We is not even there. It arrives on the wings of tenderness : it speaks through our silent understanding. When I laugh at myself, it smiles. When I forgive you, it dances in jubilation. So We is not a choice anymore, not if you and I want to grow with one another. We unites us, increases our strength; it picks up our burden when you and I are ready to let it fall. The truth is that you and I would have given up long ago, but We won't let us. It is too wise. "Look into your hearts," it says. "What do you see? Not you and I, but only We."
It's easy to mistake being innocent for being simpleminded or naive. We all want to seem sophisticated; we all want to seem street-smart. To be innocent is to be "out of it."
Yet there is a deep truth in innocence. A baby looks in his mother's eyes, and all he sees is love. As innocence fades away, more complicated things take its place. We think we need to outwit others and scheme to get what we want. We begin to spend a lot of energy protecting ourselves. Then life turns into a struggle. People have no choice but to be street-smart. How else can they survive?
When you get right down to it, survival means seeing things the way they really are and responding. It means being open. And that's what innocence is. It's simple and trusting like a child, not judgmental and committed to one narrow point of view. If you are locked into a pattern of thinking and responding, your creativity gets blocked. You miss the freshness and magic of the moment. Learn to be innocent again, and that freshness never fades.