| Lifestyle differences between Russia and Somalia
Learning from Tison
Each person in the world is different and unique and the same situation with countries. You will not find two absolutely similar countries. Maybe they have the same official language, but different culture or different religion. In this essay I want to compare and contrast lifestyle of two countries – Russian Federation, which is my native, and Somalia, based on three important factors, such as life quality, the average life expectancy and living conditions.
The first thing that I want to talk is life quality. So what is it? According to the dictionary, the term life quality references the general well being of individuals and societies. This term is used in a wide range of contexts, including the fields of international development, healthcare, and politics. For example, as reported by Nation Rankin website, Russia has 0.568 out of 1.000 and ranks 83-rd on their list. Somalia, in turn, takes the 137-th and the last place with 0.135 out of 1.000. Of course, 1.000 or 100% is the ideal level of life quality that does not exist. But what this numbers shows? This numbers describing six elements, which objectively influence the quality of life: education, health, democracy, wealth, peace and environment. So, it means that quality of life in Russia is much more better than in Somalia, but not an ideally.
The second criterion by which I compare these two countries is the average life expectancy. Life expectancy is the term that denotes the average number of years of human life who has attained that age. According to the statistics, the overall life expectancy in Somalia is about fifty years (50,24)! I think that this is a very low figure and I cannot imagine, what should be the conditions of life to live out in the middle only to fifty years. In comparison, the average life expectancy in Russian Federation not too high, like in the US, but higher than in Somali and it is overall 67,68 years.
Last, but not the least is living conditions, which I think is very important, when you comparing two countries. So what are the conditions in Somalia? And how they are similar or completely different with my native country? To answer these questions, I turned to my brother's best friend - Oleg. He works as a journalist in the newspaper in the category of international issues and he was in Somalia two years ago. That's what he told me a little shocked. More than one million Somalis do not have access to clean water, they do not have food and roof over their heads. The level of violence is very high and all this instability has created extreme poverty and civil unrest. Also their community suffers from high rates of infant mortality and illiteracy. Almost all of this Russia does not have. Water problem does not exist, as with food. Also there is low level of illiteracy and low babies mortality rates.
Here we can see that there is nothing common between Russia and Somalia. This country has different not only language and religion but also living conditions, average life expectancy and quality of life. And I can conclude that lifestyle in Russia is much better than Somali.
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 803