The conditions for phase separation in systems of OP-10-H2O and OP-10-H2O-NaCl are examined. Evaluated the ability of the micellar phase extraction with respect to water-soluble food and technical dyes. The role of the salting-out agent in different systems has been identified.
Vladislav Shunaev
Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Bilayer Grapheme Nanoribbons: Theoretical Investigation
Mechanical and electronic properties of strained bilayer grapheme nanoribbons were studied by tight-binding method and parallel algorithms. For considered nanoribbons the electronic spectrum and local stress field were calculated.
Nina Vorobieva
Development of Technology for Obtaining Protein Isolates from Non-Traditional Vegetable Raw Materials
Physicochemical properties of chickpea of grades “Krasnokutskiy 28” and “Priva-1”, fractional composition of chickpea proteins, chemical composition of chickpea beans shelled from coats and coats of chickpea were investigated in the work. For the extraction of protein isolates from chickpea we used the classical technology, which is based on the isolated extraction of proteins by separating the ballast associated components. Physicochemical and functional properties of protein isolates from chickpea were determined.
Viktor Zatonskiy
Dynamics of Volgograd Storage Pound Flood Plane Geosystems Development with Zeleniy Island as an Example
The article deals with the problem of landscape-ecological researches of Zeleniy Island which is located on the opposite side of Zaton settlement, Saratov. The author accentuates the human influence as the most appreciable.
The Humanities
Maria Abdulina
William Wordsworth and his Vision of the Liberty
W. Wordsworth was not only the English Romantic poet but also the thinker and the philosopher, he was a part of the English intellectual elite. Wordsworth visited France in the 1790s, saw the horrors of the Revolution and this event dramatically changed his views and the world-outlook.
Elmira Abubikerova
The Organization of Educational Process at Saratov Institutions of Higher Education in 1920th Years
This article highlights the issue of reforming the system of higher education in Saratov during the formation of the Soviet power. The main steps, ideological influence and the reaction of the professorate to the changes are analyzed.
Anna Alkhova
N.M.Karamsin in a Theatrical Sphere
Êaramsin is a famous writer, but an unexplored theatrical critic. This work has been written to show a high value of N. Karamsin as an expert and admirer of theatre. N. Karamsin was the first who started to talk about theatre on the pages of his public magazine called Moscow Magazine. Nikolai Karamsin reserved for us rich theatrical heritage. It wasn’t ordinary criticism on play. He didn’t show only his own point of view, but gave the readers the possibility to form their own point of view. Besides, Karamsin indicated defects in the plays and gave advice how to correct them.
My purpose was to investigate and analyze all Karamsin’s reviews. Thanks to this analysis I have identified the main signs of play construction, requirements to actors and writers. Karamsin described the culture of foreign countries in detail, gave the idea of importance of the theatre, performances, new actors and actresses in the XVIII century. I have shown the biggest Karamsin’s influence on people of the XVIII century. He directed their mind on the progressive way and compelled readers to think. Karamsin formed the images of foreign and Russian theaters of the XVIII century and due to that we can see the origin of the theater and conception of the actor’s art.
This work indicates Karamsin’s great contribution to the development of theatre. Karamsin’s reviews awoke interest not only in the people of the XVIII century, but in our contemporaries, too. It proves his true talent.
Sofia Baranovskaya
The Failure of the American Policy of Pressure in North Korea
The present article highlights the events of the last two decades when a common US diplomatic practice of pressure and imposing their own political and economical conditions on a country missed by a mile while trying to settle the North Korean nuclear problem.